Low class fan base

I can guarantee you members of the ISU band got batteries and full cans of beer thrown at them in 2000 and 2002 in and around Kinnick. I had a lot of friends in the band at the time. If you think Iowa fans are some saintly group I can guarantee you they are not.

Never said they weren't. They guy was on here being a tool to try to get a reaction and made up a bunch of crap to try to prove a point. Oldest trick in the book. What he did would have gotten him banned at CyFan. Also, If Iowa's fanbase truly was a saintly group, I'd be more ashamed than if/when they are a group of rowdies.
I can guarantee you members of the ISU band got batteries and full cans of beer thrown at them in 2000 and 2002 in and around Kinnick. I had a lot of friends in the band at the time. If you think Iowa fans are some saintly group I can guarantee you they are not.
Yada yada yada! You've got some clown trolls over here so what do you expect BryceC?
You are an all or nothing kind of guy, and since you aren't a Cyclone fan, you really don't know what you are talking about. I like Jamie's passion, but there are times when he goes overboard about things and it's a bit embarrassing. Your constant proclamation that all State fans believe everything he says or does torpedoes any credibility you might have had.

It's called hyperbole. Of course not ALL of any fanbase is anything. If you think it is only a very fringe minority that believes in a conspiracy, you are not very self aware of your own fan base.
From what I understand it was a pretty significant cut. Its probably a good thing he didn't get up. Maybe it was a good thing the fan had his hands on his shoulders possibly holding him down.

I would be more concerned that they have chairs along the side that have sharp edges that can cut a person that bad.
HAHAHAHAHA......you have a freaking fan base who actually believes there is a conspiracy by the B1G and the NCAA to keep their football and basketball programs down. This charge is lead by the freaking AD who has press conferences with his tin foil hat theories. Clown fans are bat shit crazy delusional, they all believe this, every last Clown fan thinks this (even the coaches and AD), not just a select 1%.

Did you see the posts about how we weren't going to be allowed to beat OSU?
I wasn't 100% certain that he wasn't attempting to balance himself from falling on Cordell, but the clip showing him nudging Pemsl with his foot was a bush league, Punk move. Ahole is probably an instant hero and celebrity on cowcampus.....

For some reason, this hometownPunk reminds me of Kase Heuermann.....

Hope Cordell recovers quickly. He was starting to settle into the game very well. Not a brittle man at all. In fact, Jack, , he has more inner strength than most people, playing last season with a knee injury and also a groin injury. He never complained or even mentioned the injuries as an excuse.....

Hope he heals soon and gets back on the court. We will need his skills and attitude, for certain.....

Who is Kase Heuermann?
Spoken like a true clown. The truth of the matter is that next year you will go back to maybe 3 wins and it's all the refs fault, Campbell needs to go, blah, blah, blah f*cking blah

Well, it was a bunch of seniors and Montgomery on their offense. And their defense was dominated by seniors. Have to wait and see what Campbell does with his recruits as opposed to Rhoads' recruits.
Campbell, in year two, won 7 wins while being paid $2.1 million -- That's $300,000 per win.
Kirk, in year 492, won 7 games while being paid $4.5 million -- That's $643,000 per win.

So it cost Barta an extra $343,000 per win, to get the same result as Pollard's hire.
One coach has a great ROI, the other, not so much. Also Campbell has a $9 million buyout, so he's not leaving soon. Good try.

Now back to the tread topic....

The last Cyclone coach who had a winning record also had a multi-year contract to be bought out by the school he moved to. That wasn't as much money, but in the '70s they didn't pay coaches as much. Oh, that coach was Earle Bruce and he moved to the Big 10's OSU.
You are an all or nothing kind of guy, and since you aren't a Cyclone fan, you really don't know what you are talking about. I like Jamie's passion, but there are times when he goes overboard about things and it's a bit embarrassing. Your constant proclamation that all State fans believe everything he says or does torpedoes any credibility you might have had.

Jamie's passion is what got him kicked out of several high school gymnasiums when voicing his disagreement with referees during his kids' sporting events. I'd say it is more than just "times when he goes overboard". It's more like there are just times when he is sane - the rest of the time he's overboard.
It's called hyperbole. Of course not ALL of any fanbase is anything. If you think it is only a very fringe minority that believes in a conspiracy, you are not very self aware of your own fan base.

So, three separate times in this thread you have said every single Iowa State fan believes this, now you are saying it's hyperbole? Give me a break. And quit twisting what I say. I said small group, not fringe group. If you are stuck on sematics now, get it right.
So, three separate times in this thread you have said every single Iowa State fan believes this, now you are saying it's hyperbole? Give me a break. And quit twisting what I say. I said small group, not fringe group. If you are stuck on sematics now, get it right.

So you actually think I literally meant that every last ISU fan is a conspiracy nut? Common man, even you aren't that dumb.
So you actually think I literally meant that every last ISU fan is a conspiracy nut? Common man, even you aren't that dumb.
"Clown fans are bat shit crazy delusional, they all believe this, every last Clown fan thinks this (even the coaches and AD), not just a select 1%."
'but when everyone, and I mean everyone in your fan base thinks it, well you gotta give the masses what they want"

No, I'm not that dumb, but it seems like you are
You know living out of Iowa and being an Iowa grad, I find myself cheering for any Iowa team that does well and promotes the state. Haters got to hate!
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"Clown fans are bat shit crazy delusional, they all believe this, every last Clown fan thinks this (even the coaches and AD), not just a select 1%."
'but when everyone, and I mean everyone in your fan base thinks it, well you gotta give the masses what they want"

No, I'm not that dumb, but it seems like you are

That language was specifically used to stress that it is hyperbole. It takes a special kind of snowflake to miss the obvious and over the top hyperbole here. It is nice that you are trying your best to prove that what I said isn't hyperbole, that literally ALL CLONE fans are really this delusional and stupid.
That language was specifically used to stress that it is hyperbole. It takes a special kind of snowflake to miss the obvious and over the top hyperbole here. It is nice that you are trying your best to prove that what I said isn't hyperbole, that literally ALL CLONE fans are really this delusional and stupid.
Graduated from the Trump school of deflection and denial I see.

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