How I do What I do


Feeling the need to write something, because its what I do...and feeling the need to write this.

I feel a bit disillusioned today. I have started to write several times, and just stopped, not being able to get beyond even a headline.

In looking back at what I wrote last night, I am even wincing at that. I am not going to take it down or try to pretend like I didn't write it, but my 'Kirk Knows Best?' effort was certainly not one of my best.

I have chosen not read any other website opinions related to my writing on this, even though I can see where my posts and stories get linked to, so I don't know what others are saying.

But if people are taking off on me for writing that, I certainly have no issues with those opinions, because it was real raw and not well thought out. Probably even a bit naive, if truth be told.

I think my approach has served me well more often than not, and its just what I do. Like it or leave it, it's how I am wired. I am a fan and write from an emotional place quite a bit, although a different emotional place from some.

Sometimes that comes out well. Other times, it falls a bit short, and I think last night's writing is an example of the latter. I don't expect I will change too much, either way. Dance with the one that brung ya, I guess.

This situation has just shocked the heck out of me, and I probably should have not written anything other than a chronology of what was taking place, and saving opinions for another time. However, I find it hard to do that.

At any rate, I just felt like I had to write something...even if it was something that criticized myself. I give opinions for a living, and speak and write for a I just had to get something out of my system.

More than anything, this is just a manifestation of how much this has floored me, and I know a lot of you feel the same way.
Now, question that come to mind..

-When did DJK get to know his roommate?
-When did they begin to be roommates?
-When did DJK start using drugs?
-DJK's roommate had a prior drug related arrest, in 2009; does Iowa monitor who their players room with and do any background checks?

Those are just for starters.
Too many questions and I have a feeling this is going to get drug out for a while. I think a lot of people are going to be on pins and needles the next few weeks over details released on all of this. My biggest fear is that others on the team were in on it.
Now, question that come to mind..

-When did DJK get to know his roommate?
-When did they begin to be roommates?
-When did DJK start using drugs?
-DJK's roommate had a prior drug related arrest, in 2009; does Iowa monitor who their players room with and do any background checks?

Those are just for starters.

The startling thing is unless no one knows DJK that well on the team, there are probably other players well aware of his bahvior. Hopefully he turns his life around.
I would be floored if other players were not aware of at least some drug taking, pot, etc.

But teams are very 'clicky', and former players from multiple eras have told me this. Certain groups of players gravitate to other groups, based on several factors...just like life, just like offices, just like school. It's not 85 guys in 85 cabs or anything like that, but all 85 are not hanging out together a lot. Some guys on teams dont hang around other guys on the team at all for various reasons.

DJK was living with someone not on the football team. I am not sure how often than happens, to be honest. Perhaps it happens often and I just dont know, but I am guessing more often than not if you are not rooming with teammates, you are rooming with people from your home area.
My biggest question is ...

1) What did Ferentz know and when did he know it?

If he was suspicions about DJK, he could have given him a drug test, no? If he knew, either for sure or had strong suspicions that DJK was using and possibly dealing, and still kept him on the team and played him, that's something that should put his job on the line.

That's real-life stuff that a coach has to deal with, not look the other way and pretend it's not happening.
Hey Jon... it'll be OK.

I feel really bad about this recent DJK fiasco.

At the same time I posted this earlier:

Why does everyone suggest that DJK has destroyed his future.

He has not... the future is unwritten.

What I would like to know is this...

How much pain was DJK in, and needed to risk breaking laws by taking pain-killing pills, smoke some pot and do coke.

Why did DJK fess up so quickly without demanding his rights to have an attorney present.

Very, very curious.

BTW I am middle aged and grew up in the late 60's and 70's and know a Judge, a Councilman, several Doctors and a bunch of lawyers (who would have guessed) and multiple multi-millionaires that have done quite well despite using pot, coke, and psychedelics and and several of these individuals were even busted at some point.
Too many questions and I have a feeling this is going to get drug out for a while. I think a lot of people are going to be on pins and needles the next few weeks over details released on all of this. My biggest fear is that others on the team were in on it.

