You watch-McCall will leave!

Here is what I don't understand. CJ blatantly throws a defender to the ground yesterday to draw a pass interference, then proceeds to fumble the ball. But then he is right back out there on the next possession? But yet Mccall fumbles and he never sees the field again?
Our TE are mainly used to block....especially CJ. A RB has to carry the ball often. VERY different.
i'm still baffled by the "very poor timing" comment about the purdue game. we are on the 5 yard line and have the momentum in the game. here son, have your first carry back be a TD which will pretty much put the nail in the coffin in the game. you will be excited, the team will be sky-high, the fans will be ecstatic, and you will earn more snaps.

sounds like perfect timing to me and he failed

Gulp Gulp....mmmmmm cherry flavored.
McCall is a violent runner and he is very aggressive at taking the handoffs. For some reason on the Thursday or Friday before the Purdue game the coaches worked with him on softening up while taking the exchange. It was "bad timing" for them to get in the kids mind and try to change what he does. Hence his arms being open and the fumble...
He did, but our 'fans' have to blame someone....and it has to be KF or NEVER could be the play of our team.

Exactly....the fact that everyone is still endeared to McCall is mind boggling...He failed and i he has issues with that and thinks it is "bull$%&@" then McCall...don't let the door hit you on the way out. I like Hawkeyes who are going to work and prove everyone wrong. McCall is quickly becoming one of my least favorite Hawkeyes and he has hardly played.
I like coker, but he isn't a home run hitter, so to speak.

McCall had the speed to take it to the house if he gets to the secondary. We could use McCall so much and he could be a huge help if our coaching staff knew how to utilize our players and their abilities.

We should have thrown a fade to McNutt every time he had one on one coverage, because chances are he will come down with it.

Vandy is better from shotgun and with a quick pace of play, but we rarely did that.

They need to learn to adapt to the talent we have and give our players the best chance to win the game. They don't. They win despite the coaches, not because of them. It's becoming a problem.

This!!!! WINNER!
If McCall is smart he will leave.
I wouldn't want to play for this offensive staff.

So you're holding out for the Wisconsin offer then? That's smart.

Exactly....the fact that everyone is still endeared to McCall is mind boggling...He failed and i he has issues with that and thinks it is "bull$%&@" then McCall...don't let the door hit you on the way out. I like Hawkeyes who are going to work and prove everyone wrong. McCall is quickly becoming one of my least favorite Hawkeyes and he has hardly played.

I like coker, but he isn't a home run hitter, so to speak.

McCall had the speed to take it to the house if he gets to the secondary. We could use McCall so much and he could be a huge help if our coaching staff knew how to utilize our players and their abilities.

We should have thrown a fade to McNutt every time he had one on one coverage, because chances are he will come down with it.

Vandy is better from shotgun and with a quick pace of play, but we rarely did that.

They need to learn to adapt to the talent we have and give our players the best chance to win the game. They don't. They win despite the coaches, not because of them. It's becoming a problem.

Didn't know he was only running back we had with the ability to take it to the house (since Coker obviously can't (see insight bowl)). Canzeri, Bullock.... Man we are screwed if McCall does decide to leave for talking sh*t about the coaches decisions of our team. I too think the kid has potential but the little we saw him was against a sh*t team early on, hes far from our proven savior.
McCall had 60 some yards against one of the worst teams Louisiana something and he is our savior?

God I hope this board is not a reflection of the entire fan base.

McCall has show some promise and yes Coker needs some help, but give it a rest. If McCall is who we hope he is, he will be back and play when he's ready.
We don't want another prima donna like DJK do we. (I'm sure this is what Ferentz is thinking right now).
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Has anyone in this thread stopped, took a deep breath, and understood that they have no idea what they're talking about?
i guess we just bench Coker in favor of McCall who clearly better
oh by the way Coker now has 2006 yards for his young career, which puts him in select company as he is the 12th player in Iowa history to get over 2000 in their entire career,
he needs 172 yardsto overtake Phillips for 10th place,
yup better to bench him in favor of a kid that did his great running aganst a low level sub division school
another thing is why is he crying about sitting on the bench after a turn over, Coker got benched in the TT game after his turnover, you didn't see him go to facebook and voice his displeasure
i guess we just bench Coker in favor of McCall who clearly better
oh by the way Coker now has 2006 yards for his young career, which puts him in select company as he is the 12th player in Iowa history to get over 2000 in their entire career,
he needs 172 yardsto overtake Phillips for 10th place,
yup better to bench him in favor of a kid that did his great running aganst a low level sub division school

That is all fine and dandy Herby, but there is NO WAY that Coker stays healthy if someone can't take some carries.
another thing is why is he crying about sitting on the bench after a turn over, Coker got benched in the TT game after his turnover, you didn't see him go to facebook and voice his displeasure

He didn't have to worry because the best back in that game BROKE HIS ANKLE. :)

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