Would you be excited to play ISU in the Insight Bowl?

6-5 actually. A 6-5 that puts them about 16 spots higher in the BCS than Iowa based solely on the level of competition. Did you know that if you take Iowa's BCS rank and place it in the B12 they are above Kansas and absolutely no one else.

Thems' are facts.

6-5 with a tough schedule early on in a coaches tenure at a school with poor tradition is worth getting exited about among fans but trying to rub it in a rivals face on an opponents message board is kind of sad in a way.
6-5 actually. A 6-5 that puts them about 16 spots higher in the BCS than Iowa based solely on the level of competition. Did you know that if you take Iowa's BCS rank and place it in the B12 they are above Kansas and absolutely no one else.

Thems' are facts.

Right there with ya at the bottom of the B12.
Yeah ISU is really going places I bet they will be in a BCS bowl next year with an 10-1 record too.
You are an idiot my man. You are having a good year by your standars which is similar to a mediocre/poor year by our standards. I don't know what else to tell you. You had a good win. Wow, congrats.
Now Get the fuk out of here and move on with your life. Go back to clownfanatic and slap willies with your on clownish friends. Tool.
Pretty cool there, name calling on the internet! I think Ferentz just took a crap that could be worth another mill.
Hey,ISUers: call us when Rhoads wins a bowl game and finishes over .500.
Beat KSU and win a bowl and you got a 3rd season that resembles KF's 3rd season.
Not interested in playing them again, bad enough we lost to them once already this season... That and couldn't take anymore of the in-laws verbal abuse I've already received from the first game!!
6-5 with a tough schedule early on in a coaches tenure at a school with poor tradition is worth getting exited about among fans but trying to rub it in a rivals face on an opponents message board is kind of sad in a way.

This is the problem. How sad is your life if this is what you have to do? I mean you guys can't all go to your own website and have a circle jerk and sing kumbaya about how awesome your team and coach are?
Its pretty sad, especially because you guys are going to finish 6-6 and have a worse record than Iowa. But ISU is pretty awesome :eek:
I agree and welcome an amicable response from a cyclone fan. Unlike the garbage that spews out of ISUer's computer. I respect this post and agree that it would make for an interesting offseason either way.
Im done fighting about this. Have fun with your same coaching staff going forward, punting on 4 and 1, giving up onside kicks and fake punts, sitting on the ball with 2 minutes left, run run pass offense, and getting snowed under by running quarterbacks on defense.
Im done fighting about this. Have fun with your same coaching staff going forward, punting on 4 and 1, giving up onside kicks and fake punts, sitting on the ball with 2 minutes left, run run pass offense, and getting snowed under by running quarterbacks on defense.

Why do you care?
Im done fighting about this. Have fun with your same coaching staff going forward, punting on 4 and 1, giving up onside kicks and fake punts, sitting on the ball with 2 minutes left, run run pass offense, and getting snowed under by running quarterbacks on defense.

Good, move on then. Enjoy your glory seasons of being 6-6 or 7-5 in your dying Texas conference.
I would like to see it. Could you imagine if Norm and Co. prepared for ISU for 4 weeks? It would be brutal. If he can shut down teams like Texas, Georgia Tech and Missouri then he can easily put the clamps on Iowa State. Not to mention, a healthy Iowa offense could put up 40 on them if they wanted.
Good, move on then. Enjoy your glory seasons of being 6-6 or 7-5 in your dying Texas conference.
Rhoads is taking over this state, be ready for big success going forward, Ferentz=owned. As for Texas, thats fine, its the same relationship between Iowa and OSU. Iowa too feeds off the big boys.
I don't get why this is such an argument, certain things being said are right on par:

The Clones are trending up and we are trending down...yes

They are having a good year by their standards...yes

We are having a poor year by our standards...yes

I'd love to play them in a bowl game. Iowa has nothing to lose.

* If we lose...we should, its already been proven this year that they are better by beating us the first time around.

* If we win, I guess we improved more than they did and are obviously now the better team.

I see no downside to the re-match.
Rhoads is taking over this state, be ready for big success going forward, Ferentz=owned. As for Texas, thats fine, its the same relationship between Iowa and OSU. Iowa too feeds off the big boys.

Was Ferentz taking over the state the last two years when they won like 70-10 or something?
Some of these people are getting pretty uppity for a program that has won 9 games in season 2 times in 119 years. The precedence for being much better than a 7 win program isn't there in Iowa State history so you would think they'd want to wait until it actually happens to brag about it.
Good, move on then. Enjoy your glory seasons of being 6-6 or 7-5 in your dying Texas conference.

Which would explain why we have picked up TCU, WVU (barring the lawsuit) and more than likely Louisville and cincy, yeah that's really a dying conference lemme tell ya. :rolleyes:
As for ISU in a bowl game...no thanks. I want Florida or Auburn or South Carolina...I like beating the SEC.

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