Seantrel Henderson (again)


Well-Known Member
Bruce Feldman from Espn tweeted that Kiffin and 3 asst. coaches are on a plane to Minny allegedly to meet with Henderson and confirm he is still headed to USC.

This post is for informational purposes only. I do not believe he will change his committment and I hate to even give the kid more attention. While I cannot say I would not want him at Iowa I believe he is a diva and I am certainly not sorry Iowa did not land him. When Ferentz says no thanks, that's good enough for me.

If he did decommit from USC, I believe he would go to OSU. However, this kid likes the "game", and I don't mean football, and nobody sells the game better than Kiffin.
you might not say it but I will, I am very glad he isn't a Hawkeye.

It's tough to win when you start getting egos like that on the team.

When you start getting parents like that it's really tough.
I believe Iowa's program is far better off without Santreal.

Agreed. Is he even qualified yet? Typical that most incoming freshman are already on campus getting to know their teammates and starting workouts while this sideshow is still in the Twin Cities.

I never thought I would be so thankful that such a highly rated recruit did not come to Iowa.
Everyone on this board would take him in a minute and be thrilled if he changed his commitment. It wont happen tho because he can make the most money at USC
Everyone on this board would take him in a minute and be thrilled if he changed his commitment. It wont happen tho because he can make the most money at USC

Wrong. I never wanted him anywhere near Iowa City. Not because he's a bad kid but because of his dad. Smelled too much like the Christensen situation to me.
Everyone on this board would take him in a minute and be thrilled if he changed his commitment. It wont happen tho because he can make the most money at USC

+100000...thank you!

SH isn't the diva's his helicopter ol man.

KF, et al, deal with helicopter dads more than you think....if you doubt...think back to QB #6. It's part of the package when you are the head man.

Do you think there aren't similar issues with a multitude of other 5-star recruits that end up at OSU, UT, FL, etc etc? Of course there are.

Iowa would be better off with a 5-star OL talent than without.

Look back at the Henderson threads, if he decided to be a Hawk I guarantee the majority of the posters on this board would be estatic. I shouldnt have said everyone but I bet a large majority would flip flop and get on board. Its easy to say you dont want anything to do with the best prospect in the country when there is no chance he is coming here
LOL this is hilarious before KF said "No Thanks" EVERYONE and i mean Everyone on all boards were excited for this kid. Some even had him in the starting lineup for next year. And now all of a sudden we dont land him and he is a bad apple and his dad is in it for the money? HELLO USC just got hit with a hell of a blow. Do you really think they are going to rush out and try this crap again after what just happened?

And to the OP who said he hates bringing it up; NO YOU DONT, once you heard the story, you couldnt wait to come on here to tattle and start a "lets burn seantrel and his dad" thread.
Excuse my ignorance, but who is this kid? And why would he want to go to USC knowing he cant play in post season or even contend for an NC?
Excuse my ignorance, but who is this kid? And why would he want to go to USC knowing he cant play in post season or even contend for an NC?

Some scouts and recruiting services had him as the #1 overall prospect for 2010. He choose USC before they got hit with the whole death blow or whatever you call it. A lot of fans on here are really sour about him not coming and just dont want to admit it.
Forget the player.
Forget the talent he'd bring.
Forget he'd be a healthy Dace Richardson.

What a publicity coup Iowa would have recieved if the #1 prospect had chosen Iowa.
And I think we'd get a current coup if he chose to come to Iowa now.

You don't think KF and company would play on that for years with future recruits??

This is a no-brainer.
And to the OP who said he hates bringing it up; NO YOU DONT, once you heard the story, you couldnt wait to come on here to tattle and start a "lets burn seantrel and his dad" thread.[/QUOTE]

That's BS. I posted it because people like to know these kind of things. It makes for interesting discussion.

My post didn't burn the kid or his dad. I just stated the facts. I agree with some of the later posters, people sure are quick to tear a kid down when he committs elsewhere when before they were ohhing and awing like schoolgirls. I think the program is more than fine not have landing the kid but I strongly believe 95% of Hawkeye fans would have been loving it if he had committed to Iowa back in February.
Seantrel's likely landing spot is USC, if he changes his mind Miami would most likely be his destination. He isn't qualified but should be very soon.
Excuse my ignorance, but who is this kid? And why would he want to go to USC knowing he cant play in post season or even contend for an NC?

He was being recruited by Nebraska for a while. If I recall correctly, Nebraska was one of his leaders at the end before he chose USC. I heard (strictly rumor... no confirmation; please don't skewer the messenger) that he made an inquiry to Nebraska recently and was politely refused.

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