Would you allow you kid to wrestle?

Would you allow your child to wrestle?

  • Yes, without hesitation

    Votes: 36 56.3%
  • No, without exception

    Votes: 12 18.8%
  • Yes, conditionally

    Votes: 16 25.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Love wrestling and think it's a great sport. The rampant skin diseases are a major concern however. I've seen them on 5-6 year olds.
There is a major difference between cutting weight by starvation and because of proper nutrition and exercise. That said, the parent being upset at the teacher for serving pizza could be associated with the latter.

Yeah I knew wrestlers back in high school who would for lunch/dinner have: a piece of bread, some nuts and a water bottle. Or similar "meals".

That is crazy. and they would drop insane amounts of weight.
If that is child abuse then so is any parent who restricts their kids diet because they do need to lose weight or they want them to eat healthy.
If that is child abuse then so is any parent who restricts their kids diet because they do need to lose weight or they want them to eat healthy.

While I agree that the parents upset about the kid eating pizza falls well short of child abuse I still feel restricting a childs diet (unless it's specficially for health reasons or to promote healthy physical development) to allow them to compete in sports is wrong, and parents that do this are misguided at best.
Love wrestling and think it's a great sport. The rampant skin diseases are a major concern however. I've seen them on 5-6 year olds.

Honestly it's the skin diseases and cutting weight that get me. Cauliflower ear is pretty gross too. I wouldn't prohibit my kid from wrestling (heck my wife is only 5' tall, it might be his sport!) but I will actively steer him away from it.

I think a kid that is competitive might take chances cutting weight regardless of the situation. Kids don't make the best health decisions in their teens.

I do love the sport and I love the place it has in the state of Iowa... but it's just not something I want to see my kid doing. I have my concerns about football too for those wrestling guys that think it's stupid.

Granted, it's probably nothing to worry about, especially if he has my athletic ability. Meaning he'll probably suck at sports.
I wrestled for several years. This was back when wearing the zoot suits was still legal. It was sick. I remember eating celery for a day or two to make weight. They have tried to put a lot of controls in place now but there are still ways around them.

One thing wrestling will teach you is discipline and dedication. If you do not have those two attributes don't even try, especially in Iowa. The thing with raising your kids is finding what they a passionate about. Otherwise you face the possibility of "burn out" or rebellion because it is what you want them to do and not what they really want to do.

Now, if he wants to play with dolls and put on makeup then I would get him into Soccer ASAP.

The only claim to fame that I have wresting while growing up in Iowa was the soon to be legend Tom Brands whipping the crap out of me at the Ft. Madison tournament. Wow, the guy was a beast back then.
I'm not a big wrestling guy, but if my kid ever wanted to wrestle, I'd let him/her without question. I not going to restrict what sports they can play. My parents didn't do that to me, and I turned out just fine. But unless they just really love golf, they will run track (assuming they're in other sports as well). Biggest mistake I ever made was waiting until my senior year to run track.
I would let my kid wrestle, but like most have said I don't think cutting weight by not eating his healthy, if you work out great.

personally when I have kids I hope they don't wrestle for the simple fact that I would much rather watch basketball games/coach basketball games than wrestling meets. Selfish reasons, but I would never stop my kid from doing something they were passionate about.
Yep, my wife witnessed a parent coming unglued on a teacher for allowing their son to eat pizza because he was cutting weight for the tournament last Saturday. The boy is in 1st grade.

Ah yes, Pee Wee State was last weekend. As our boys try to get to the weight that they want to go, we stress healthy eating and portion size. They do not miss a meal. Also, doing way with soda pop.
I wrestled throughout youth and in high school. As said above, wrestling will teach an athlete dedication and toughness. Unlike a team sport, it is only you and your opponent on the mat.

As for weight cutting, back in my days, we took the weight off incorrectly. Again, the plastic suits were the norm, along with hot whirlpools. The State of Iowa has installed rules around cutting weight now in an attempt to curb the drastic weight cutting. You can only loose a certain percentage of your body fat. No more of wrestlers running to their family doctor's to get a note saying that they can drop an additional weight class. There is also a structure descent plan that must be followed. A wrestlers is only allowed to lose 1 1/2 percent of their body weight every week. This is strictly followed and you can't wrestle at a weight unless you abide by that descent plan.

For those of you thinking that weight cutting is only a wrestler-thing, there are many athletes in our high schools, especially female athletes, that are battling weight "issues".

It was also mentioned above about skin diseases. Yes, that can be an issues, BUT it is also an issue that can be taken care of by a few cleaning steps. Wrestling mats have to cleaned on a regular basis. I know that our wrestling clubs cleans the mats before every practice. Wrestlers must also clean themselves when their practice/competition is completed. And you always have to look for signs of ring worm and others that are out there. When you go to other tournaments, you can't depend on the hosts to make sure that the mats are properly cleaned.
I'd have to see it for myself some 6 or 7 year old child cutting weight. I'd also like to meet the parents of this child who would allow this. I very seldom get ****** off with posters but, Duffman, put a dress on your son and rename him Nancy. Sorry. Now I know that wasn't nice but ,People get carried away with this losing weight crap. If I have a son in grade school who wrestles and his coach tells him he has to lose weight in order to wrestle, I'll take that coach out into the alley and beat the hell out of him.
Honestly it's the skin diseases and cutting weight that get me. Cauliflower ear is pretty gross too. I wouldn't prohibit my kid from wrestling (heck my wife is only 5' tall, it might be his sport!) but I will actively steer him away from it.

I think a kid that is competitive might take chances cutting weight regardless of the situation. Kids don't make the best health decisions in their teens.

I do love the sport and I love the place it has in the state of Iowa... but it's just not something I want to see my kid doing. I have my concerns about football too for those wrestling guys that think it's stupid.

Granted, it's probably nothing to worry about, especially if he has my athletic ability. Meaning he'll probably suck at sports.

This is about how I feel about it. I would not tell my kid h*ll no, but I would discourage it. Weight cutting, skin diseases, cauliflower ear, wrestling hazing issues are all reasons why I wouldn't want my kid doing it.
If he absolutely demands to do it I would probably give in with major restrictions.
I am not a real big fan of wrestling, its OK, I pay attention to the Hawks wrestling and some local kids whose parents I know. But that is about it. I don't think it is a sport that my sons will want to do anyway, so it's probably a non-issue.
I'd have to see it for myself some 6 or 7 year old child cutting weight. I'd also like to meet the parents of this child who would allow this. I very seldom get ****** off with posters but, Duffman, put a dress on your son and rename him Nancy. Sorry. Now I know that wasn't nice but ,People get carried away with this losing weight crap. If I have a son in grade school who wrestles and his coach tells him he has to lose weight in order to wrestle, I'll take that coach out into the alley and beat the hell out of him.

the only one I see getting carried away is you.

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