You can't judge a book by the cover

I'm currently burning an effigy of him in my front yard.

Not so much out of dislike for the kid, but more along the lines of keeping away more of these drug smuggling Hawkeye athletes away from my house. I have a family to protect here.

Ok, your first comment was funny. Now you have gone a little too far.
OK..the kid made some bad decisions. its pot. it shouldn't be illegal anyway. give me a break.

But the fact of the matter is that it is illegal. He knows that it's illegal and he shouldn't have had it period. We all know that there are consequences for deciding to use a drug that many want to be legal (I personally am for legalization), but I don't smoke it, nor do I care to take that risk of being arrested and possibly losing my job.

ARob made a mistake and if this was his first, I'd say counseling is a good road to take and keep him on the team. But he's currently suspended from the team and decides to go out the night before his team is playing in a bowl game and hangs out with a drug dealing/smoking friend and to get high with him. He's gone, and I'm happy with it if he is gone from the team. We don't need any more distractions or drug abusers running amuck and destroying the team chemistry.
I realize people do things they shouldnt. I just dont look at people and assume they live a double life in some ways. Dont think I'd like to live that way

I agree with this. I always (sometimes to a fault) see the best in people. I truly thought he would have appreciated the only major college program that offered him a scholarship. I know he's only 21 yrs old, but he should known better than that. He threw away an outstanding opportunity to be very high in the record books at a Big Ten school.
Odds are you do have a "pot head" working for you.

do you think anyone really works for him? When I worked for ad angencies holly cow...the creatives like to smoke. I don't because I have a gaggle of kids and choose not to. but I don't understand why its illegal and alcohol, tobacco and the like are legal. makes no sense.
With all that has went on recently with the football team, this goes beyond just getting picked up with pot.

Adam Robinson showed VERY poor judgement, a lack of responsibility, immaturity, selfishness, and a total disregard for the coaches, his teammates, and the University of Iowa.
I once heard this from my boss while talking to his boss on the phone. It's a quote I don't think I'll ever forget.

"You know what my problem is here, Bill? I don't have enough guys that like to go out and smoke weed on their lunch breaks."
Guys, the issue here is not that he smokes pot, and I don't think Jon is saying that he "isn't who I thought he was" because he smokes pot. The issue is everything he has said and done up until the last few months indicated he was a very bright kid who always put the team before himself. His actions last night indicate that, for at least yesterday, he was definately not that person. His actions were those of a stupid and or selfish person.

I understand that some of you who don't have smart phones probably don't understand the distinction so I thought I would post it here.
Guys, the issue here is not that he smokes pot, and I don't think Jon is saying that he "isn't who I thought he was" because he smokes pot. The issue is everything he has said and done up until the last few months indicated he was a very bright kid who always put the team before himself. His actions last night indicate that, for at least yesterday, he was definately not that person. His actions were those of a stupid and or selfish person.

I understand that some of you who don't have smart phones probably don't understand the distinction so I thought I would post it here.

Maybe that's what you get out of the OP but to me it's pretty clear he is talking about drug use, especially when he references his bouts with alcohol, Arob smiling, and being the "boy next door" etc. At least that's how i interpreted it.

Not sure what you mean by the smart phone comment.
this has been slammed home to be with DJK and ARob.

Two of the most engaging Iowa players I have ever covered in more than a decade...Robinson smiling all the time, so affable, likable, seemingly a boy next door type.

Now, the boy next door is never as perfect as he seems, I get that...and I am sure I seemed like a great person in spite of my past drinking issues.

DJK, amazing personality...amazing.

I dont want to grow cynical in my older years, and I will likely still give people the benefit of the doubt...just how I am wired.

But DJK's stuff floored me, and Robinson's decision to be around weed last night in spite of the wake up call of three weeks ago speaks to likely issues he has with the drug. To be around pot again after what came down three weeks ago...horrendous decision...makes it ten times worse.

Hate to break it to you Jon, because I know that you're a super right-winger, but just because someone chooses to use recreational drugs does not make them a horrible person.

A ton of people in this country smoke weed, and every one of them lives next door to somebody. Some of them are even decent people. Some hold jobs and are productive members of society.

