Should WHOTV 13 have aired the Ferentz video?

Uh...try again. Presser was over, only the people in the room witnessed it. Not everyone. Genius.

The original question was asked by the AP guy during the "on the side" session, in front of teh other reporters.
At the conclusion of the entire press event, KF decided to confront the AP guy, which was caught on Hassel's video.

So, you're both sort of right, and both sort of wrong.
The original question was asked by the AP guy during the "on the side" session, in front of teh other reporters.
At the conclusion of the entire press event, KF decided to confront the AP guy, which was caught on Hassel's video.

So, you're both sort of right, and both sort of wrong.

Nope. I'm right this time and I refuse to concede.
After watching the video clip twice, I concluded that if anyone should be upset, it's the reporter who asked Kurt the "it's out there" question.
He should be very upset at his barber. Sheesh, what an awful head of hair he has.

As the Wire Service Guild always said around negotiations time, you can't spell CHEAP without AP. Maybe he can't afford to get a haircut as often as your typical, successful plastix salesman.
You passed it along as well, correct?
Compare the effort and quality of work of the reporters to that of Kirk Ferentz.
As a group they are clowns.
I feel sorry for those who are required to tolerate them. Who wouldn’t crack?
No way should they be allowed to capture video like that.

Once it “is out thereâ€￾ though, I guess the networks can run it.
As the Wire Service Guild always said around negotiations time, you can't spell CHEAP without AP. Maybe he can't afford to get a haircut as often as your typical, successful plastix salesman.

$13 at Great Clips, every three weeks.
I guess I don't see much of a difference in Jon starting a thread about it and other reporters commenting/tweeting what happened.

In the end, is there really much of a difference in a "print quote" vs. a "audio/video" quote.

Those that posted details on message boards or on twitter were also reporting something that was "after the presser was over," so I see at really as everyone was wrong, or no one was wrong.

Why can you write or speak about it, but not show it? It was either private or it was not private.
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I think this is a bigger story than it needs to be. Who cares that he cussed? Not me. Guy has to be stressed out of his mind with how the season is going and he finally let some frustration out on a reporter. How many coaches have we seen lash out on reporters for asking what they may think are stupid questions? A LOT.
I guess I don't see much of a difference in Jon starting a thread about it and other reporters commenting/tweeting what happened.

In the end, is there really much of a difference in a "print quote" vs. a "audio/video" quote.

Those that posted details on message boards or on twitter were also reporting something that was "after the presser was over," so I see at really as everyone was wrong, or no one was wrong.

Why can you write or speak about it, but not show it? It was either private or it was not private.

Completely agree with you. All the same
You passed it along as well, correct?
Compare the effort and quality of work of the reporters to that of Kirk Ferentz.
As a group they are clowns.
I feel sorry for those who are required to tolerate them. Who wouldn’t crack?
No way should they be allowed to capture video like that.

Once it “is out there” though, I guess the networks can run it.

I don't think there is any doubt but what the reporter was perfectly within his right to capture and air that video.
I think this is a bigger story than it needs to be. Who cares that he cussed? Not me. Guy has to be stressed out of his mind with how the season is going and he finally let some frustration out on a reporter. How many coaches have we seen lash out on reporters for asking what they may think are stupid questions? A LOT.

I agree, really isn't much of a story in the first place either.
I think this is a bigger story than it needs to be. Who cares that he cussed? Not me. Guy has to be stressed out of his mind with how the season is going and he finally let some frustration out on a reporter. How many coaches have we seen lash out on reporters for asking what they may think are stupid questions? A LOT.

Agreed. Once again you are seeing the effects of the Iowa City fishbowl. A larger media market, KF briefly cussing at a reporter is a non-story.
Uh...try again. Presser was over, only the people in the room witnessed it. Not everyone. Genius.

what are you talking about? the question was asked after the presser aired, the reporters who participate in "on the side" were all still in the room. everyone that saw luke meredith ask the question also saw kf approach him afterwards.
I think that Kirk should know better than to have handled it this way. That was a room full of reporters, microphones and cameras. If you want to talk to someone about it, if you still have an issue with it, ask them to talk about it behind closed doors. That way, it doesn't become a spectacle like it did. Kirk is a smart guy and this is one of the few times I can recall where he let his guard down.

I know he was prepared for the Peter Gray question, so it's not like that part of it is what bugged was the 'its out there' aspect to it.

Were it me, I wouldnt have aired or shared the video. If that happened in an interview setting, I would have shared it. Since it didn't, I wouldn't have. Maybe I am just a bit old school and think about fairness, but some could make a case for the other side of it.

The way that this was presented, having Chris give his opinions on the matter, that is the part that made me most uncomfortable, because just 48 hours prior, they had him doing this skit on Soundoff (shared below)....then two days later, he is sent over to Iowa City as a news reporter. It just seems a bit at odds with itself.

Chis is enormously talented. I have always felt that way. I think he could do character skits on an SNL...but to have him be the funny man on Sunday nights, then toss to him in the A block on a news story like this for his commentary, I am waiting for him to break out into character. That's not a good position to be in from a local news aspect, and quite frankly I don't blame Chris. He's lower man on the totem pole over there and does what he is assigned to do.

HAZZLE DAZZLE: 11/11/12 |
what are you talking about? the question was asked after the presser aired, the reporters who participate in "on the side" were all still in the room. everyone that saw luke meredith ask the question also saw kf approach him afterwards.

The fbomb exchange took place after the On the Side ended. People were packing up and heading out to interview players.
Airing the clip as part of their sport's stories for the problem. Using the story as one of the key top stories of the day leading into the 6 PM prime time new's slot and including it in both the "news" segment and the "sports" segment was amateurism at its best.
Why? Because it was negative press for Iowa?

Yeah, exactly.
The more important question is this. If this was Paul Rhoads doing the exact same thing would it have made the news segment? I mean, lets not fool ourselves here. The DM media has their collective heads buried so far up Rhoads' *** I doubt a Rhoads blow up would have seen the light of day. Face it, the media is tired of King Ferentz and the way that he treated the media. Now that he is showing weakness, the media is going to take a little revenge.
The more important question is this. If this was Paul Rhoads doing the exact same thing would it have made the news segment? I mean, lets not fool ourselves here. The DM media has their collective heads buried so far up Rhoads' *** I doubt a Rhoads blow up would have seen the light of day. Face it, the media is tired of King Ferentz and the way that he treated the media. Now that he is showing weakness, the media is going to take a little revenge.

Ferentz is no longer the BMOC.
The more important question is this. If this was Paul Rhoads doing the exact same thing would it have made the news segment? I mean, lets not fool ourselves here. The DM media has their collective heads buried so far up Rhoads' *** I doubt a Rhoads blow up would have seen the light of day. Face it, the media is tired of King Ferentz and the way that he treated the media. Now that he is showing weakness, the media is going to take a little revenge.

I believe there is a whole lotta accuracy in this here post.