Black Friday Stories

Big LOL over that statement!

Lest we forget...the 2nd most prolish day is BF +1...when the only thing longer than the male bathroom line at Kinnick is the mucho prolish Returns Line at the Walmart/Target, catering to people who are trying to get a full refund for an item they paid 33% for.

No receipt, no refund
No tickie, no laundry.

Hah. I had no intentions of buying them, and if I do take them back it won't be anytime soon. Oh, and I paid 50% for them!
I wanted the $25 green leapster Wal Mart had for sale starting at midnight so I roll in here to the Cedar Rapids one at 10:45 and they are all gone already except one pink one. They only had about 25 for the whole damn day to give out and they were all gone by the time I got there. So I grab the pink one which I dont want and end up selling it to some guy for $10 as he did want a pink one

I must be missing something. You bought something you didn't want for $25, and sold it to someone who did want it for $10? So you're out $15 for absolutely no reason, and hit Wal-Mart at 10:45 on Thanksgiving night to do so?

I'm another big fan of Cyber Monday, and Christmas shopping online as a whole. Even if (and it's a big if) I spend a few more bucks to get my holiday shopping taken care of, I figure it's well worth not losing my mind and having to swallow Tylenol by the fistful to get rid of the headaches from fighting the crowds.
Not a chance. This is a great example of how people are often "sheep". Most don't bother to ask if it really makes sense, they just follow along.

I enjoyed my day to sleep in.
I just went to Target, Jordan Creek Walmart, and Jordan Creek Best Buy.

At Target I picked up a few cheap DVDs, Walmart sucked (not a huge surprise), and at Best Buy I picked up 2 new Blu-Ray movies (Taken and Law Abiding Citizen) along with Seasons 1-3 of Dexter. I have some friends who say Dexter is awesome. I have never seen it. Anyone here like it? I am going to watch a couple episodes on Hulu before I open them and actually watch them. So I can still take them back.

That show sucks
I just went to Target, Jordan Creek Walmart, and Jordan Creek Best Buy.

At Target I picked up a few cheap DVDs, Walmart sucked (not a huge surprise), and at Best Buy I picked up 2 new Blu-Ray movies (Taken and Law Abiding Citizen) along with Seasons 1-3 of Dexter. I have some friends who say Dexter is awesome. I have never seen it. Anyone here like it? I am going to watch a couple episodes on Hulu before I open them and actually watch them. So I can still take them back.

I have never watched it but the people I know that have say Dexter is really good. I'd like to get netfix and just order it through that.

I have never shopped on black Friday. I actually hate shopping at malls to begin with, and shopping in general, but may have to venture out today to
Valley West or Jordan Creek. Got to entertain some ten year olds.I'd rather go shopping at Lowes or something. Already tired of visiting family!!
Been once. Never again.

I simply cannot think of a more prolish endeavor than Black Friday. Gawd help the store that ever has stretch-pants on sale for .99 cents.

I've got one that's close, Pancake Day in Centerville, (It's got to be Prolish holiday) To see people complain about free pancakes is quite a sight to behold.
I must be missing something. You bought something you didn't want for $25, and sold it to someone who did want it for $10? So you're out $15 for absolutely no reason, and hit Wal-Mart at 10:45 on Thanksgiving night to do so?

I'm another big fan of Cyber Monday, and Christmas shopping online as a whole. Even if (and it's a big if) I spend a few more bucks to get my holiday shopping taken care of, I figure it's well worth not losing my mind and having to swallow Tylenol by the fistful to get rid of the headaches from fighting the crowds.

no they had a pink one left and I picked it up(carried it around, I didnt buy it) for a possible bargaining chip later for a green one but they were clean I gave it to someone who did want a pink one and made $10 as a result. I had never gone and this was the only item I was after as I wasnt interested in staying up until 2-2:30 when their ads hit online. I had someone else looking in a different town for one also and they picked one up for me so I was out an hour of my time but made $10 in the end.
Pretty decent day. Hit up the coral ridge mall, people had made up jerseys and shirts for black friday that really made me want to go into scheels and grab whatever firearms were available. Target had a line that stretched all the way to the back wall of the store, we walked in, looked at the line, laughed and then left.

Cyber monday is more of my forte.
Ummm, let's think here. LSU football game. NASCAR race. Monster truck rally. Tractor pull. East Side night at the Iowa State Fair. A Winger concert at the Iowa State Fair. There have to be some things.

Indeed, for Black Friday also happens at Macy's.

But Macy's doesn't happen at NASCAR.
Black Friday can be summed up in two words:

Total depravity.

This is the day that makes us Proles look even worse than some of us actually are. I choose not to participate in BF.

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