New profile posts

Hey, just sending an invite to the "Can Coker Redshirt Next Year?" thread. It's beginning to stall, and we're looking to get it going again. Already invited Shane for his sense of humor, and Kaldenberg if he's willing to play along as the foil. Watching the two of you go at it is always good entertainment!
seen your post about wanting to know about Wegher. I can tell you what I heard from someone that has connections in Sioux City (where Wegher went to Heelan). I hear that he got his GF pregnant and she goes to USD. On top of that, I also heard that he got another married chick pregnant in Iowa City and basically wants to get out of there and his parents are trying to force him to stay. Can't post it because I'd get banned, but now hearing that he is looking to transfer to USD, it starts to come together a little.
I've been informed that there is another game watch location in Richardson that sounds to be a little more of an "active" group. Perhaps Ball State weekend?
Saw your post on Wegher. If you aren't allowed to post it here would you be willing to email me what you know?

Yo, I think you should lift my ban over on CW temporarily so I can run some smack on the rebuttal video! I'll behave...sort of!
Completely missed your message- no worries. I will be out of town for AZ as well, maybe we can plan something for Ball State. Should have plenty to talk through by that game.
Hey Just wondering if your tickets are still available? What row are they? We are looking for 3.
hi jon, WHO radio used to rebraodcast the games either on saturday or sunday nights. as i recall they do the 11 and 2:30 games but not night games. just wondering if they still do this and why not the night games. thanks for your time on this busy but exciting day. GO HAWKS!!!!!