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  1. D

    Is Fran And Iowa Basketball At A Tipping Point?

    I'm just playing Devil's Advocate. I understand why Fran is questioned. I still think he has done impressive things here, but IF we continue to tank this year, and next year is rough, then we have a serious issue. We just need to wait and see what happens. I need to tell myself that after we...
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    Is Fran And Iowa Basketball At A Tipping Point?

    I think if we could combine George Raveling, Tom Davis, and Fran we would be amazing.
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    Is Fran And Iowa Basketball At A Tipping Point?

    Again I'm not saying fire Fran. And I have said multiple times, I appreciate what he has done at Iowa. BUT, I think he has something to prove by the end of next year. He had a great group of kids that helped him succeed. Some actually could made the argument that he underachieved with the group...
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    Is Fran And Iowa Basketball At A Tipping Point?

    Maybe in practice, but the last game I was at, I watched the huddle very closely at every timeout. Most the time he was screaming at the refs, or just not in the huddle at all. I'm jealous when I see other coaches in the huddle drawing stuff up while everyone pays attention to him. Just an...
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    Is Fran And Iowa Basketball At A Tipping Point?

    I also think Fran should try changing his approach a little this year. This team doesn't seem to respond to his screaming as much. I don't know, maybe it would do nothing, but if I'm Fran, I'm looking for different ways to get my team to respond. Also, for the the 100th time in this thread, use...
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    How Bad Is This Season So Far?

    Just Iowa, because that's the only team I've seen with an 11 man rotation.
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    How Bad Is This Season So Far?

    Fair enough. Personally there are things that have bugged me about Fran since he's been here, but I have always been grateful for getting us out of the Lick hell. This year Fran has been driving me crazy, but that happens when you lose. It's a lot easier to second guess everything. Now I just...
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    How Bad Is This Season So Far?

    I agree that some go over the top, and I fully admit I have gone over the top on game days. It's the nature of the beast. We all got our hopes up with what we had coming back and the new kids coming in and it has been a colossal disappointment so far. I truly hope it all turns around.
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    How Bad Is This Season So Far?

    I'm not saying Fran is as bad as Lick by any stretch. I'm just saying the start to the season has been putrid, and nobody should try to defend it. Stick with the "look what he has done in previous years" and "the future is bright with all this young talent" narrative.
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    How Bad Is This Season So Far?

    I agree, Baer needs to play. But I also agree the rotation has to be shortened. I'm just not sure who you cut out. Not many have been consistent enough to say they deserve more minutes, but everyone has shown flashes of being able to contribute. I understand Fran's dilemma here, but I guess...
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    Is Fran And Iowa Basketball At A Tipping Point?

    There are a few exceptions, but most people are wondering if Fran's seat should be warming up. That's it. Do you agree that there are some issues with Fran's coaching? For example, I looked at the huddles for the ISU vs Iowa game. All the ISU players were engaged, looking at the coach in the...
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    Is Fran And Iowa Basketball At A Tipping Point?

    At some point you have to raise the bar. People call fans crazy for wanting more but if we were all happy with being basically a bubble team every year, the program would get stale pretty fast. Fran had a nice run with some players who were lifelong Hawkeye fans from the state of Iowa. Now we...
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    Coaching issue

    What's crazy is that every Iowa basketball fan I know keeps pointing out the same things. If we can all see the huge problems, why can't Fran? Is he stubborn, does he think that everyone analyst and fan is clueless? He keeps doing the same thing over and over and it's not working.
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    How Bad Is This Season So Far?

    Their RPI is 135 right now. They have a long way to go before they can talk about the tournament, and their aren't a lot of great wins in the BIG to have. Indiana, our other conference game has an RPI of 180. My point is, we haven't played anyone really good yet and our record is bad.
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    How Bad Is This Season So Far?

    We played Penn State at home and lost. It was kind of embarrassing. I wouldn't use that argument to say this season hasn't been horrible.
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    Low class fan base

    Who is Kase Heuermann?
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    How Long does a coach get Part II

    Or, "hey, he's better than Lick" or "Tom Davis was run out of town"!
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    Meanwhile in Ames...

    This is Fran's deepest team ever according to the coach. I think he was secretly meant that we are in deep shit.
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    How Long does a coach get Part II

    I REALLY hate to say this, but I watched Iowa State in the second half last night. They have drastically improved from the last time I've seen them. Their coach is always coaching. He is getting guys where they need to be, he's coaching them in timeouts, he actually seems to know what he's doing.
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    How Long does a coach get Part II

    Fran is a bad coach. I’m sorry if that offends some people, but he’s just not a Power 5 level coach.