Teams ahead of Iowa


Well-Known Member
Do you think we could beat any of them? We are going to have our hands full with Indiana. We aren't blue bloods. In '09 after winning at Penn St. and Wisconsin and Sparty, we still got no credit. We would have to be flashy and blow up scoreboards and stat sheets to get any positive look. These things aren't Iowa. And CJ not being able to take off and run is not going to get better. #9 is about right. Just win.
Rocky was not "flashy". Flashy is what got Apollo killed. Ivan Drago was the real deal but so was Rocky. Iowa is Rocky. Just focus on the guy in front of you. Bring on Indiana!!
Rocky was not "flashy". Flashy is what got Apollo killed. Ivan Drago was the real deal but so was Rocky. Iowa is Rocky. Just focus on the guy in front of you. Bring on Indiana!!

...but Apollo beat Rocky. And in FB, "there ain't gonna be no rematch".
I can't atand all the fans who ask themselves "what if?" Only to decide, nope it's impossible, we're just little 'ol Iowa. People like you are why they made that video bashing us
The first step to achievement is to believe that you can accomplish something. The second step is forming a plan to reach your goal. The third step is executing that plan. The fourth step is adjusting the plan when it fails to move you towards your goal. The fifth step is convincing yourself you have achieved your goal. The sixth step is convincing others you have reached your goal.

Without step one, you'll never achieve anything in life. Without step six, you will be continually deluded in thinking you are successful. Achievement is the recognition of the merit of your accomplishments by others. Last night everyone else outside of the Big Ten just called Coach Ferentz and the Iowa Hawkeyes deluded.

As a fan, I find that offensive. The players and coaches should be ****** as hell. Having something to prove is a powerful motivator. I don't think I would want to be on Iowa's schedule right now.
Rocky was not "flashy". Flashy is what got Apollo killed. Ivan Drago was the real deal but so was Rocky. Iowa is Rocky. Just focus on the guy in front of you. Bring on Indiana!!

None of the characters in that movie were real.
I can't atand all the fans who ask themselves "what if?" Only to decide, nope it's impossible, we're just little 'ol Iowa. People like you are why they made that video bashing us

Explain to me how we aren't little 'ol Iowa in the eyes of the national media. You know as well as I that they set the narrative and who gets to be in the highest consideration for the CFB. Iowa could win by 3 TD's in all remaining games and win the B1G Title and we'd still have a parade of pundits making a case as to why a 2 loss SEC team should be in. It is what it is. I want Iowa to win and win big. And what I as a fan thinks has no bearing on how the selections are made. All of our bellyaching won't amount to a hill of beans. But this is our hill, and these are our beans.
Do you think we could beat any of them? We are going to have our hands full with Indiana. We aren't blue bloods. In '09 after winning at Penn St. and Wisconsin and Sparty, we still got no credit. We would have to be flashy and blow up scoreboards and stat sheets to get any positive look. These things aren't Iowa. And CJ not being able to take off and run is not going to get better. #9 is about right. Just win.
There are no dominate teams in college football this year in my opinion. Lots of parity for a variety of reasons. Any team in the top 25 could beat anyone else in the top 25.
I find it interesting everybody loves the underdog/cinderella/etc in the NCAA basketball tourney, but when it comes to a football playoff god forbid you're not one of the "approved" power programs.
Yes Iowa can beat them, this Saturday is not a big worry either.

Hopefully the team doesn't have the same attitude that Saturday is not a big worry.

Ive watched Iowa play Indiana and have been to memorial stadium a few times. Let me just say the Hawks best come prepared for an air raid.
Do you think we could beat any of them? We are going to have our hands full with Indiana. We aren't blue bloods. In '09 after winning at Penn St. and Wisconsin and Sparty, we still got no credit. We would have to be flashy and blow up scoreboards and stat sheets to get any positive look. These things aren't Iowa. And CJ not being able to take off and run is not going to get better. #9 is about right. Just win.

On a neutral field, I think we could beat any of the 8 teams ahead of us. And let's talk about "flashy" here for a second.....

What is "flashy" anyway? Is flashy the way TCU put up all of 23 points on Minnesota....the only team with a defensive pulse they've played to date?

Is "flashy" the way that Stanford scored 2 whole field goals against NW....a team, by the way, that we had to call the dogs off after 3 qtrs or else we would have put up a 50 spot?

Is "flashy" the way that TCU and Baylor put up 45 points on ISU.....a whopping 2 more td's than we put up while also giving up more points to them than we did?

Is "flashy" the way Alabama put up a whole 19 points on Tennessee?

It's funny that these "blue blood" teams have a hard time being "flashy" when they run up against a team that still practices defense. So yes, I think on a neutral field, we could beat any of the 8 teams ahead of us.
I can afford not to worry because it is not my job to prepare. Part of the reason why is because the coaches do a great job of preparing the team. That is why I need not worry too much.
Flashy may not be the right word but it touches close enough to one of our shortcomings in the eyes of the committee.........

"Their offense is something we look at closely," Long said of the Hawkeyes. "I think there's a question in the room of how strong their offense is. I think their defense has been consistent, but it's difficult to judge based on the quality of teams they've played at this point in some respects."
With CJ at 100% I believe Iowa could compete with and potentially win against any of the teams ranked ahead of them. I'm not near as confident about that with him hobbling around the field though. He just doesn't provide the same kind of playmaking ability. I'm hoping his health improves to the point where he's that same guy he was at the beginning of the season before the Hawks wind up in the B10 Championship game.

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