Who Leads the Hawks in Receiving This Week?


It's a pretty safe bet that Bethard will get the majority of snaps this week. That means Bullock probably won't be the QB's leading target for 2 yard gains! I am excited to see us air it out against an inferior opponent with a QB who is willing to throw the ball down field. So which of our stud WRs leads the team in receiving yards this week? We've got a bunch of guys brimming with potential who have yet to scratch the surface on what they could do, due to the system/qb.

This week, I'm going with Willies!
Smith has been looking to break out given the opportunity. So I'd say Smith for yards and at least a TD. KMM for catches.
Talk about a crap shoot... Smith was pretty quiet last game. They'll try and get him more involved I think. Depends how they try defending us. Has anyone kept track of how many snaps each receiver has gotten? I think after the last couple games Vandeberg has gotten the most. Maybe I'm wrong it just seems like it cause he's out there with the big 2 TE and a fullback sets. I'd love to know how that's breaking down if anyone has that info.

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