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  1. DarthKinnick

    For the Vandenberg Bashers

    He will be in his senior season next year. No reason the game should be too fast at this point. It's on him. He's afraid to get hit. Man up, sack up, whatever. Fits the team. Coach afraid to run plays, coach afraid to recruit, QB afraid to get fits.
  2. DarthKinnick

    looking at next years offense

    Iowa has fine LB, TE, and OL. The skill positions? Not so much. My point was that the recruiting rankings of the linemen don't really tell the story of the offense. Marquee skill position players are no longer the "Iowa way". Is Marcus Sedrick Shaw? Is this...
  3. DarthKinnick

    Is KF the "Charlie Sheen" of football coaches?

    Please. I know this is an absurd simile. But I have this vision of Iowa Football as one detached if highly compensated dude sitting there, saying, "WINNING!", while everyone else sees a moribund program heading down as MSU, Wisconsin, and Illinois head up--and we added Debbie.
  4. DarthKinnick

    looking at next years offense

    Next year KF will open up the offense. We'll throw one more pass per game, using basically the same WRs. WRs who couldn't outrun a slime mold without the help of a tailwind. We have, you see, "a certain absence of quickness" at certain positions, and in response KF seems to recruit more TEs...
  5. DarthKinnick

    Needed and will need more long pass patterns

    Question: How long did it take OU to run go routes? Question 2: How long would it take Iowa to run go routes? Is the answer the same to both questions? NO There's the "why". They know HOW to do it. But Iowa's glacial velocity at WR dooms us.
  6. DarthKinnick

    Special teams was the primary factor

    Iowa's problem is KF's desire to use LBs and TEs at every position on the field. The speed is too dam low!!!!
  7. DarthKinnick

    looking at next years offense

    The largr theme is WHY BL didn't succeed. Had the physical tools. Had the frame. Had the swag, as the boys say. But after half a decade in the Iowa football program, what did BL or the program gain from the experiment? IOW, who farted? Was it BL or other parties?
  8. DarthKinnick


    Canzeri could be a tremendous Hawkeye RB so long as he isn't taken from us by a sudden gust of wind. Or a tragically misplaced fart.
  9. DarthKinnick

    looking at next years offense

    *s are what matter? Someone needs to read that hoary, old tome, "The Legend of Blake Larsen".
  10. DarthKinnick

    Way to much Hype.

    Um, Tate broke a lot of Texas HS records set by some other short, mobile QB guy that played CFB at Purdue and went on to set some NFL QB records and shows signs of rewriting the whole book. See the pattern? Drew got square pegged into a round hole Jr and Sr years. 2004 they molded the team to...
  11. DarthKinnick

    Is KOK the "Todd Lickliter" of OC's?

    Re: Is KOK the "Todd Lickliter" of OC's? Um, YES? But really he's more like the Anti-Midas. Everything he touches turns into $4it.
  12. DarthKinnick

    For the Vandenberg Bashers

    Really just opinions. Opinions informed by playing football, basketball, and track/field through HS, and then raising two boys (sometimes with difficulty) who played football and ran track through HS. And from decades of teamwork in college, jobs and career, etc. If JVB played the whole...
  13. DarthKinnick

    For the Vandenberg Bashers

    Maybe. It's just my hypothesis. I think JVB is the one who will test it, however, so it's basically on him to sack up, as my kids tell one another. So I could be way wrong. You got a better hypothesis? Many guys above have praised his mechanics. OK, cool. Then the issues are very...
  14. DarthKinnick

    For the Vandenberg Bashers

    I think JVB needs to reflect on whether he really wishes to be a D1 football player. The camera shot where he was head in hands on the bench late in the 4th Q didn't look like someone with a potentially dangerous brain injury, such as a concussion. If he got one, it's minor. I've had a...