You guys are draining

Love your optimism, but, let's break it down.
offensive edge: Nebraska
defensive edge: Nebraska
special teams: Nebraska
refuse to loose,come from behind attitude: Nebraska
coaching: Nebraska
Unless T-Magic breaks an ankle in warm ups, or earthquake or something, Nebraska scores 49+ on this team

I'm don't mean to single you out Elwood, but I see this everywhere lately, at work, on here, everywhere. Lose is spelled L-O-S-E. Loose is the opposite of tight, for example the handle on my door is loose. I know this could have been a typo, and I make a whole bunch also, but I'm starting to think there is a large portion of the population that think lose is spelled L-O-O-S-E.
My bad, should have read it before mashing the button. Iowa public schooling. :p
I don't mean to be a db, which I pretty much just was, it's just one of those things I've seen so much lately, but my spelling and grammer on a message board is certainly nothing to be proud of, so I probably just should have shut up.
I don't mean to be a db, which I pretty much just was, it's just one of those things I've seen so much lately, but my spelling and grammer on a message board is certainly nothing to be proud of, so I probably just should have shut up.

Or maybe your on to something. Its subliminal, braska fails to get loose and we fail to lose.
Iowa football 2012:

"If you're going through hell, keep on going."

We're still going.

"There aren't a lot of guys like me left. But I'm a war horse. I've been through it all. And you know something about war horses? Through the sleet, through the snow, they just keep going."
How many times has Iowa pulled an upset in the last 10 years? As fans you ask that the players to never quit, and say things like "character shows up when the chips are down". Yet here you all are all doom and gloom WITH A GAME IN TWO DAYS!. Every game counts, every game is important.
I get where we are at. I have watched what has happened. I see a team that needs a ton of work, but I also see a team that puts on the pads and goes out and gives it all they have, for nothing more then the love of it. What do any of us devote that much time to, for nothing more then the love of it? (except Vin and his post count)
Bashing is not going to help. If you want a coach gone email Barta or who ever. But these kids deserve better then to be bashed on.
When all the men went to war, the women stepped it up and went to work. I know that was a different time and a different generation, but come on society can not be so bad that we cant even man up like those women of yesteryear did. Put on your big boy fan face and get back to the Iowa attitude of never quit and lets go see if we can will this team to a W. Break the rock. Punch it threw. Make the Huskers hurt and truly bleed red.

Please dont remind me of the 2010 team. Cuz many of you are acting just like them.

So you're saying we should play women?
And....... I'm spent. I will try and come back tomorrow for some more drive by optimizing, optimisims, well what ev you get it.
How many times has Iowa pulled an upset in the last 10 years? As fans you ask that the players to never quit, and say things like "character shows up when the chips are down". Yet here you all are all doom and gloom WITH A GAME IN TWO DAYS!. Every game counts, every game is important.
I get where we are at. I have watched what has happened. I see a team that needs a ton of work, but I also see a team that puts on the pads and goes out and gives it all they have, for nothing more then the love of it. What do any of us devote that much time to, for nothing more then the love of it? (except Vin and his post count)
Bashing is not going to help. If you want a coach gone email Barta or who ever. But these kids deserve better then to be bashed on.
When all the men went to war, the women stepped it up and went to work. I know that was a different time and a different generation, but come on society can not be so bad that we cant even man up like those women of yesteryear did. Put on your big boy fan face and get back to the Iowa attitude of never quit and lets go see if we can will this team to a W. Break the rock. Punch it threw. Make the Huskers hurt and truly bleed red.

Please dont remind me of the 2010 team. Cuz many of you are acting just like them.

Olddude, you forget that the majority of posters here were D1 athletes who met or exceeded their potential in their respective sport. Everyday they toiled in the most demanding practices any of you could ever imagine. They competed weekly against the best athletes coast to coast. They have every right to denigrate the players, the team, the coaches and the program. They know what is going on in practice and in the game because they have been there, and done that. They have a right to completely give up on the current players. Times are that bad.
Olddude, you forget that the majority of posters here were D1 athletes who met or exceeded their potential in their respective sport. Everyday they toiled in the most demanding practices any of you could ever imagine. They competed weekly against the best athletes coast to coast. They have every right to denigrate the players, the team, the coaches and the program. They know what is going on in practice and in the game because they have been there, and done that. They have a right to completely give up on the current players. Times are that bad.

I get that. I have not played at a high level either. But that does not mean I did not try to play D1. I know what it takes, even if I dont have it. I also know I have been called many things, but a quitter was never one. I dont quit and I am loyal, I guess maybe that is why chicks dig ball players. :)
" I firmly believe that any mans finest hour, the greatest fulfillmentof all that he holds dear, is the moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle- victorious. - Vincent Lombardi"

If you're going to quote one of the all time greatest coaches at least give the man credit for the quote.
God bless ya Old Dude. Everything and everyone gives iowa no chance...with good reason...however...i still love the undying hope.

Blind faith. Hope against hope.

As a Hawkeye in Omaha...i HAVE to hope to see something i dont expect.
God bless ya Old Dude. Everything and everyone gives iowa no chance...with good reason...however...i still love the undying hope.

Blind faith. Hope against hope.

As a Hawkeye in Omaha...i HAVE to hope to see something i dont expect.

Hope gets you no where. Will gets you a very long ways.
Spark, good call. He has many of them. Some have a way with words, others quote. :)
I don't mean to be a db, which I pretty much just was, it's just one of those things I've seen so much lately, but my spelling and grammer on a message board is certainly nothing to be proud of, so I probably just should have shut up.

Olddude, you forget that the majority of posters here were D1 athletes who met or exceeded their potential in their respective sport. Everyday they toiled in the most demanding practices any of you could ever imagine. They competed weekly against the best athletes coast to coast. They have every right to denigrate the players, the team, the coaches and the program. They know what is going on in practice and in the game because they have been there, and done that. They have a right to completely give up on the current players. Times are that bad.

Good God! If the majority of posters on this board are former division 1 athletes, we certainly failed in one aspect of the educational product and that is communication. Being a former D1 athlete myself, I appreciate what the players are giving. I don't always agree with what is done but I do appreciate the effort. Unless none of you D1 athletes never lost a game, you don't have the right to denigrate the players lest we all denigrate your failures as well.
Old dude rocks.

True Hawk and a good guy to have on your team.

Chances are damn slim today but hopefully the team on the field and sidelines continues looking forward and thinking positive. One day it will change, today or one game next season. I want to be there when it does.

To win today would have to be God's Will I am thinking, and he could surely make it happen, if he decided to. Nebby is tough sledding for the Hawks for sure.
Good God! If the majority of posters on this board are former division 1 athletes, we certainly failed in one aspect of the educational product and that is communication. Being a former D1 athlete myself, I appreciate what the players are giving. I don't always agree with what is done but I do appreciate the effort. Unless none of you D1 athletes never lost a game, you don't have the right to denigrate the players lest we all denigrate your failures as well.

My prior post to Old Dude was in jest, my dry sense of humor was lost. I obviously appreciate the effort these young football players are giving and abhor many of the posters denigrating the team and its players.

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