Woody does it again pulls the hat trick

Pure idiocracy at work here. All the people raggin on Woody for poking Tremble in the eye, are probably the same people who ***** about his lack of athleticism. Somehow he is good enough with his hands to poke people in the eye at will yet not athletic enough to turn dropstep and dunk on a fool. I guess Woody needs to be chasing chickens, and punching sides of beef instead of pushing the pumpkin. I think he matches up well with Ivan.
Athleticism is a relative term. For a 7'1 guy, I'd say he is athletic. He's not as athletic as Shaq or Kareem but that doesn't mean he isn't athletic. He runs the floor, he passes and he moves his feet on defense. He has a decent 15' jumper. He has no control of his finer motor skills apparently but hey, nobody ever got an eye poked out over it...oh wait. 3 people have had their eyes poked out over it. Never mind. the other superlatives still stand.
Then why did the refs give him a flagrant 1? I guess they have no credibility either. The guys who actually make a living determining what is and is not an intentional play, have spoken and they assigned Woodbury a flagrant 1.

Flagrant 1 measures severity not intention.
Athleticism is a relative term. For a 7'1 guy, I'd say he is athletic. He's not as athletic as Shaq or Kareem but that doesn't mean he isn't athletic. He runs the floor, he passes and he moves his feet on defense. He has a decent 15' jumper. He has no control of his finer motor skills apparently but hey, nobody ever got an eye poked out over it...oh wait. 3 people have had their eyes poked out over it. Never mind. the other superlatives still stand.

Lol if Kaminsky, Hayes and Tremble all had theirs poked out I feel like this would be a bigger story. Would really affect their depth perception and really give us a leg up for the B10 tournament.
I'll take your silence to mean that you did indeed think it intentional but don't want to be the target of scorn?

I was actually trying to find and rewatching the incident on BTN2Go. Live I didn't think anything of it and after watching the play 10 times or so I don't think it was intentional. I can see how the slow motion shots can make it look bad and throwing in the other recent incidents does make is seem like more than a coincidence. That aside, it looked like to me Trimble jump stopped right before reaching Adam and Adam thinking he was going to attempt a shot brought his left hand up and inadvertently caught Trimble in the eye.
I'm still not certain where I stand on this whole thing.

3 times in such a short time span seems like a trend but...

I find it funny how either side can determine so confidently whether they believe it's intentional or not.

For me, I completely dismiss the first one. Hayes takes a slight jab step towards Woody who already had his hand up. Nothing intentional there.

So if I dismiss this one I guess in my mind we now should only be discussing it happening twice.

So incident number 2... I really don't know what Woody is doing. Probably stupid but if I had to say one way or another, I'd lean toward unintentional.

In my opinion today was the one that looked the worst. But I'm still not willing to say without a doubt intentional.
Forget it, he's rolling.
No. I honestly did not know they had changed the definitions and stated as much in a prior post. That does not change my opinion that it was intentional and I am not trolling. He played a great game other than that play. I hope to see that kind of play from him consistently. Minus the eye gouges.
People, people, people.

C'mon....it's **NOT** intentional.

Bad style-yes
An aberration which hasn't occurred until this year--yes
Something the staff and Woody need to dissect and correct--yes

But if you think he's doing it on purpose, really, you're ignorant.
I was actually trying to find and rewatching the incident on BTN2Go. Live I didn't think anything of it and after watching the play 10 times or so I don't think it was intentional. I can see how the slow motion shots can make it look bad and throwing in the other recent incidents does make is seem like more than a coincidence. That aside, it looked like to me Trimble jump stopped right before reaching Adam and Adam thinking he was going to attempt a shot brought his left hand up and inadvertently caught Trimble in the eye.
I was firmly of the same opinion until I saw his arm extend straight into his face in the slow motion replay. Everything looked explainable but that part.
I was firmly of the same opinion until I saw his arm extend straight into his face in the slow motion replay. Everything looked explainable but that part.

Just give it up dude. Inadvertent contact happens all the time in basketball. Coincidence combined with Woody's poor execution is what happened. I mean, do you really think he was like, "time to take out trembles eye."
1st one on Wilson - unintentional. Last two - intentional. How's come the eyes are getting hit instead of a mouth or a nose?

