Search results

  1. Camhawk

    Bye Week headed for 5 November games

    Fingers crossed you are wrong. I see jNW, Minn and Illannoy as wins.... probably 3 point wins... Wisky and Nebby a split. Nebby will be out for blood for the past 2 years Iowa beat them...
  2. Camhawk

    Shonn Green in legal trouble?

    Well I never...
  3. Camhawk

    Who is the big money behind Iowa?

    Read the names on the buildings and the halftime line up during homecoming. There are also alumni and corporate sponsors too. Plus it would appear the U (fund managers hired by U) manage the funds well.
  4. Camhawk

    Tevaun Smith.
  5. Camhawk

    SIAP-Hlas podcast with inspirational Maryland radio announcer

    I don't let my paralysis hold me back either. I take walks and hold hands with my special lady friend. Heck I even kick a soccer ball around with the kids. I am not letting paralysis get the best of me!!!
  6. Camhawk

    Fan Etiquette in the stands

    All this thread proves is people suck... everyone cannot be happy all the time. Stand... sit... someone complains about both... pee on me... don't pee on me... someone complains about both... Ask my wife I hate crowds more than the next guy but less than my father in-law but come on people...
  7. Camhawk

    Weisman to Fullback?

    LOL Seriously. KF turns his playbook over to the other team before every game... it is his ritual. Eskimos know what plays KF is going to run. Guile is something KF does not have.
  8. Camhawk

    College Football Fans by State

    Thanks clowns for making it look as though Iowa was shot in the chest...
  9. Camhawk

    This freeking offense $%^&@!@

    Have cup... will travel for Kool Aid
  10. Camhawk


    Tradition and pageantry have been replaced with corporatism and saving face. The bowls have lost all of their meaning. The Rose Bowl we know now is a shell of its former glory. Instead of by birthright, it will be by chance that Iowa plays in a Rose Bowl. Bowling is 3 months off... the team...
  11. Camhawk

    If sex-cannon were a car...

    I would say but with gold wheels.
  12. Camhawk

    Kirk apparently confirms Jake is the starter

    I disagree. ISUck will have more punishing defeats this year than a hypothetical loss to Ball St for Iowa. And placing blame for a hypothetical isn't exactly fair either.
  13. Camhawk

    Iowa at Purdue score?

    32-10 they cannot handle our D!!!
  14. Camhawk

    Anyone know?

    DirecTV is awesome. Only issue I have had is when a big storm rolls through and the signal drops until the big stuff moves through. okeefe I would make the road trip if I had to watch it on BTN2Go.
  15. Camhawk

    Who Leads the Hawks in Receiving This Week?

    I will say Powell if Beathard is QB.
  16. Camhawk

    Who Starts? Who Cares? -

    You had me at Who Starts?!!