New profile posts

Hey Mike,

Things are going well and you are correct on the Elkader connection. I don't get back up that way too often even though I live in CR but I am fortunate to find time for Iowa Basketball which I have enjoyed watching for years. Nowadays, I get the added pleasure of doing so from behind a camera lens thanks to HawkeyeNation and the wonderful work that Jon puts into this website.

No chance, Ike! I have zero problem with 95% of hunting, conservation, and game management. I am a proud carnivore. I understand that diseased wild animals need to be put down.
What I don't care for is wanton thrill-killing of animals, and cruelty in any form, or irrational fear of things like raccoons, foxes, etc. They are NO threat to our existence, and when some lazy slob suburbanite gets all lit up because he thinks his stupid kids are in harm's way from a raccoon, well...I tend to want to cut that jackhole down a bit.
I also don't care for "big game" hunting, because it is clearly NOT hunting for population control and meat - it's a macho pursuit, pure and simple. Lotsa Freudian rules apply to guys who feel the need to shoot a bear or what have you. Anyway, thanks for the friend request, you're my first! Later, pal. Vint.
Hey, I was looking at your photos of the Hawkeyes (which are great by the way) and noticed the copyright of Clem Messerli. You must be the Clem who went to school in Elkader, right? How's it going? Looks like you are getting to work at Hawkeye games, which is very cool.

Anyway, just wanted to say a quick hello.
Mike Kuhse
Hey...the time is an hour off still. Daylights savings was last night, fall back!!
That was a great vid on the MSU game. You have real talent ... well done and thanks for sharing.


I am working with Real Rivals a new and improved wrestling website for Iowa High School Wrestling on a project called 'Schedules' to help promote attendance at wrestling meets around the state of Iowa. I was woundering if I could post a link to the site from the wrestling page on this site. I dont wont to step on any toes with site rules. Thanks for any information back.

Kirk Crittenden
Life long Hawkeye
When I was posting a message (it had an attached quote from another poster), I was told it will be reviewed by a moderator prior to posting. Is that standard now or what's up with that? Thanks! :)
Jon-not sure if you want to publish this but found a subscription on youtube that seems to have all the KF pressers and weekly player interviews. Let me know if you would rather keep this quiet. Do not want to step on what you are doing with this site. Keep up the great work. IPS101

YouTube - Sourcemgnews's Channel
I have 4 OSU tix. I will sell in pairs. $250 each. Can't go because we are going to Virgin Island BB tourney
The exact quote for duff is: "Wow, I took off 3 hrs early from my 15 buck an hour job because I felt like it, and I haven't had to work a weekend in 2 years. How exactly am I prole again?"
I think leaving out the 'and I haven't had to work a weekend in 2 years' bit is disrespectful; I suggest you edit your sig.
PS I think he's maybe an EMS Tech. Or a car-stereo installer @ Worst Buy.
Hey Jon,

After I called in tonight, you asked Jim if he remembered a former Hawkeye named Tork Hook. Not that it's important or anything, just thought I would mention that Tork is a family friend (our dads worked in the same office for years), and I am (obviously) named after him.