You can't judge a book by the cover

I'm sure that's what ARod was thinking, It's just pot. But rules are rules. If you are serious and want to play, you play by the rules. If you don't, then you lose the chance to play.

You can say "it is only pot" but when you play football at the University of Iowa you are and should be held to a higher standard. There are a million kids in this state that idolized DJK & ARob.

I'm sorry but ARob needs to be shown the door.

The OP didn't really have anything to do with football. Jon is speaking directly to the character of both DJK and ARob as people, not representative of the UI football team.
ARob lost ANY margin for error with his suspension. If you get in a car and someone has pot and you choose not to get out, that's on you, and when you have a strike or two against you (he was left off the bowl roster, remember), you have no margin for error the way another might.

Even if 'it's not his weed' or he wasn't doing anything, the cops said they smelled a strong odor of weed in the car, they found weed in the car, ARob chose to not get out of that car, in light of what has gone on this month, it shows horrible decision making.

I think Iowa football would be better to part ways
Jesus, it was pot.

Yes, it was just pot.

However, ARob was already suspended from the team, and he *still* couldn't help himself from getting into trouble again, regardless.

That kind of thing goes beyond 'just pot'.

As for books and covers, the Duke lacrosse stuff was brought up in another thread. I had the chance last year to chat a few times last year with one of the individuals who was caught up in it. He was a nice guy, fun to talk to, and he definitely seemed like the type who wasn't in a hurry to repeat some of the mistakes from college. And no, I didn't talk to him about the scandal itself.
the debate whether or not pot should be illegal is immaterial. It is illegal. Iowa has had quite a publicized month with drugs. ARob made a horrible decision even being in the car. That's enough for me. I wish the kid well, but if Iowa chooses to part ways I am fine with it.
Maybe he was smiling all the time because he was stoned out of his mind every time you spoke with him.


Jon, did you ever approach Robinson while carrying a large bag of Old Dutch Dill Pickle chips? Funyuns? Pizza? We need answers, damn it!
Yes, it was just pot.

However, ARob was already suspended from the team, and he *still* couldn't help himself from getting into trouble again, regardless.

That kind of thing goes beyond 'just pot'.

As for books and covers, the Duke lacrosse stuff was brought up in another thread. I had the chance last year to chat a few times last year with one of the individuals who was caught up in it. He was a nice guy, fun to talk to, and he definitely seemed like the type who wasn't in a hurry to repeat some of the mistakes from college. And no, I didn't talk to him about the scandal itself.

I agree he should be gone. But all of this "Arob wasn't who we thought he was" stuff if just ridiculous. I'd bet the percentage of college football players that smoke pot is near 65-70%. Anyone that is surprised by this hasn't been paying attention.
Yes, it was just pot.

However, ARob was already suspended from the team, and he *still* couldn't help himself from getting into trouble again, regardless.

That kind of thing goes beyond 'just pot'.

As for books and covers, the Duke lacrosse stuff was brought up in another thread. I had the chance last year to chat a few times last year with one of the individuals who was caught up in it. He was a nice guy, fun to talk to, and he definitely seemed like the type who wasn't in a hurry to repeat some of the mistakes from college. And no, I didn't talk to him about the scandal itself.

Maybe he was living a double life? he could have been smoking rope and you didn't even know it.:p
When I was his age I was a punk. Drinking and driving, using, no regard for others. It was a maturity thing and likely some personal issues. But we either grow from them and move on or we don't. I faced consequences at Iowa and my athletic career and now so will Arob. He's not necessarily a bad person. We all think he's an idiot primarily because we want him to run the ball for us. But most importantly, we should want him to be healthy and happy first. He's neither and needs to grow up soon or he'll face the best years of his life behind bars or under ground...
the debate whether or not pot should be illegal is immaterial. It is illegal. Iowa has had quite a publicized month with drugs. ARob made a horrible decision even being in the car. That's enough for me. I wish the kid well, but if Iowa chooses to part ways I am fine with it.

Go ahead and move the goal posts. You acted like he was revealed to be a terrible person last night. Now you are just stating your acceptance of him facing the consequences of his actions. That latter is fine. But lets not act like he is the scrouge of the earth since he made some juvenile choices in friends and life.
True. But it shouldn't be a surprise: people built him up, and now they want to tear him down just as quickly.

I'm currently burning an effigy of him in my front yard.

Not so much out of dislike for the kid, but more along the lines of keeping away more of these drug smuggling Hawkeye athletes away from my house. I have a family to protect here.

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