Woods, B. Ferentz vs Isu

Uh...no. You can get your hopes up based on one public Iowa practice in early August combined with your 2 great LBs and throw some false bravado at it all you want, but you won't be playing yesterday's Iowa team and you won't be playing them at Mini-Arrowhead this time around.

On paper Iowa has the worst team it has had in quite a while. On paper ISU has the best team it has had probably since '05. I was saying this long before yesterdays practice.

Iowa will not score a ton of points this year. doesn't mean they won't win games, but they aren't going to be running up the score on anyone. I mean even very good Iowa teams in recent years haven't scored a ton due to KF's conservative style of play. they will have a hard time considering the inexperience at some of the skill positions on offense.

I think ISU will win at kinnick this year. both teams will score <24 points.
Just curious, but based on what? Points given for the game being at Kinnick, but by most accounts, Iowa doesn't have much going on offense right now and the defense is pretty young and inexperienced.

because they're america's team. duh
On paper Iowa has the worst team it has had in quite a while. On paper ISU has the best team it has had probably since '05. I was saying this long before yesterdays practice.

Iowa will not score a ton of points this year. doesn't mean they won't win games, but they aren't going to be running up the score on anyone. I mean even very good Iowa teams in recent years haven't scored a ton due to KF's conservative style of play. they will have a hard time considering the inexperience at some of the skill positions on offense.

I think ISU will win at kinnick this year. both teams will score <24 points.

They don't play on paper...wait...maybe I shouldn't say that since I don't know EXACTLY what goes into the prescription turf recipe...and we can both "think" all we want, but the bottom line is this game can't get here soon enough!:D
Speaking of the clowns, what game this year will CPR give his traditional hokey, sappy, 'I'm so pwoud to be your coach speech'-you know the win that cements CPR's legacy and is posted on you tube and he is crying
I don't think Iowa is their super bowl, but I think they come to the game trying to prove something. They keep their emotions on their sleeve whereas Iowa doesn't, Iowa is taught (I imagine) to play it even keeled so they don't get too high or too low. I think Iowa operates more like a machine, if all the parts move together it should end up in a win. If a bad play is made, move on; if a good play is made, don't get too excited because the game isn't over yet.

ISU needs their guys to rise to the occasion, they need everyone giving their all. That's why they're always going nuts when they create a turnover or whatever, whereas Iowa heads to the sidelines where they're greeted with a congrats and a high 5.

ISU lives by the sword and dies by the sword, Iowa avoids the sword.

Iowa can't usually play the "No one is giving us a shot!" card, ISU could conceivably use that for every game they play.
I don't think Iowa is their super bowl, but I think they come to the game trying to prove something. They keep their emotions on their sleeve whereas Iowa doesn't, Iowa is taught (I imagine) to play it even keeled so they don't get too high or too low. I think Iowa operates more like a machine, if all the parts move together it should end up in a win. If a bad play is made, move on; if a good play is made, don't get too excited because the game isn't over yet.

ISU needs their guys to rise to the occasion, they need everyone giving their all. That's why they're always going nuts when they create a turnover or whatever, whereas Iowa heads to the sidelines where they're greeted with a congrats and a high 5.

ISU lives by the sword and dies by the sword, Iowa avoids the sword.

Iowa can't usually play the "No one is giving us a shot!" card, ISU could conceivably use that for every game they play.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpQU-C0My3U]Taking back the CyHawk Trophy 2008! - YouTube[/ame]
I don't think Iowa is their super bowl, but I think they come to the game trying to prove something. They keep their emotions on their sleeve whereas Iowa doesn't, Iowa is taught (I imagine) to play it even keeled so they don't get too high or too low. I think Iowa operates more like a machine, if all the parts move together it should end up in a win. If a bad play is made, move on; if a good play is made, don't get too excited because the game isn't over yet.

ISU needs their guys to rise to the occasion, they need everyone giving their all. That's why they're always going nuts when they create a turnover or whatever, whereas Iowa heads to the sidelines where they're greeted with a congrats and a high 5.

ISU lives by the sword and dies by the sword, Iowa avoids the sword.

Iowa can't usually play the "No one is giving us a shot!" card, ISU could conceivably use that for every game they play.

for your first part, that's just a KF coached team. Iowa operates that same way in every game (playing it even keeled), whether they're playing ISU or tOSU. And that's just a reflection of KF's conservative style.

as for the bolded part, if you watch ISU more than one game a year you'll see that the excitement after turnovers is not unique to the iowa game what so ever. The team shows a ton of emotion in every game. And Paul Rhoads shows just as much emotion on the sideline during every other game throughout the season as he does Iowa.
Absolutely, I will put bank ok it. I will take ISU +9.5 for $250. are you going to put your money where your mouth is? There is a fairly strong chance the hawks start the year 0-2.

you're out of your mind to be that confident looking at this game. Iowa-ISU is never a lock no matter how good or bad either team is coming into it.

I think ISU could walk out of Kinnick with a W, I just don't have the stones to touch it with a 10' pole for actual cash this or any other year.
Why not get excited about the game? We all know enough ******** on the opposing sides that watching them sad for a year is a pleasant experience.
Absolutely, I will put bank ok it. I will take ISU +9.5 for $250. are you going to put your money where your mouth is? There is a fairly strong chance the hawks start the year 0-2.

Iowa has at least a 60 percent chance of winning against N. Illinois and against Iowa State. The chances Iowa starts off 0-2 is well below 20 percent, I wouldn't say that is "fairly strong".
I don't get why Clown fans are acting like they are fielding a national championship team. It took 3 ot's at home and a miracle 4 down conversion at home to beat Iowa last season. For a program that has 3 low tier bowl wins, I don't understand how they are do cocky this season? Also, isu is a dog at home against Tulsa, I don't even know what conference they play in
I don't get why Clown fans are acting like they are fielding a national championship team. It took 3 ot's at home and a miracle 4 down conversion at home to beat Iowa last season. For a program that has 3 low tier bowl wins, I don't understand how they are do cocky this season? Also, isu is a dog at home against Tulsa, I don't even know what conference they play in

National Champs. Bank it.
I don't get why Clown fans are acting like they are fielding a national championship team. It took 3 ot's at home and a miracle 4 down conversion at home to beat Iowa last season. For a program that has 3 low tier bowl wins, I don't understand how they are do cocky this season? Also, isu is a dog at home against Tulsa, I don't even know what conference they play in

What on earth are you talking about? You just wanted to say clowns, didn't ya? Just admit it. I won't tell anyone...
I don't get why Clown fans are acting like they are fielding a national championship team. It took 3 ot's at home and a miracle 4 down conversion at home to beat Iowa last season. For a program that has 3 low tier bowl wins, I don't understand how they are do cocky this season? Also, isu is a dog at home against Tulsa, I don't even know what conference they play in

This isn't a national discussion. This is ISU vs Iowa. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I'm pretty sure Iowa will be beat by a whole handful of teams this year that aren't national title contenders.

ISU looks to be every bit as good as Iowa this year. Iowa has a lot of question marks. ISU fans are confident going into that rivalry game. I don't get how that's difficult to comprehend.

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