Quoted from a buddy of mine...

"I think it's clear that the entire team is using cocaine and they weren't bringing enough to get them through the 4th quarter."
My biggest question is ...

1) What did Ferentz know and when did he know it?

If he was suspicions about DJK, he could have given him a drug test, no? If he knew, either for sure or had strong suspicions that DJK was using and possibly dealing, and still kept him on the team and played him, that's something that should put his job on the line.

That's real-life stuff that a coach has to deal with, not look the other way and pretend it's not happening.

First, I believe any drug-testing is by/on behalf of the NCAA. Second, NO coach can know 100% of what 85 players do off the field. Third, it would be pretty damn intrusive for ANY coach to monitor one player, or a select few, based on "suspicion" Fourth, why are you turning KF into the "villain" and DJK into the "victim"?

Oh, and sixth, that was a pretty sanctimonious post to suggest that KFs job should be on the line when he suspends players at the drop of a hat. Maybe DJK should have gone to Auburn or USC so he wouldn't miss any playing time...
Feeling the need to write something, because its what I do...and feeling the need to write this.

I feel a bit disillusioned today. I have started to write several times, and just stopped, not being able to get beyond even a headline.

In looking back at what I wrote last night, I am even wincing at that. I am not going to take it down or try to pretend like I didn't write it, but my 'Kirk Knows Best?' effort was certainly not one of my best.

I have chosen not read any other website opinions related to my writing on this, even though I can see where my posts and stories get linked to, so I don't know what others are saying.

But if people are taking off on me for writing that, I certainly have no issues with those opinions, because it was real raw and not well thought out. Probably even a bit naive, if truth be told.

I think my approach has served me well more often than not, and its just what I do. Like it or leave it, it's how I am wired. I am a fan and write from an emotional place quite a bit, although a different emotional place from some.

Sometimes that comes out well. Other times, it falls a bit short, and I think last night's writing is an example of the latter. I don't expect I will change too much, either way. Dance with the one that brung ya, I guess.

This situation has just shocked the heck out of me, and I probably should have not written anything other than a chronology of what was taking place, and saving opinions for another time. However, I find it hard to do that.

At any rate, I just felt like I had to write something...even if it was something that criticized myself. I give opinions for a living, and speak and write for a I just had to get something out of my system.

More than anything, this is just a manifestation of how much this has floored me, and I know a lot of you feel the same way.

As much as intensity as I have for the Iowa Hawkeyes (and anyone who has been with me when I watch a game in person or on TV could vouch for that with a laugh) I don't have as much invested in it as you do. I could see how this floors you.

Maybe its more sad that things like this dont suprise me. Sure I'm disappointed, but I'm really not shocked at all.

Very few things shock me when it comes to people - they are capable of anything - good or bad.
Now, question that come to mind..

-When did DJK get to know his roommate?
-When did they begin to be roommates?
-When did DJK start using drugs?
-DJK's roommate had a prior drug related arrest, in 2009; does Iowa monitor who their players room with and do any background checks?

Those are just for starters.

First, what you wrote last night was just fine. Any "flaws" are understandable, given the event and your obvious shock.

As to Iowa "monitoring" who players live with, that would be somewhat intrusive, no? And doesn't the NCAA do drug-testing? If so, DJK obviously knew how to beat the system. That, or he really is "new" to the drug thing.

I feel saddest for his adoptive parents, a little sad for him, and not at all sad for fans. Let the system run its course and hope/pray DJK can move on with his life.

In your opinion, Jon, is there ANY chance he can still get an NFL opportunity?
I feel like I'm in denial about the fact that this is a big moment for the program and it might be at a bit of a crossroads. If in fact this spirals to other players, it could get very, very ugly..... KF needs to act very wisely with how these things are handled.
My question is how the police became aware of what (allegedly) was going down at DJK's and his roomie's pad and what, if any, role anyone within the football program had to do with it.
In your opinion, Jon, is there ANY chance he can still get an NFL opportunity?