Not sure why all the doom and gloom because ARob likes to light up every once in awhile. This says more about the conservative, almost draconian state of modern American society than it does about the character of the player(s) in question.

There have been several Iowa players with DUI convictions in recent years, and that is a HELL OF A LOT worse than smoking pot. How about a lengthy thread on what a terrible guy Binns and Calloway are, how they let all of their teammates, fans, and the journalists who cover them down.
Guys, the issue here is not that he smokes pot, and I don't think Jon is saying that he "isn't who I thought he was" because he smokes pot. The issue is everything he has said and done up until the last few months indicated he was a very bright kid who always put the team before himself. His actions last night indicate that, for at least yesterday, he was definately not that person. His actions were those of a stupid and or selfish person.

I understand that some of you who don't have smart phones probably don't understand the distinction so I thought I would post it here.

Outstanding! :D:)
Go to hell. You don't care if someone goes out on a Friday and gets drunk though....that's cool.

Getting drunk is legal. See that's what all you pot heads and non smart phone owning people just don't get. It's not that pot is bad for you, or worse than booze, basic menthol 100's, or watching Fox News... it's that it's ILLEGAL.

Pot is no big deal, provided you don't have much to lose. If I get busted with a J the fuzz planted in my 79 Monte Carlo with only 184,000 original miles it's not a big deal. I just take back some cans or sell some blood and pay the fine. Chester down at the plant don't care if I get high once in a while, as long as I stay off his foot with the forklift.

Now someone who stands to lose a starting position, and more importantly a football scholarship, and still pulls hits from the 6 foot water bong... well that is a big deal, cause he's got a lot to lose.

It's not smoking pot that's a big deal, it's the decision to do something illegal which would place his standing on the team in jeprody.
Getting drunk is legal. See that's what all you pot heads and non smart phone owning people just don't get. It's not that pot is bad for you, or worse than booze, basic menthol 100's, or watching Fox News... it's that it's ILLEGAL.

Pot is no big deal, provided you don't have much to lose. If I get busted with a J the fuzz planted in my 79 Monte Carlo with only 184,000 original miles it's not a big deal. I just take back some cans or sell some blood and pay the fine. Chester down at the plant don't care if I get high once in a while, as long as I stay off his foot with the forklift.

Now someone who stands to lose a starting position, and more importantly a football scholarship, and still pulls hits from the 6 foot water bong... well that is a big deal, cause he's got a lot to lose.

It's not smoking pot that's a big deal, it's the decision to do something illegal which would place his standing on the team in jeprody.

You quoted me but your post is arguing something that I'm not arguing. I think it's rediculous for someone to think that smoking pot would make you a bad employee.

An unjust law is no law at all.
Did he get arrested for smoking pot or being in a car that smelled like weed with a drunk driver that was carrying weed?
You quoted me but your post is arguing something that I'm not arguing. I think it's rediculous for someone to think that smoking pot would make you a bad employee.

An unjust law is no law at all.

True, but laws against pot aren't unjust, they are just unpopular with some. If there is one thing my smart phone taught me it's that there is a big difference between "unjust" and "unpopular".
OK..the kid made some bad decisions. its pot. it shouldn't be illegal anyway. give me a break.

The issue isn't whether pot should or shouldn't be illegal. It currently is illegal, and that makes Arob's decisions (in light of the recent troubles in the FB program), particularly poor.

He's probably a great kid and all, but he's a liability to the program. He's not entitled to an athletic scholarship. He represents more than himself here. He doesn't have the right to do something illegal while on a full athletic scholarship and damage the reputation of the program.

Next. Man. In.
ARob lost ANY margin for error with his suspension. If you get in a car and someone has pot and you choose not to get out, that's on you, and when you have a strike or two against you (he was left off the bowl roster, remember), you have no margin for error the way another might.

Even if 'it's not his weed' or he wasn't doing anything, the cops said they smelled a strong odor of weed in the car, they found weed in the car, ARob chose to not get out of that car, in light of what has gone on this month, it shows horrible decision making.

I think Iowa football would be better to part ways

did you feel the same way about eddie podolak?