You can't judge a book by the cover


this has been slammed home to be with DJK and ARob.

Two of the most engaging Iowa players I have ever covered in more than a decade...Robinson smiling all the time, so affable, likable, seemingly a boy next door type.

Now, the boy next door is never as perfect as he seems, I get that...and I am sure I seemed like a great person in spite of my past drinking issues.

DJK, amazing personality...amazing.

I dont want to grow cynical in my older years, and I will likely still give people the benefit of the doubt...just how I am wired.

But DJK's stuff floored me, and Robinson's decision to be around weed last night in spite of the wake up call of three weeks ago speaks to likely issues he has with the drug. To be around pot again after what came down three weeks ago...horrendous decision...makes it ten times worse.
Jon -

Kids do drugs. It happens at every school. It is the judgement around the drugs that is the most concerning.

With DJK I placed blame on the coaches and players for not fixing a situation that everyone knew was going to be disaster.

With ARob - it is clear that he simply didn't want it bad enough to keep his nose out of trouble. Horrible decision.

My issues aren't with the actions but with the decision making process that led to both.
Your opinion of these players wouldn't be any worse if this country didn't have a quixotic war on drugs (other than the most popular drug that you yourself probably imbibe).
Drug users are generally really likeable, socialable people, except of course the Heroin and Meth addicts that are too far gone.

You didn't get fooled, they just weren't exactly who you thought they were.
Your opinion of these players wouldn't be any worse if this country didn't have a quixotic war on drugs (other than the most popular drug that you yourself probably imbibe).

Exactly (although Jon doesn't drink). If this happened in Cali or Oregon and Mr. Robinson was using in the medicinal sense to help alleviate the symptoms of the multiple concussions he suffered in furtherance of our entertainment, he would have been given a ride home. Robinson is the victim here and the guy has laid his body on the line for our entertainment 12 Saturdays a year and everyone just turns their backs on him. It's sickening.
Jon -

Kids do drugs. It happens at every school. It is the judgement around the drugs that is the most concerning.

With DJK I placed blame on the coaches and players for not fixing a situation that everyone knew was going to be disaster.

With ARob - it is clear that he simply didn't want it bad enough to keep his nose out of trouble. Horrible decision.

My issues aren't with the actions but with the decision making process that led to both.

<<With DJK I placed the blame on the coaches and players for not fixing...>>

Which is exactly players think they are "above" it all...because of classic "enablers" like you.

There is only ONE place for blame with DJK (or ARob or anyone else): THE PERSON
it goes both ways, too. i've met lots of people with a bad rep that were surprisingly good people. very disappointing situation, but odds are will inevitably happen again. kids make bad decisions, heck even adults too.
OK..the kid made some bad decisions. its pot. it shouldn't be illegal anyway. give me a break.

I think a lot of people agree with you on the underlying "crime", however, the real issue here is his lack of commitment to the team.

KF and the team have taken a ton of heat over the DJK thing, and then to put yourself in a position that could result in additional flack and disrepute for KF and the team is selfish and indicates a lack of commitment.
But it is illegal and the fact that he was dumb enough to be in a car with pot after the DJK thing and being suspended for the bowl game really shows how poor of a decision maker he is.
<<With DJK I placed the blame on the coaches and players for not fixing...>>

Which is exactly players think they are "above" it all...because of classic "enablers" like you.

There is only ONE place for blame with DJK (or ARob or anyone else): THE PERSON

No kidding, why does everyone feel the need to blame someone or something? Sick.
Maybe he was smiling all the time because he was stoned out of his mind every time you spoke with him.
I realize people do things they shouldnt. I just dont look at people and assume they live a double life in some ways. Dont think I'd like to live that way
You can say "it is only pot" but when you play football at the University of Iowa you are and should be held to a higher standard. There are a million kids in this state that idolized DJK & ARob.

I'm sorry but ARob needs to be shown the door.
But it is illegal and the fact that he was dumb enough to be in a car with pot after the DJK thing and being suspended for the bowl game really shows how poor of a decision maker he is.

isn't that the definition of being a kid. Yeah...I know he is legally an adult but what is he 19? He's still a ******* kid in my book. I forgive him for being around old friends with pot.
it goes both ways, too. i've met lots of people with a bad rep that were surprisingly good people. very disappointing situation, but odds are will inevitably happen again. kids make bad decisions, heck even adults too.

Chalk it up to a bad decision, that makes it more palatable. You know, because it's just a bad decision. It's not like he has 65+ teammates who were depending on him, or the University of Iowa gifting him a free education. Heck, it's just a bad decision. Like he should have ordered the chicken instead of the beef.

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