Your 2019-2020 prediction for Iowa

Man I like it when posters state the obvious. Of course we want the best case scenario, but I think your post is dead on. It will be difficult for freshmen players to come in and make an immediate and strong impact. Take them out of the question and what do we have at the point guard position? Yikes!! If Joe can play point then that could be our best bet until the freshmen develop. I do think our post play will be slightly above average for Iowa but slightly below average as far as B1G standards are concern. I think we struggle to make NIT and finish somewhere between ninth and twelfth in the conference. If JBo makes an unexpected recovery and plays then that would make a B1G difference and I jump us up as high as fifth to eight place in the conference. Nunge could be an X factor that the team could build around along with Joe. If those two can excel and the new guards at least play good defense then that changes the chemistry in a major way. That’s a lot of if’s and but’s though.
Iowa’s options at point guard past Touissaint are a 3rd year sophomore and a 5th year grad transfer.

Wieskamp at PG? Probably the two worst facets of his game right now are ball handling and passing (both things he will improve). Putting him at PG would be idiotic. This isn’t youth basketball where you just put your best player at PG so he has the ball the most.
The more I consider this line-up, the more I am liking what it is. Just because it is different than last year and we lost some huge scoring options does not mean this line-up will not gel and be formidable.

The consensus is we love what we have in the front court. We also have a potential all conference guy at 3. three of the five positions we all seem to love.

I also think we know what we have at PG. With more playing time and another year and some confidence, Connor will be a crafty veteran who makes good decisions and plays good defense. Joe T will either be an able back-up with similar attributes, or supplant Connor, which is what we should all be rooting for because that will mean he is pretty damn good. Either way, we should get good, heady PG play.

The only question mark we have is the 2 and we have two intriguing prospects to fill that role. Decent chance one of them is better than Moss overall. Or, JABo comes back and we are really, really good. Or, Patrick cannot be kept off the court so you slide JW down to the 2.

In the end, I see a much better chance that this line-up comes together than not.
One huge upgrade at the 2 is having both guys be true combo guards. Both Bakari and CJF are legit combos (Bakari leans more toward a 1 and CJF toward a 2). The ball handling and movement should be much improved on the perimeter. Add in that JW is a year senior and the likely 3 backup is PMac, and I think the passing will be much improved. The D clearly should improved be at all positions.
One huge upgrade at the 2 is having both guys be true combo guards. Both Bakari and CJF are legit combos (Bakari leans more toward a 1 and CJF toward a 2). The ball handling and movement should be much improved on the perimeter. Add in that JW is a year senior and the likely 3 backup is PMac, and I think the passing will be much improved. The D clearly should improved be at all positions.

I'm kind of with you. I think both Bakari and CJF are legit combo guards, but I think both lean more towards the 2 spot. It is nice having two legit PGs on the roster in Connor and Toussaint though. I think we're definitely looking at an upgrade in ball handling this year with 4 guys that have played or exclusively play the point. JBo has been a legit PG and a solid, smart, ball handler for us, however, I think he'd play a lot of minutes at the 2 with this roster composition and maybe even start there later this year if he does play.

That said, I'd give it a less than 20% chance that he does play and a 0% chance of him looking like himself this year. He had that surgery really late and he's been doing zero summer conditioning/workouts as he heals. I bet he'll be practicing come November, but he won't be the JBo we know. We often take for granted how much of an absolute iron man he's been for us these past 3 years. He's played 30 minutes a game for nearly every game running almost constantly trying to get guys looks. He will absolutely not be in that kind of condition by the time the season rolls around. Speaking from experience, it will take a solid 6 months to get back to a semblance of his former self, and the end goal is to be even better by finally playing pain free. If he's smart, he should take that redshirt and use it to its full advantage to go out with a bang rather than a whimper.
The 2 times Fran started a freshman at point guard we were one of the first teams out of the tournament. Both times there were literally no other options for point. This year we have two other options for point. We also have the best scoring center in 30 years at Iowa and a player who will be an all time great at Iowa as long as he stays long enough (might not be at all time great level this year tho, but close). If Joe T starts, he will have earned it. Especially considering he would be starting over Connor, and Fran would probably lean towards starting his more experienced son if it was even close.

Can’t argue with any of your points as I think they are all legit.
I'm kind of with you. I think both Bakari and CJF are legit combo guards, but I think both lean more towards the 2 spot. It is nice having two legit PGs on the roster in Connor and Toussaint though. I think we're definitely looking at an upgrade in ball handling this year with 4 guys that have played or exclusively play the point. JBo has been a legit PG and a solid, smart, ball handler for us, however, I think he'd play a lot of minutes at the 2 with this roster composition and maybe even start there later this year if he does play.

That said, I'd give it a less than 20% chance that he does play and a 0% chance of him looking like himself this year. He had that surgery really late and he's been doing zero summer conditioning/workouts as he heals. I bet he'll be practicing come November, but he won't be the JBo we know. We often take for granted how much of an absolute iron man he's been for us these past 3 years. He's played 30 minutes a game for nearly every game running almost constantly trying to get guys looks. He will absolutely not be in that kind of condition by the time the season rolls around. Speaking from experience, it will take a solid 6 months to get back to a semblance of his former self, and the end goal is to be even better by finally playing pain free. If he's smart, he should take that redshirt and use it to its full advantage to go out with a bang rather than a whimper.

