You can't polish a turd.

The fact that you still don't realize we are on the same side is funny to me. Your hate and negativity is blinding you.
Pretty sure I never said Ferentz line of reasoning is logical, just that it is his line of reasoning (which you seem to agree with). So again, I hope Daniels gets in the game this week so that Kurt can play him going forward.

Easy pardner.

I'm saying that the reasoning you are putting forth, aka Kurt's Reasoning(TM), is illogical.

I am not saying that you personally advocate said reasoning. You're submitting it in Kurt's stead, and that's what I'm Spocking. You're just the messenger, I understand that. I'm bashing Kurt via your post.

Now, to your other point. I haven't been drunk for years, prolly a decade. However, Kurt may entice me to make an appointment with Dr. Patron.
I am not ready to throw the towel in on this season. But it is disappointing to say the least that Iowa let a MAC school come in to Kinnick and steal a win on opening day, I don't give a rats butt how good NIU is. I remember a few years ago a talented Miami, Oh team led by Big Ben came in here and pundits were calling for Iowa to get upset and Iowa took care of business.

But my biggest gripe goes back to last season and the coaching staffs sticking with Vandenberg at QB the entire season. Perhaps had they given Rudock a chance last year they could have had a more polished quarterback to start this season with.
I am not ready to throw the towel in on this season. But it is disappointing to say the least that Iowa let a MAC school come in to Kinnick and steal a win on opening day, I don't give a rats butt how good NIU is. I remember a few years ago a talented Miami, Oh team led by Big Ben came in here and pundits were calling for Iowa to get upset and Iowa took care of business.

But my biggest gripe goes back to last season and the coaching staffs sticking with Vandenberg at QB the entire season. Perhaps had they given Rudock a chance last year they could have had a more polished quarterback to start this season with.

Strangely, I now agree with this. Last year I reasoned that throwing Rudock out onto the field during The Train Wreck could irreparably destroy the kid's confidence. Now I just hope his last play didn't do that.

I still think GD--or whoever wants to take the blame--called some ****-poor plays/sequences in the second half, up to and including the INT play. And even our hook-and-leader-last-gasp-desperation play looked about as well-organized as a battle royal. A player in that situation should NEVER have to "find" someone to lateral/throw the ball, there should be at least ONE choice. It seemed we either had NO choice, or three choices.
I am not ready to throw the towel in on this season. But it is disappointing to say the least that Iowa let a MAC school come in to Kinnick and steal a win on opening day, I don't give a rats butt how good NIU is. I remember a few years ago a talented Miami, Oh team led by Big Ben came in here and pundits were calling for Iowa to get upset and Iowa took care of business.

But my biggest gripe goes back to last season and the coaching staffs sticking with Vandenberg at QB the entire season. Perhaps had they given Rudock a chance last year they could have had a more polished quarterback to start this season with.

This demonstrates HokkFans' ignorance. The game where Big Ben came into Kinnick was 10 YEARS AGO. We of course had a good season in 2004 save for the debacle in the desert and then our streak from PSU 2008 to Northwestern 2009 and the Orange Bowl. Even during that last good run, it took a total alignment of the stars to get many of those wins, with the two blocked kicks against UNI, 7 got 6, the narrow wins against Michigan and Arkansas State, the talent packed roster, etc. The really sustained run of success from 2002-2004 was a really long time ago, but most of you dudes are prolly like me where you are old and so when you think of 10 years ago you prolly think of songs like this, but it is liek 20 years old:

This demonstrates HokkFans' ignorance. The game where Big Ben came into Kinnick was 10 YEARS AGO. We of course had a good season in 2004 save for the debacle in the desert and then our streak from PSU 2008 to Northwestern 2009 and the Orange Bowl. Even during that last good run, it took a total alignment of the stars to get many of those wins, with the two blocked kicks against UNI, 7 got 6, the narrow wins against Michigan and Arkansas State, the talent packed roster, etc. The really sustained run of success from 2002-2004 was a really long time ago, but most of you dudes are prolly like me where you are old and so when you think of 10 years ago you prolly think of songs like this, but it is liek 20 years old:

okeefe, that is kinda my point. Iowa used to take care of these types of teams and now they don't, to your point they haven't for quite a while. The past few years, even the Orange Bowl season, has been hard to watch. If at the end of the day you end up with a win then a lot is forgiven, and that has been the case with KF. But now these stars are not aligning like they used to so all we end up with is ugly losses to teams they used to beat.

But honestly I don't feel all of this is KF's fault, we can all question the predictable play calling, the bend but don't break defense, the recruiting, but I think the biggest blame rests on Barta's shoulders. When you take away coaches accountability to win schools can easily end up in our position. Thanks to Barta Iowa is boxed into a corner with Ferentz, with all the money and years he extended his contract Ferentz can take these losses and not have to worry about not getting paid. All we can do is cross our fingers and just hope Ferentz can return Iowa to the glory days that he once led Iowa to.
But my biggest gripe goes back to last season and the coaching staffs sticking with Vandenberg at QB the entire season. Perhaps had they given Rudock a chance last year they could have had a more polished quarterback to start this season with.

