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  1. H

    ? for Jon

    Not Jon, but I'm not sure this is a winnable fight. What "weapons" or threats do you have that would cause the BTN (I don't think Barta has any influence) to change their thinking and be willing to lose money by televising, for example, an Iowa-Louisiana Tech Tuesday night game during...
  2. H

    Game Tuesday night not on BTN??

    Then don't pay the additional charge for streaming, and you won't see it. It's simple. No one has a gun to your head. It MAY be true? This may be the crux of your whole problem, the sense of "entitlement" as a customer. No one told you that every single Iowa game would be shown on the BTN or...
  3. H

    Game Tuesday night not on BTN??

    Agree 100 percent. A lot of fans on here apparently think it is OK for someone else to spend money and lose money, as long as it isn't them. Have the BTN lose money by showing a crappy Iowa team play a crappy opponent in a game that even fans in Iowa City won't go out to see? Fine. Have them...
  4. H

    Game Tuesday night not on BTN??

    Since you seem to have the mission statement handy, point out where it says you will have every single game televised. Or where the guarantee was made that by you paying the satellite/cable companies more money in your monthly bill, you would see all "these damn games". Thanks in advance. If...
  5. H

    Game Tuesday night not on BTN??

    So again we're at the point where the Big Ten Network is the bad guy if they don't want to lose money by using an overflow channel to show a bottom-rung Big Ten team play a crap opponent in front of 5,000 people. But it's perfectly acceptable for fans to b**** and moan because they don't want...
  6. H

    Urban Meyer

    There were reports that he spent time in the hospital the week of the Georgia game. Don't know if it's accurate and/or related, but if he has to spend time in the hospital on an annual basis, getting out of his job is not a bad place to start. And for the new coach, it has to be Dan Mullen...
  7. H

    How I do What I do

    First, the coaches are legally allowed to drug test any player at any time. Just like a regular employer. The NCAA doesn't have to have anything to do with it. That's what LSU did with Ryan Perrilloux when they dismissed him a couple years back. They had suspicions, tested him and dismissed him...
  8. H

    How I do What I do

    My biggest question is ... 1) What did Ferentz know and when did he know it? If he was suspicions about DJK, he could have given him a drug test, no? If he knew, either for sure or had strong suspicions that DJK was using and possibly dealing, and still kept him on the team and played him...
  9. H

    Iowa vs. Idaho St. Coverage

    That South Dakota State game was on the BTN. I wonder how effective that was at advertising games? Do you really think the fan base is alienated by Iowa-Idaho State being only available streamed online? Drama queen much?
  10. H

    Iowa vs. Idaho St. Coverage

    Also, don't you have to figure Iowa shares some of the "blame" here? If you're a BTN programming decision-maker, and you're looking at it impartially, seeing where Iowa's program is and the fact that we're playing a crap opponent in a game that won't be anywhere near a sellout, how could you...
  11. H

    I'll Pass, Thanks.

    I'm the board's consummate pessimist?
  12. H

    I'll Pass, Thanks.

    It's not true. Technically, being in "also receiving votes" is not being ranked. Only the top 25 teams are "nationally ranked".
  13. H

    "Rick Stanzi is better than Brad Banks" - Jon Miller

    I think Jon wins that bet easily. I saw some NFL draft guy on last week or 2 weeks ago said Stanzi is a late second round or early third round pick. And I doubt the last 2 weeks change that dramatically.
  14. H

    Which was worse: today or the Western Michigan loss?

    It's a close call, but I vote today, because of how bad Minnesota was all season, it being a rivalry game and in conference, and how for the fifth time we lose a game in basically the same way, letting an opponent drive it down our throats during crunch time, while we sit back, unwilling or...
  15. H

    This meltdown is going to be fun to watch

    I'm sure he's got his lectures at the ready about how fans have unrealistic expectations and given how bad we were in the 1960s and 1970s, that we should be happy to get what we get. Pretty funny given he predicted a 12-0 season for this team.
  16. H

    The Li'l Ole Iowa complex needs to STOP NOW!

    Completely on board with this, Halas (and others). And not to bring up a well-worn argument, but the "We're just little old Iowa" argument also is a tired way to excuse not holding the coaching staff accountable for disappointing seasons. And yes, though I know some (cough, cough) would...
  17. H

    Black Friday Stories

    I must be missing something. You bought something you didn't want for $25, and sold it to someone who did want it for $10? So you're out $15 for absolutely no reason, and hit Wal-Mart at 10:45 on Thanksgiving night to do so? I'm another big fan of Cyber Monday, and Christmas shopping online...
  18. H

    Luke Recker

    I've always wondered about the dynamic with former players and whether they consider themselves "Iowa guys" or "Alford guys". I'm sure it's a little bit of both, but it's good to hear that Fran is reaching out and making former players feel welcome, and the former players are responding. It's...
  19. H

    Brian Kelly is absolute scum

    So Kelly is bound by "university procedure" to play the kid? If there was any question about the kid's innocence (and it sure sounds like there is), keep him on the team and don't play him. Let him use a redshirt, if available. He's got bigger things to worry about than playing football, as he's...