Would you date a rival’s cheerleader?

Hey ShockMaster, instead of sorting through cheerleader pics, can you please ban WildTurkey for calling me by the wrong name?


Really? You of all people are requesting someone to be banned? Read your own sig lines. You skate on thin ice everytime you post on here. Get some thicker skin. This is a lighthearted thread.
Wait you just called me by the wrong name

Um, no dude, I called you by your nickname. Remember, we gave you a nickname on the OT board. Oqueef is not my nickname, it is an intentional derogatory misspelling of my name intended to incorporate the term "queef" into my name. People shouldn't be allowed to say "queef" on this board (other than my uses herein to describe what is going on and how it should be against the rules).
Just to be clear, I wasn't apologizing because I haven't done anything wrong. You need to apologize to me or I'm going to call Miller at work because I have his cell phone number.

unless you are looking to purchase propane or accessories, i doubt he has time for your call.
Just to be clear, I wasn't apologizing because I haven't done anything wrong. You need to apologize to me or I'm going to call Miller at work because I have his cell phone number.
Your a snitch also? Really? The real Ken Okeefe is a great man and i wish he was still with the Hawkeyes. Tons of respect for him. You not so much. I accepted your apology now lets move on sir.

And by the way Boat is correct I mispelled the name on accident. Its because I'm a moron. Remember?
unless you are looking to purchase propane or accessories, i doubt he has time for your call.

Dude, the guy is freaking CEO. Of course he has time for my call. And then when he gets a call at work, he'll be super angry and ban WildTurkey. Ball is in WildTurkey's court and the shot clock is ticking away. What will he do?

we are all friends right?
Dude, the guy is freaking CEO. Of course he has time for my call. And then when he gets a call at work, he'll be super angry and ban WildTurkey. Ball is in WildTurkey's court and the shot clock is ticking away. What will he do?
I don't play basketball. My knee can't handle it anymore.
I would think Oregon could do better than this with all of that Phil Knight Nike money?
Well, just spoke with the big guy and suffice it to say he ain't happy. I didn't think he'd be that mad at me, though. Said something about not bothering him at work. Anyway, WildTurkey better get some posts in now because he's fixin' to go on timeout once JD gets back from some stupid client meeting or something.
Well, just spoke with the big guy and suffice it to say he ain't happy. I didn't think he'd be that mad at me, though. Said something about not bothering him at work. Anyway, WildTurkey better get some posts in now because he's fixin' to go on timeout once JD gets back from some stupid client meeting or something.
Its not even funny to threaten someone like this just because you didn't get what you wanted. Pathetic. You think I would honestly care about a "timeout" from an internet message board? Nope. If I did get banned I would be going out a man on top with dignity and no regrets. You O'keefe will stay and be known as a snitch for all of hawkeyenation's eternity. Good for you.
He never answers my phone calls

The key is to call from a number of yours that he doesn't have so that he doesn't screen the call. If he doesn't answer immediately, keep calling. Now bince I have a 312 number, he prolly thought it was someone from BTN calling to get him to fill in for a show tonight and that it was an emergency bince I called 4 times in a row.

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