When you put your hand out to a players face the fingers are not going to stay horizontal to the floor. Watch any other player do a face guard and the fingers are angled/perpendicular to the floor.

He doesn't need to sit. That's stupid. But Fran and his team mates better put a stop to it or somebody is going to give some payback. I thought the breakaway foul on White was payback but White brought ball up to face and Mary got ball instead of White's head/face. In slo-mo, maybe not.

Good call by refs on flagrant.
Settles said same thing post-game and that the conference will probably be talking to him.
In the grand scheme of things, Adam is the only one that will ever know if it was indeed intentional. The league will take a look at it and make a decision on whether any punishment is warranted. I find it hard to believe it was intentional and don't think there should be any significant action taken but I wouldn't be surprised if they decide on some sort of punishment. I guess we will all just have to wait and see.
1st one on Wilson - unintentional. Last two - intentional. How's come the eyes are getting hit instead of a mouth or a nose?

When you put your hand out to a players face the fingers are not going to stay horizontal to the floor. Watch any other player do a face guard and the fingers are angled/perpendicular to the floor.

He doesn't need to sit. That's stupid. But Fran and his team mates better put a stop to it or somebody is going to give some payback. I thought the breakaway foul on White was payback but White brought ball up to face and Mary got ball instead of White's head/face. In slo-mo, maybe not.

Good call by refs on flagrant.
Settles said same thing post-game and that the conference will probably be talking to him.
Word will get out on this and other teams will try and get him targeted by officiating crews. You can bet on that.
Bull effing sheet. Not intentional. Woody's a tall, white, semi-coordinated athlete. It looks like the staff is trying to get him to play better defense by expanding his space and keeping his hands lower. I dont think he's trying to poke opponents in the eye. He's just clumsy. If refs feel it's foul, call it. If they feel it's more than that, review it for flagrant 1 or 2.

But he shouldn't sit, not with the kind of sheet B1G refs allow and fail to call. The Derp who raked Whitey across the face did more injury and deserved more punishment than any of Woody's eye pokes.
White guy.black guy..so hate crime, as outlined?m
We have the dumbest bunch of homer fans in the BIG. Shameful. I have nothing against Woodbury when he isn't playing like a thug. He had a great game, this recent eye gauge not withstanding.
I think right now many are questioning if you're actually a fan. I also played a lot of basketball and I'd say about half the time you drive the lane you get nailed. Not just eye pokes but hands and elbows to the head and actually fairly common is fingers in your mouth. Do you think that would be intentional?
I suppose he could have been lunging for the ball in an effort to get a held ball call, in that frame. He was clearly anticipating the player to bring the ball up for a shot.

The fact that you're defending this clown while launching the attack on Woody has me wondering if you're a troll. If Woody was trying to poke people in the eye he'd be getting called for fouls for hitting people in the face when he misses the eyes, unless you think he has pin point accuracy in this skill.
The fact that you're defending this clown while launching the attack on Woody has me wondering if you're a troll. If Woody was trying to poke people in the eye he'd be getting called for fouls for hitting people in the face when he misses the eyes, unless you think he has pin point accuracy in this skill.
Lol. That was total sarcasm in reference to similar excuses offered by fans in this thread.
I think right now many are questioning if you're actually a fan. I also played a lot of basketball and I'd say about half the time you drive the lane you get nailed. Not just eye pokes but hands and elbows to the head and actually fairly common is fingers in your mouth. Do you think that would be intentional?
I have already stated. I have had hands swipe my face when their hands were coming DOWN on the ball. I guess I should consider myself lucky to have escaped the Moe, Larry and Woody routine. I have never been poked in the eye in the fashion that Woodbury has managed to do it 3 times now. The 1st one against Hayes could have been incidental because Hayes lowered his head. The other 2 were totally intentional. IMO. I have been fair with Woodbury up until these eye poking incidents, which I find dirty and thugish. If he never pokes another player in the eye again, you will likely never see me say another comment against his character. For the third and final time, I will say that the rest of the game he played today was good. Great for Woodbury. He and Gesell are really coming on and it's helping everyone else on the court.

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