Special teams was the primary factor


Well-Known Member
Which team gained more yards in the Insight Bowl? Which team had more first downs? Which team was better on third down? Which team had fewer penalty yards?

The answer to all of those questions is Iowa, although you wouldn't know it from the way the game is being discussed on this forum. The obvious question is: how can you outgain a team but still get thoroughly dominated by them? (Similar question: how do you lose to a terrible team on the road when rushing for 250+ yards?) The answer is special teams and field position.

Iowa's average starting field position was their own 21. Iowa never started a possession past their own 30. Oklahoma's starting field position was their own 41. They had two drives that started in Iowa's territory (actually four drives if you count garbage time). It is easier to look like a competent and confident offensive team (and QB) when you're on midfield. It is tough to have that same confidence when you're on your own 15.

What cause this terrible field position? How about these key moments:
1. Oklahoma intercepts the ball on Iowa's 10-- leads to a touchdown.
2. Way uncorks a 67-yard punt from his own 3, with no return.
3. Gurthrie punts a weak 36-yarder that set OU up at their own 34-- leads to a touchdown.
4. OU runs the second half kickoff back 52 yards.
5. OU runs a 4th quarter kickoff back 35 yards-- this sets up the FG to seal the game.

You can talk about playcalling, JVB, and KOK all you want, but a lot of teams are going to struggle with this sort of field position deficit. Iowa, of all teams, can least afford this stuff.
Post of the year.

I check the site from time to time, and stumble upon some chad and ostrich nonsense, or some garbage from O'Keith4prez, and I take a couple weeks off before visiting HN again.

But this type of post makes it worth checking in from time to time.
Very good post. Although, there is plenty of repair needed........before Hawkeye football gets back to the FUN times of a couple of years ago
A very good post. The defense and Iowa's ball control did great at keeping OU at 60% of their offensive yardage avg. When you consider they had a 5 yd TD drive and a garbage 30 yd TD drive I would say Iowa's defense played great.

I have posted two earlier times today that if Iowa can't kick touchbacks they should kickoff very high kicks to the 20 yard line forcing the receivers to fair catch. That is too easy.

But yes the special teams are killing us.

As is the offense not scoring enough points.
Iowa did have a real nice looking reverse on a kickoff return. as always, special teams is always a strength.
Iowa's problem is KF's desire to use LBs and TEs at every position on the field.

The speed is too dam low!!!!
could not agree more! Special teams are a HUGE minus for us at this time. I think we had 3 guys out for this game that played special teams, but we had hugh problems before that. Look at the kickoffs as was noted above. Our kickoffs actually weren't too bad, but we are way too slow in coverage. Oklahoma's guys were easily 10 yards further down field than ours. That being said, I think a full ride scholarship should be offered for a kicker who can kick it high to the goal line or into the end zone periodically.
Field position was certainly a factor, but IMO turnover were a much bigger factor. We had two critical to's, one inside our redzone that led to 7 pts for OK, and one inside the OK red zone that cost us at least 3 pts. That's a ten point swing and much bigger factor than field position.
Field position was certainly a factor, but IMO turnover were a much bigger factor. We had two critical to's, one inside our redzone that led to 7 pts for OK, and one inside the OK red zone that cost us at least 3 pts. That's a ten point swing and much bigger factor than field position.
Field position was certainly a factor, but IMO turnover were a much bigger factor. We had two critical to's, one inside our redzone that led to 7 pts for OK, and one inside the OK red zone that cost us at least 3 pts. That's a ten point swing and much bigger factor than field position.

Clearly turnovers are always critical. However, they are unpredictable and hard to coach for (except to tell your players not to make them).

Special teams and the results of their performance are much easier to coach for. Stay in your lanes, no blocks in the back, break down in coverage before attempting the tackle, fielding the punt rather than letting it bounce and lose 10-15 yds, etc.

Good post. Special teams was brutal no doubt. We also do nothing to try to flip the field like move the ball. Silly 2 yard passes, followed by slow to develop run plays against a quick D put Vandenberg in obvious passing situations. Reiff got handled by his dude at critical junctures and we did nothing to roll away from the pressure or throw a screen to slow that mad rush blitz down.

Another KF gameplan that focused on keeping it close vs, winning.
Good post. Special teams was brutal no doubt. We also do nothing to try to flip the field like move the ball. Silly 2 yard passes, followed by slow to develop run plays against a quick D put Vandenberg in obvious passing situations. Reiff got handled by his dude at critical junctures and we did nothing to roll away from the pressure or throw a screen to slow that mad rush blitz down.

Another KF gameplan that focused on keeping it close vs, winning.

Um, no. What game were you watching?
ST has been a joke. I don't know why we attempt to block on PR's, it just leaves us vulnerable to fakes, it's not like attempting to return punts ever improves our field position anyway. They also need to assume Minnesota, ISU, and NW will attempt onside kicks if they're trailing in the 4th quarter, just put the hands team out there just in case. Have the punter (or anybody really) KO so the ball actually gets to the end zone instead of the 15 yard line. Teach people to stay in their lanes. FFS just do SOMETHING.
OP makes very good sense when you point it out that way. We have lost a lot of field position because of weaker ST play. This seems to be not going away and is becoming a predictable trend. However, I think the early int. in the OU game and turnovers and poorly timed penalties (as pointed out - fundamentals) in general, are main contributors to our "apparent" poor play. But, special teams and fundamentals are coachable, and need to be stepped up.
OP makes great points.ST have really sucked. Ever since Wilson got here. Ironically he was fired by Wiscy for being so poor at ST. He could end up being our DC for gosh sakes.

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