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  1. K

    Looks like ....

    Yep, I'm sure Giradi is eager to leave the World Champion Yankees and come manage the Cubs. I'm a Cubs fan but they're awful. They need a franchise guy and nobody on the current roster even comes close. It's a bunch of old guys and journeymen.
  2. K


    This is the set I built a few years back.
  3. K

    Iowa Grudge Match

    That's what Penn state fans say every year before losing to Iowa. NW scares me every season. They have the hawks' number.
  4. K

    Caption this photo of new QB Jacob Rudock

    Zook: "Look son, it's well known I can't coach for crap, but let me tell you what I can do. I can bench press 400 lbs and that's all that really matters."
  5. K

    Seantrel Henderson (again)

    And to the OP who said he hates bringing it up; NO YOU DONT, once you heard the story, you couldnt wait to come on here to tattle and start a "lets burn seantrel and his dad" thread. That's BS. I posted it because people like to know these kind of things. It makes for interesting...
  6. K

    Seantrel Henderson (again)

    Bruce Feldman from Espn tweeted that Kiffin and 3 asst. coaches are on a plane to Minny allegedly to meet with Henderson and confirm he is still headed to USC. This post is for informational purposes only. I do not believe he will change his committment and I hate to even give the kid more...
  7. K

    Best Hawkeye Memory with Dad or Granddad

    When I was kid riding with my dad in the combine during harvest listening to Zabel call the games. Dad always got a kick out of Zabel's "I love it I love it I love it" I miss him every day. Love u dad.
  8. K

    Best place for championship game?

    What does everyone think? Where should B10 title game be held? I imagine choices are Indy, Detroit, minny, and maybe Chicago. I live in Indy so of course it's the best. Regardless, I think it makes the most sense. Indy hosts big events all the time, has a very walkable downtown, and is...
  9. K

    Culver pushes for ISU to join Big Ten.

    pretty sure their basketball programs are pretty good as well. Also, their academics are just as solid as many big ten schools.
  10. K

    Derek Jeter-

    Yeah, she's smokin. And Kelly is just the latest in a long and impressive list.
  11. K

    Derek Jeter-

    I did not see it but I am a big fan of Derek Jeter. He's a classic Yankee. I love the way he plays the game. I love Yankee history but don't cheer for the Yankees if that makes any sense. I appreciate the Yankee legends and Jeter is one of those guys. I remember watching the playoffs...
  12. K

    Your favorite 09 Stanzi pass

    All the ones mentioned were great. I seem to also remember 2 bombs down the sidelines against Arkansas state that were dropped in there perfectly. I'm too young to remember Long so I can say Stanzi throws the best deep ball of any Iowa qb I can remember. I love Drew Tate but I remember him...
  13. K

    Football Season Ticke Requests Nearly DOUBLE Supply

    That's what I said. I don't understand it.
  14. K

    Football Season Ticke Requests Nearly DOUBLE Supply

    This story is filled with questions left unexplained. So there are 4500 seats available for all the games. they will only offer 2 game packages for (1) BSU or E. Illinois and (2) MSU. Then they say single game tickets won't be available for the other B10 games. So where are those 4500 seats...
  15. K

    Any Season Ticket Updates?

    Bumping this thread up...anyone heard anything?
  16. K

    Reading between the lines (Brust's AAU coach)

    Waiver's over he's going to Wisconsin.
  17. K

    "cautiously optimistic"

    My bad Jon. I've heard 10-0 somewhere, must have gotten confused with 2010 predictions. Please try to get past those 2 incorrect characters and ponder the remaining 1000.
  18. K

    "cautiously optimistic"

    I'm as excited for the 2010 Hawkeye football season as anyone. However, looking through Jon's breakdown brings home the reality how many tough games the Hawks have. I'm dreaming of the undefeated season or even 2 losses but looking at each game makes you realize the challenge ahead. I think...
  19. K

    "Hawkeye nation I'm on my way"

    You said, "According to a poster on TOS, he is in town for a two-day visit right now and should be committed by the end of it." You did not specify what "TOS" meant and Rob does run another Hawkeye website and he does post on that site. Therefore, he could be "a poster on TOS". Rob said he...
  20. K

    "Hawkeye nation I'm on my way"

    Wrong. Rob Howe of HawkeyeInsider said that he was hearing Basabe wasn't as likely to commit as was first thought.