You guys are draining

The only way a big upset will happen is if Nebraska completely fails to show up. (think 5 fumbles vs the Clones a few years ago), and somebody chloroforms Greg Davis early Friday morning and throws him in the trunk of a Buick headed for Elkader.

This Iowa team hasn't the fire, players and certainly not the leadership on the sidelines to pull it off. I'd love nothing more than to be wrong... but Nebraska is the best bet on the board this week.
Nope. I just know how I would play this game and if I do, I would hope GD and PP do as well.
Braska is not a complicated team to figure out. Just have to use what they are against them and watch them self implode.

You should be the coach.
You should be the coach.

And have you people bagging on my every move? Not a chance. I would have been swearing in press conf from day one.
Every coach knows, the best way to win a game such as this is to take what they do and use it against them. Going head to head and fist to fist (man to man) is not going to work. Leverage what a team is against themselves and they will almost always pizz down their leg.
Nope. I just know how I would play this game and if I do, I would hope GD and PP do as well.
Braska is not a complicated team to figure out. Just have to use what they are against them and watch them self implode.
At what point in the season did you stop and say, 'GD and PP (KF for that matter!) knows what they're doing, they'll figure it out.' This is a team and a program going in reverse about as fast as humanly possible.
And have you people bagging on my every move? Not a chance. I would have been swearing in press conf from day one.
Every coach knows, the best way to win a game such as this is to take what they do and use it against them. Going head to head and fist to fist (man to man) is not going to work. Leverage what a team is against themselves and they will almost always pizz down their leg.

Well, they bag on you here....what's the diff? At least with the rants you'd give at press conferences, no one could complain about lack of emotion!
This team puts the QUIT in QUITTING.

They are gonna get demolished on Friday, and they are gonna deserve it.
Braska is not a complicated team to figure out. Just have to use what they are against them and watch them self implode.
I wouldn't speak so fast, they are more complicated than it may seem to you.

That being said, I expect Iowa to be fired up and play well.
Tell um Old Dude. Was it over when the Nazi's bombed Pearl Harbor.

And it ain't over now. 'Cause when the goin' gets tough... the tough get goin'! Who's with me? Let's go! What the farck happened to the IOWA I used to know? Where's the spirit? Where's the guts, huh? "Ooh, we're afraid to go with you Old, we might get in trouble." Well just kiss my arse from now on! Because we are going to beat those bugeaters.
I wouldn't speak so fast, they are more complicated than it may seem to you.

That being said, I expect Iowa to be fired up and play well.

I think they'll be fired up for a quarter or two, but they'll cool off as Martinez and Bell get comfortable.

Iowa's only shot is if they can get to Martinez and rattle him somehow.
I think they'll be fired up for a quarter or two, but they'll cool off as Martinez and Bell get comfortable.

Iowa's only shot is if they can get to Martinez and rattle him somehow.

I expect Nebraska to score on 4 out of their first 5 drives. 28-3 by half. We will not see a change at QB no matter what the score is, unless there is an injury. Iowa scores an ugly touchdown late:

Nebraska- 45
Iowa- 13

Don't mean to drain anyone by being negative, it just is what it is.
I wouldn't speak so fast, they are more complicated than it may seem to you.

That being said, I expect Iowa to be fired up and play well.

With all do respect, my inlaws are from braska and are all braska fans. Watching ball with them is like watching a child with a new toy, it is always filled with surprises. My wife gets upset with me, because after they line up I will call the play with a fairly high rate of success. She tells me this is like telling her how a book ends.
But in all fairness I do watch about 7 to 8 games a week on tv and try and catch as much HS ball as I can. This year I really fell off on the HS ball, due to timing, I hope to get back to it in the late summer.
What position did you play 74?
Olddude, you are a good motivator and optimistic person. I'd want you on my island....BUT....the truth is, this is a message board made for opinions. And most of those opinions come from fans that have seen the same train wreck every week with no change.

In many cases, perception is reality...this Hawk team is one of them. There will be more black and gold in the stadium than red...hawk fans will show up (albeit, not all of them), but there will still be lots of red....and there is no indication from leadership, coaches, pressers, player soundbites, etc, that the team will change.

I hope the hawks show up, anything can happen, but as a fan I'm not going to buy in that they will.

But I like your attitude.
Olddude, you are a good motivator and optimistic person. I'd want you on my island....BUT....the truth is, this is a message board made for opinions. And most of those opinions come from fans that have seen the same train wreck every week with no change.

In many cases, perception is reality...this Hawk team is one of them. There will be more black and gold in the stadium than red...hawk fans will show up (albeit, not all of them), but there will still be lots of red....and there is no indication from leadership, coaches, pressers, player soundbites, etc, that the team will change.

I hope the hawks show up, anything can happen, but as a fan I'm not going to buy in that they will.

But I like your attitude.

I know. I guess everything has to have an equal and opposite. That means when everybody is excited and gloating on a 10 win year, or we are up by 30 in a game, I get to be the downer.
Trust me, it is not easy being me, because I dont get to be the downer very often. :)
Also funny you should word it like that. It is not the first time I have been told I would be wanted on a persons island. Just not in me to give up I guess.
How many times has Iowa pulled an upset in the last 10 years? As fans you ask that the players to never quit, and say things like "character shows up when the chips are down". Yet here you all are all doom and gloom WITH A GAME IN TWO DAYS!. Every game counts, every game is important.
I get where we are at. I have watched what has happened. I see a team that needs a ton of work, but I also see a team that puts on the pads and goes out and gives it all they have, for nothing more then the love of it. What do any of us devote that much time to, for nothing more then the love of it? (except Vin and his post count)
Bashing is not going to help. If you want a coach gone email Barta or who ever. But these kids deserve better then to be bashed on.
When all the men went to war, the women stepped it up and went to work. I know that was a different time and a different generation, but come on society can not be so bad that we cant even man up like those women of yesteryear did. Put on your big boy fan face and get back to the Iowa attitude of never quit and lets go see if we can will this team to a W. Break the rock. Punch it threw. Make the Huskers hurt and truly bleed red.

Please dont remind me of the 2010 team. Cuz many of you are acting just like them.

Dude, I love your attitude, but we're football fans. We sit and watch football. I appreciate the rally cry, but we literally sit on our ***** and watch football. As you can see from Iowa's recent home games, the crowd doesn't matter at all if the team is outplayed and outcoached. You can't manufacture talent with grit.

Having said that, bravo to you. Go hawks.
olddude just compared us to women in the 1940's. I'm not sure if I should be offended or if I should hug my mom.
" I firmly believe that any mans finest hour, the greatest fulfillmentof all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle- victorious."
"Alright mister, let me tell you what winning means... your willing to go longer, work harder and give more than anyone else."
Love your optimism, but, let's break it down.
offensive edge: Nebraska
defensive edge: Nebraska
special teams: Nebraska
refuse to loose,come from behind attitude: Nebraska
coaching: Nebraska
Unless T-Magic breaks an ankle in warm ups, or earthquake or something, Nebraska scores 49+ on this team

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