8 or 16 probably. People say it dilutes the regular season. But personally, I don't think a team deserves to be left out because they have a bad day or 2. And everyone loves playoffs
I can't atand all the fans who ask themselves "what if?" Only to decide, nope it's impossible, we're just little 'ol Iowa. People like you are why they made that video bashing us
I think with their starting qb in that Baylor was bearing state like 35-7 and without it was 20-10 ISU. Obviously Baylors qb is a large part of their offense
The Play wouldn't be nearly as cherished if the band didn't come onto the field. I think that's why it's considered the greatest (even tho it was played by teams who had like 5 & 6 wins). It encompasses the pageantry of college football that way. Honestly otherwise it's just another crazy...
I don't get the one game at a time mentality for fans, to be honest. I get where the sentiment is coming from that the players/coaches shouldn't overlook opponents, but let fans and reporters conjecture all they want.
Fran only kept players off Twitter after the McCabe fiasco. Now they still tweet during the season, as well. I know you can post horror stories of Twitter but I can tell you as a 22 year old kid myself I have posted some very dumb stuff to Twitter I regretted. They're college students. Can't...
I see what you're saying
... But this just isn't how journalism works. You don't have to coach or play in college sports to have an opinion.
i don't think anyone tries to pass themselves off as "experts" when they commen on a coach, they are just expressing the product thy see doesn't pass...