I know we aren't supposed to do this, but.........this^^^^^^^

I'm more optimistic about this season than a lot of people here, but I'm also realistic. Our coaching (KF) has been downright awful for years. At times we have had teams won despite him at the helm. To deny that this is a pattern shows you probably don't watch the games at all, and you should leave the discussion for the people who do.

No offense.

Wait. I'm supposed to watch the games?
I said the Hawks would start out 0-1 and nobody wanted to believe me. Of course I wanted to be wrong n.(bubble screen).

Well pat yourself on the back buddy boy. It would be real easy to say your beloved 4-8 hawks from a year ago would lose the opener against a 11-2 BCS team from a year ago.

I predicted a 10+ pt win by the hawks and I think most people on this board and most fans say they saw a team that easily could have done that. Even with the mistakes if the coaches dont handcuff the offense in the 2nd half it could have easily been 38-27 hawks.
Except no it's not.

We have a lot of dum-dums on here today. He said that his opinion was a fact. It wasn't. It was an opinion. That's why, when he said "this isn't an opinion, it's a fact," I informed him that he had it completely backwards.

I didn't make any commentary on his point: that the coaching is awful. Just that he appears to not know the difference between a fact and an opinion. Get it? Need drawings?
The only thing worse than Iowa losing opening week is all of the negative Nancy's coming in here to say I told you so.

I am as disappointed as anyone, but this team is still much better than last year. ...

I agree that the team is much better ... but your pussified critique of the "negative Nancys" is so far off base it's quite pathetic.

MOST of us are not "negative Nancy's"; we are black-n-gold bleeding Hawkeye fans to the core, not to mention proud native Iowans and alums. We are alsoREALISTS with our eyes wide open in futile frustration with the PollyAnnas that continue the annual ritual of denying the common denominator over the past 6 (now beginning, 7) seasons.

At some point you have to stop the rubish, "Aw shucks; I'm "disappointed" but we'll get 'em next week." routine and be outright enraged that this coaching staff lost yet another winnable game, to an inferior opponent (and if you argue that, you're really saying the team is NOT better) because of eGREGarious schematic and strategical decisions.
7 years or 15 Million. That is our Faustian choice.

K THX Gar Bear

The Boss has sort of opened up my thinking on this...Ferentz's buyout in his contract is a sunk's done, unless he should resign which I don't think is that money is already spent...I've debated that you can't think of replacing Kirk for a few more years because of the cost....but again, that cost is already's already been factored into the going forward budget. Yes, you still have to pay a new coach over $2mil per year, so Iowa would be spending a ton of money on a football coach with no guarantees a new one would have similar or better results.

So we can't really bemoan the salary other than the merits of the deal....and while I feel there will be a Ferentz 2014, beyond that I am not as certain as I used to be.
He did not play because Kurt's process is as follows.

If the player did not play in the last game he is not eligible to be on the depth chart.

If the player in question has no live game film in a Hawkeye Uniform and is not on the depth chart, the maximum amount of plays they can be on the field for in their first action is 3 (three) not Ten not Fifteen not 4 but THREE. Even when that player is clearly the fastest WR on the field.

If the player gets tape in a Hawk Uni and gets to the point where KF trusts him to follow the gameplan and each assignment to a Tee, then he becomes one of the trusted players and can gain depth chart eligibility.

Once on the Depth Chart if Kirk has more tape and supreme confidence in the player they can become a regular contributer. Otherwise they are just on the depth chart because; 'hey someone has to be on there'.

Once they are in the "Kurt House" and not the "dog house" they are allowed to help this team win. Up until their trust account dips a little bit.

In my opinion there are a few players that are not in the "Kurt House" right now that can help us win but they will not see the field because they are 4-5 steps away from being allowed to play on KF's team.
Those players are
Damond Powell
LeShun Daniels / Jordan Canzeri
Nico Law
Any safety not named TM.

All of these little things lead to big things and the big things turn into losses. and the losses turn into turds if they are as bad as this one was. Play Damond Powell for every snap, or run the ball on 3rd and 1 and we break through and eventually score the TD going up by 2 scores late in the 4th which ices the game.

Darth Vader: I sense something, a presence I've not felt since... - YouTube
....and while I feel there will be a Ferentz 2014, beyond that I am not as certain as I used to be.

Stop toying with my hopes, Jon. I've been waiting for this for a long time and it's about the only "hope" I cling to for the future of the football program.
We have a lot of dum-dums on here today. He said that his opinion was a fact. It wasn't. It was an opinion. That's why, when he said "this isn't an opinion, it's a fact," I informed him that he had it completely backwards.

