You can't judge a book by the cover

That's a different horse all together. While it's no secret that Eddie is no longer on the wagon he's not directly employed by the University. Besides, my smart phone tells me while it's not necessarily any healthier it's a lot more legal to drink than smoke pot.
Bottom line is that it is against the law. The program and A-rob are under the careful watch of many, and he struck out.

How many companies out there will keep you on staff if you fail a random drug test? How many companies will pay out on a work comp claim if you fail your drug test? (I am assuming if he was dumb enough to be around drugs with all that is going on, he was partaking. If not, then he should be kicked off for such a dumb decision anyway)

He is old enough to know better and deserves to be booted.
Jon -

Kids do drugs. It happens at every school. It is the judgement around the drugs that is the most concerning.

With DJK I placed blame on the coaches and players for not fixing a situation that everyone knew was going to be disaster.

With ARob - it is clear that he simply didn't want it bad enough to keep his nose out of trouble. Horrible decision.

My issues aren't with the actions but with the decision making process that led to both.

In no way shape or form do I blame the coaches or the players for not fixing the situation surrounding DJK. The person that needed to fix that situation or avoid it altogether was DJK, period!!! As far as ARob I mean really??? With his recent suspensions to put himself in a situation like that is just plain stupid. I like both of them and they did some great things for the Hawks, but we can only blame DJK and ARob for their mistakes! With that being said, I am not going to hold it against them and hopefully they can look within themselves to turn their lives around?
Jon -

Kids do drugs. It happens at every school. It is the judgement around the drugs that is the most concerning.

With DJK I placed blame on the coaches and players for not fixing a situation that everyone knew was going to be disaster.

With ARob - it is clear that he simply didn't want it bad enough to keep his nose out of trouble. Horrible decision.

My issues aren't with the actions but with the decision making process that led to both.

First, not wanting it bad enough is the result of EVERY player getting into trouble.

Secondly, the last sentence contradicts itself horribly. Decisions lead to actions, you can't disagree with one and okay another.

Kids DO NOT do drugs.....Punks do, and thugs, but there are PLENTY of solid young men and women out there that are doing the right thing every day.
First, not wanting it bad enough is the result of EVERY player getting into trouble.

Secondly, the last sentence contradicts itself horribly. Decisions lead to actions, you can't disagree with one and okay another.

Kids DO NOT do drugs.....Punks do, and thugs, but there are PLENTY of solid young men and women out there that are doing the right thing every day.

The UI's very own drug testing protocol does not even suspend a student-athlete after a first offense. By your definition there are tons of "thugs" and "punks" on Iowa athletic teams, including the football team.

You might as well go find another team to cheer for, hopefully one with a few more solid citizens on it.

You will not be missed.
The UI's very own drug testing protocol does not even suspend a student-athlete after a first offense. By your definition there are tons of "thugs" and "punks" on Iowa athletic teams, including the football team.

You might as well go find another team to cheer for, hopefully one with a few more solid citizens on it.

You will not be missed.

Then "thugs" and "punks" is what comprises a few players. Don't lump "tons" of student-athletes into that mix. Simply because I have a different standard (one that doesn't condone or accept drug use), doesn't mean I have to agree with everything the U of I does.

You might want to consider some rationality before you ask me to leave a board.....childish.
Jesus, it was pot.

Thanks for directing the statement towards me.......rather it was pot, beer, crack, etc., it is more about decision making. Last I knew, pot was illegal in society. Part of being on the team is not involving yourself with illegal practices. What was this for least 3rd strike?? Insubordination gets people fired all of the time, and now it is likely to get him the official boot. At the very least you can look at this as insubordination. Plenty of other ways to look at it, but since you say 'it is just pot', you can look at it other ways and find fault.

Parting gift: Ask Rashaan Salaam about 'it's just pot' his own words in this link:

Rashaan Salaam to make way out of smokey haze - Sports
ARob lost ANY margin for error with his suspension. If you get in a car and someone has pot and you choose not to get out, that's on you, and when you have a strike or two against you (he was left off the bowl roster, remember), you have no margin for error the way another might.

Even if 'it's not his weed' or he wasn't doing anything, the cops said they smelled a strong odor of weed in the car, they found weed in the car, ARob chose to not get out of that car, in light of what has gone on this month, it shows horrible decision making.

I think Iowa football would be better to part ways

Hey folks let's not forget that these young kids making young kid mistakes are on an escalating scale. This is not Arob's first young kid mistake.....and it happens to also be one that followed a fellow team member's epic young kid mistake....NOT GOOD.

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