I'm look forward to seeing what Garza can do this year after having sufficient time to heal and get back his strength. It will be interesting to see what Bohannon can do if he is totally healthy.
What a great thread!! Who started this?
No idea.

What is kind of amazing is how quickly the narrative has changed from "the sky is falling" due to the many player losses for various reasons, to the optimism now coming forth. I think most of us had a upset stomach for awhile. Then we had salt thrown in the wound with the loss of JBO and now that even no longer seems insurmountable. Someone deserves a little credit for assembling a cupboard full of potential and giving fans reason to feel the Hawks are once again gonna be a team to be reckoned with.
No idea.

What is kind of amazing is how quickly the narrative has changed from "the sky is falling" due to the many player losses for various reasons, to the optimism now coming forth. I think most of us had a upset stomach for awhile. Then we had salt thrown in the wound with the loss of JBO and now that even no longer seems insurmountable. Someone deserves a little credit for assembling a cupboard full of potential and giving fans reason to feel the Hawks are once again gonna be a team to be reckoned with.

I'm just excited because it will be a fairly new group with a lot of questions that we'll get answered. I don't know what to expect - so my expectations are more based on what I expect from the program in general and that's at the very least an NCAA appearance. That's my floor every year and until Iowa can do it consistently, floor won't change. Make the NCAA this year and I think we can all take a collective sigh of relief that things are on the right path for Iowa basketball.

If we're being honest tho - Palm had us "in" 2 years ago and "out" last year - so, I'll just spoil this for everyone now. With no Jordan, no TC and no Moss, everyone is going to pick Iowa to be down this season and with good reason. I am in the minority and I realize this, but I think Fran is a good coach and will have a team competitive enough to be right there by seasons end. If he doesn't I'm ready for a new coach.
If we're being honest tho - Palm had us "in" 2 years ago and "out" last year - so, I'll just spoil this for everyone now. With no Jordan, no TC and no Moss, everyone is going to pick Iowa to be down this season and with good reason. I am in the minority and I realize this, but I think Fran is a good coach and will have a team competitive enough to be right there by seasons end. If he doesn't I'm ready for a new coach.

If we're being honest...Bracketology before practice even starts has even less value to it then preseason football polls.
I tell ya what. If we don't make the tourney this season, we should just say bye to Fran and go after Chris Jans. He apparently just got a 4 star big man freshman to commit to freaking Las Cruces, NM. He has offers from St John's, Oregon State, USC, and Georgetown.
I tell ya what. If we don't make the tourney this season, we should just say bye to Fran and go after Chris Jans. He apparently just got a 4 star big man freshman to commit to freaking Las Cruces, NM. He has offers from St John's, Oregon State, USC, and Georgetown.
I’m not against Jans at all, but he Eustachied himself on video and Iowa wouldn’t touch him with a fifty foot pole. Nobody with any kind of scandal attached will ever get hired here again. Tom Brands’ stuff got swept under the rug back when there wasn’t as much outrage (even if deserved) in the world.
I’m not against Jans at all, but he Eustachied himself on video and Iowa wouldn’t touch him with a fifty foot pole. Nobody with any kind of scandal attached will ever get hired here again. Tom Brands’ stuff got swept under the rug back when there wasn’t as much outrage (even if deserved) in the world.
Are you talking about the same administration that just gave a raise and extension to a guy that was found 'in a court of law' to have discriminated against two female employees based on gender and sexual orientation costing the University over $6.5 million? :)

Seriously, if Fran were to step down/take another job/etc (no way Barta would ever fire Fran at this point), I'm pretty sure Harreld wouldn't be against hiring Jans.
Are you talking about the same administration that just gave a raise and extension to a guy that was found 'in a court of law' to have discriminated against two female employees based on gender and sexual orientation costing the University over $6.5 million? :)

Seriously, if Fran were to step down/take another job/etc (no way Barta would ever fire Fran at this point), I'm pretty sure Harreld wouldn't be against hiring Jans.
Yep. They have separate standards for morality. Harreld and the BOR mafia can explain away the harassment thing by just saying they disagree with a court’s decision. Regarding Barta, he’s indeed a profoundly douche baggy guy, but the whole purpose for his job existing at Iowa is to be the whipping boy and scapegoat for the administration. He makes no revenue sports decisions. No way they aren’t going to keep him around and pay him handsomely.

Though I don’t agree with it...losing a discrimination lawsuit isn’t seen as serious as getting drunk and slapping a college girl’s ass on video. Hiring Jans would go against the squeaky clean charade that Iowa has put on since Kirk got here and after Alford left.
Fran's image may be clean, but I've about had it with his temper. Chasing down an official in the tunnel and calling him a cheating mf'er was a new low, especially when Fran has been embroiled in situations with the team's radio broadcaster.

Can anyone name one clear incident where his outbursts inspired or motivated the team? They looked dead as a doornail against Rutgers and Wisconsin last year. If he has another incident and Barta (or the B1G) are forced to suspend him again, will the University be forced to consider a change?
The one thing about Jans is he's had some time to put the incident behind him. If it just happened, there's no way he would get hired here.