Should WHOTV 13 have aired the Ferentz video?

And what's better is that this asshat probably thinks he is going to end up in Bristol, and doesn't see the difference between an hour long spots program that's broadcast internationally and his job, covering the I-Cubs, Hawkeyes and Cyclones for 4 minutes a night in a market that's nicely nestled between Wichita, KS and Madison, WI.

Like. I would like Tork to weigh in here. What are the odds for some schlub who isn't a famous retired ballplayer or the kid of a legend (e.g. Joe Buck) to land a job that pays over say $50k in Bristol? I think we've gotta be talking almost Mega Millions odds here.
Agreed. And WHO is about to learn a very important lesson in the world of hick-town college athletics which is to self-censor what you report because if you don't, access goes bye bye. Illinois has been run like this for at least 20 years. Some national media company needs to hire kids like Tork for 1 year un/low paid internships and send them into various college towns to be the a-holes because the kids will rotate out every year. A grown man needs to exercise better judgment, but if you send the Torks of the world around to do stuff like this as post-grad experience, it would be fine.

This is just pure ignorance.

If the media and the people didn't have the power to question things then the world would definatley not be a more just place.

What about the penn state situation? So the media was supposed to just shut up and not ask questions and let this remain hidden?

I really hope you are kidding.

Also the atheltic department being able to bully people from asking tough questions is exactly the problem as to how coaches have too much power

Don't act like its any moral high ground because it certainly isn't -

its protecting your own interests; which certainly is human but not neccessarily moral.
This is just pure ignorance.

If the media and the people didn't have the power to question things then the world would definatley not be a more just place.

What about the penn state situation? So the media was supposed to just shut up and not ask questions and let this remain hidden?

I really hope you are kidding.

Also the atheltic departmetn being able to bully people from asking touch questions is exactly the problem as to how coaches have too much power

Don't act like its any moral high ground because it certainly isn't -

its protecting your own interests; which certainly is human but not neccessarily moral.

This, in spades. You can't repeatedly handles high-profile cases internally and expect people to be satisfied with that. And they shouldn't be. The fact that the guy was rehired tells people they shouldn't just take the university at its word in this case.
If Ferentz should be swearing at anyone it might be the SID if he didnt warn him and prep him for Gray questions.

However it's also on Ferentz because he has to expect it might be coming.
The video that was aired showing Ferentz swearing.

The pressers were over and Kirk chose to talk to the reporter who asked the question he had an issue with

Do you feel like that is still fair game territory?

I have some opinions but will let others weigh in before sharing mine

Come on Jon, he didn't "chose to talk to the reporter" he tried to belittle and berate him like a coward.
Because news, more and more has become about a gotcha moment or entrapment. It is news if it is in the sports section of the newscast. It is not appropriate for the middle of the newscast, nor is the sportscasters editorializing appropriate.

But what do you expect from a newscaster in the 90th biggest market in the United States?

This is the answer.

As I was telling a buddy of mine. The ****** that asked the question got what he was looking for, an I'm sure was happy as a clam driving back to DM because he "made" a story. It really is a sad state when reporters try to become part of the news rather than just reporting it.

Why not after the initial question say "I'm sorry coach, it was KCJJ that reported it" and not just leave it as "it's out there".

As for the video itself I don't have a problem with the airing it, KF knows that those side sessions are recorded but it's still a silly story regardless and will give plenty of reporters the ammo they have been looking for to spin KF saying the F' bomb into whatever story angle they want to.

This is the answer.

As I was telling a buddy of mine. The ****** that asked the question got what he was looking for, an I'm sure was happy as a clam driving back to DM because he "made" a story. It really is a sad state when reporters try to become part of the news rather than just reporting it.

Why not after the initial question say "I'm sorry coach, it was KCJJ that reported it" and not just leave it as "it's out there".

As for the video itself I don't have a problem with the airing it, KF knows that those side sessions are recorded but it's still a silly story regardless and will give plenty of reporters the ammo they have been looking for to spin KF saying the F' bomb into whatever story angle they want to.


This is not at all factual from what I heard.

I read and heard that the guy was very shaken up and apologetic.

Didn't seem like a "gotcha" moment at all
This is just pure ignorance.

If the media and the people didn't have the power to question things then the world would definatley not be a more just place.

What about the penn state situation? So the media was supposed to just shut up and not ask questions and let this remain hidden?

I really hope you are kidding.

Also the atheltic department being able to bully people from asking tough questions is exactly the problem as to how coaches have too much power

Don't act like its any moral high ground because it certainly isn't -

its protecting your own interests; which certainly is human but not neccessarily moral.

They are free to question things, that is their right. However it is also the AD's right to cut off their access. It's a two way street.
This is the answer.

As I was telling a buddy of mine. The ****** that asked the question got what he was looking for, an I'm sure was happy as a clam driving back to DM because he "made" a story. It really is a sad state when reporters try to become part of the news rather than just reporting it.

Why not after the initial question say "I'm sorry coach, it was KCJJ that reported it" and not just leave it as "it's out there".

As for the video itself I don't have a problem with the airing it, KF knows that those side sessions are recorded but it's still a silly story regardless and will give plenty of reporters the ammo they have been looking for to spin KF saying the F' bomb into whatever story angle they want to.


The folks around here who assume to know the motives behind reporters' questions are every bit as (temporarily, in some cases) stupid as those who think Ferentz doesn't give two ***** about winning and is just sitting back counting his Benjamins.
Have any of you heard some of the old Fry press conferences before? If that's a blowup, I can't imagine what you'd call what Fry would have said to the guy.
Have any of you heard some of the old Fry press conferences before? If that's a blowup, I can't imagine what you'd call what Fry would have said to the guy.

At least Fry did it in front of everyone instead of waiting until the presser was over to say something.
Airing the clip as part of their sport's stories for the problem. Using the story as one of the key top stories of the day leading into the 6 PM prime time new's slot and including it in both the "news" segment and the "sports" segment was amateurism at its best.
The folks around here who assume to know the motives behind reporters' questions are every bit as (temporarily, in some cases) stupid as those who think Ferentz doesn't give two ***** about winning and is just sitting back counting his Benjamins.

I agree and I stand corrected for having the wrong info of the events.
After watching the video clip twice, I concluded that if anyone should be upset, it's the reporter who asked Kurt the "it's out there" question.
He should be very upset at his barber. Sheesh, what an awful head of hair he has.
100% no problem. Only the coddling Iowa media would even hesitate before airing this. The man was in the room for press conferences, there are mics and cameras everywhere. Its not like this reporter popped up on KF's front porch at 6AM and caught him in his boxers and robe. If KF does not like it he should (1) control himself better or (2) quit.

Can you imagine if KF was in the NFL? Seems laughable that such a scenario was ever presented as possible. He would not last one season with a real big city media. Can't imagine he has much interest in it either.