Sure he has a chance. He'll probably have to go the FA route, and show from day one that he has the talent to make an impact in the NFL for the team that he is working out for, with no mess ups, drops, or any reason to give anyone doubt.
If Kirk knew he would have done something. There is too much on the line career wise for Kirk if he knows a player is abusing substances like this and he does nothing. I think the "doghouse" incidents were just individual spats where DJK and Kirk weren't seeing eye to eye. If Kirk knew and the only discipline DJK got was missing his last start in Minny then we have more coaching problems than any of us think.
Why did DJK fess up so quickly without demanding his rights to have an attorney present.

Very, very curious.

This was the bizarre part of it all. I think DJK did himself a lot of favors by being straight forward and owning it. Though one could certainly argue that given the circumstance what choice did he have?

The young man appears to want out of the lifestyle he has involved himself in. Often times, individuals become increasingly reckless as a sort of outcry for help. I am struggling with this which is why I find myself wanting to give DJK the benefit of the doubt in some way. Derrell has always come off as a very intelligent guy with a strong moral background so I find it hard to swallow his involvement in something so apparently stupid and lacking in judgment.
I work at a place where every employee must pass a pre-employment drug test, is subject to a no-notice random drug tests and can be made to take "reasonable suspicion" drug test. Drug testing is simply a fact of life for me and it is no big deal to me anymore. It has, in fact, become a comfort to know that I work in a "clean" work place and I am confident that all of my co-workers are clean.

Given my background, it seems odd to me that people who are within organized entities (businesses, universities, teams, etc.) are able to get away with using drugs at all and for so long

I think those who receive scholarships and represent universities should be subject to the same level of scrutiny that I am, as far as drug testing goes. I think the NCAA should demand that all student-athletes be regularly drug screened and should lose their scholarships if drug use is confirmed, following a fair and thorough follow up investigation.
Jon -

I think the micro as you like to say is one kid doing something really stupid.

I think the macro is a program that may rely a little bit much on personal responsibility considering 18-22 year old kids and the temptations they are under. I am all for this, but this is twice where leadership has failed or that a player was totally isolated from the rest of the team.

Does this fall on KF directly? No but I think he has to do a much better job of creating a family environment on the team.
First, I believe any drug-testing is by/on behalf of the NCAA. Second, NO coach can know 100% of what 85 players do off the field. Third, it would be pretty damn intrusive for ANY coach to monitor one player, or a select few, based on "suspicion" Fourth, why are you turning KF into the "villain" and DJK into the "victim"?

Oh, and sixth, that was a pretty sanctimonious post to suggest that KFs job should be on the line when he suspends players at the drop of a hat. Maybe DJK should have gone to Auburn or USC so he wouldn't miss any playing time...

First, the coaches are legally allowed to drug test any player at any time. Just like a regular employer. The NCAA doesn't have to have anything to do with it. That's what LSU did with Ryan Perrilloux when they dismissed him a couple years back. They had suspicions, tested him and dismissed him when his test was positive.

Second, it doesn't sound like DJK's alleged actions outside of the law were news to a lot of posters on here. The staff has mentors and staff in place to monitor players, and the coach's damn son is on the team. There's no way this should be a complete shock to him.

Third, it's Ferentz's job to be "intrusive". If I send my son to play for him, and there are drug issues going on, I want him to make the tough decisions and help mold them as young men. That's part of the deal. If the players don't like it, there's the door.

Fourth, I'm not turning DJK into a victim of any kind. He (allegedly) screwed up, and if Ferentz turned a blind eye to it, then he screwed up, too.

And sixth, I don't remember DJK ever being suspended. Why would he go to Auburn or USC? He hasn't missed any playing time yet at Iowa. Like I initially posted, IF Ferentz had suspicions and turned a blind eye to them, keeping DJK on the team and playing him all season, then yes, I think his job should be on the line.

Here's a seventh for you: If this exact same scenario played out at Iowa State or Minnesota or Wisconsin, would you be so quick to defend their coach?

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