SIAP-Hlas podcast with inspirational Maryland radio announcer

Man, I don't feel all that confident after hearing more about Maryland's skill players and return personnel.

Didn't they block a punt late to beat South Florida?

Sounds like we need to be as close to mistake-free as possible, not much margin for error.
<<(D)on't want to give away what happened to him>>

Let me guess: he became a radio announcer for Maryland? :)

Man you can be a duffus sometimes. I guess you didnt listen to the podcast or else you would have heard that this guy dove into the river just prior to his sr year in high school and hit his head on a sandbar. He broke his neck and was paralyzed but he has certainly not let that hold him back.
I don't let my paralysis hold me back either. I take walks and hold hands with my special lady friend. Heck I even kick a soccer ball around with the kids. I am not letting paralysis get the best of me!!!

Man you can be a duffus sometimes. I guess you didnt listen to the podcast or else you would have heard that this guy dove into the river just prior to his sr year in high school and hit his head on a sandbar. He broke his neck and was paralyzed but he has certainly not let that hold him back.

Did you see the emoticon? Or my subsequent posts? As in, my unease AFTER listening to the podcast?

Or are you just another hip-shooter?

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