I didn't make any commentary on his point: that the coaching is awful. Just that he appears to not know the difference between a fact and an opinion. Get it? Need drawings?
No, I know what you said. Like I said, except no it's not. He stated that it was a fact that the coaching staff has not put this team in a position to win. They are 0-7 in those games. Ipso facto..... again, except no it's not.
No, I know what you said. Like I said, except no it's not. He stated that it was a fact that the coaching staff has not put this team in a position to win. They are 0-7 in those games. Ipso facto..... again, except no it's not.

"The Iowa Hawkeyes have lost the last 7 games" = fact

"Their coaching staff has not put the Iowa Hawkeyes in a position to win to last 7 games" = opinion

It's pointless semantics at this point. You're wrong, even if you don't know it. I'm gonna move on.
Turd polishers... How about the turd polisher in the sports section of the DSM Register who, first, noted in his newspaper article Rudock's interception that was returned deep into Iowa's territory as the play that caused Iowa to lose the game? How about the turd polisher in the DSM Register sports section that gave Iowa's overall defense for the game a grade of C (was it B, maybe?). and just casually mentioned a possible vulnerability of Iowa's defense to passes thrown down the field, and how that might affect Iowa's defense in B1G play? How about turd polishers that say Iowa's defense is great against the run (IMO, especially when 9 Iowa players are stacked against the run) while they neglect the inefficiencies of Iowa's pass defense - anytime, anywhere. Rudock is gonna learn to be careful with the football, but Iowa's defense is NEVER gonna be good against the pass.
Turd polishers... How about the turd polisher in the sports section of the DSM Register who, first, noted in his newspaper article Rudock's interception that was returned deep into Iowa's territory as the play that caused Iowa to lose the game? How about the turd polisher in the DSM Register sports section that gave Iowa's overall defense for the game a grade of C (was it B, maybe?). and just casually mentioned a possible vulnerability of Iowa's defense to passes thrown down the field, and how that might affect Iowa's defense in B1G play? How about turd polishers that say Iowa's defense is great against the run (IMO, especially when 9 Iowa players are stacked against the run) while they neglect the inefficiencies of Iowa's pass defense - anytime, anywhere. Rudock is gonna learn to be careful with the football, but Iowa's defense is NEVER gonna be good against the pass.

Word of advice, brah. Don't read the Neck Moines Register for anything other than city council election results.
The Boss has sort of opened up my thinking on this...Ferentz's buyout in his contract is a sunk's done, unless he should resign which I don't think is that money is already spent...I've debated that you can't think of replacing Kirk for a few more years because of the cost....but again, that cost is already's already been factored into the going forward budget. Yes, you still have to pay a new coach over $2mil per year, so Iowa would be spending a ton of money on a football coach with no guarantees a new one would have similar or better results.

So we can't really bemoan the salary other than the merits of the deal....and while I feel there will be a Ferentz 2014, beyond that I am not as certain as I used to be.

If you are looking at it from a business perspective (which we should) then it does not make much sense to keep allowing that big contract to continue losing money out the back door. Ferentz's salary starts looking small when you look at the lost revenue of tickets are being left unsold, people stop showing up to the games (consesions, parking, ect), donations start drying up, ad revenue starts dropping. Ferentz salary could easily turn into a 8-10 million dollar expense if you look at lost revenue, so why keep the guy around just for 3 million when you can hire someone new for 2 and regain that lost revenue (at least for 1 or 2 seasons).

If Iowa goes 5-7 (or worse) they will lose a ton of revenue next season. This is not where Iowa needs to be with new facilities being built and being 1 of 2 major college teams in a very small market. The impact of these losses could be felt for quite a while as I doubt there is a group of walk ons that can come in and turn around the football program like they did back in 2002. Hopefully it does not come to that and these coaches can turn this season around.
And so I say, the greatest turd that so many of us polish in Iowa's program is Iowa's defense... It's not like having Davis' offense for 1+ years, it's like having Norm Parker's (or KF's philosophy of a) defense for 15 years.... Iowa's defense hasn't changed in 15 years, but most offenses of the B1G have changed in the last 15 years. Since Iowa's defense hasn't changed in the last 15 years, we can't count on Iowa's defense to dominate, to get the job done. Too many square pegs are trying to be fit into round holes.
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And so I say, the greatest turd that so many of us polish in Iowa's program is Iowa's defense... It's not like having Davis' offense for 1+ years, it's like having Norm Parker's (or KF's) defense for 15 years.... Iowa's defense hasn't changed in 15 years, but most offenses of the B1G have changed in the last 15 years.

Thank you, Homer. I've been saying this for years. The defense looks good because the offense is designed to shorten the game. It also looks good because we play a bunch of non-con cupcakes and in the Big Ten, where the offenses have been about 5 years behind the times. The offenses are slowly modernizing and the results speak for themselves. Because of the delay in changing the offenses, the Big Ten is a very QB challenged league, but even that is changing.

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