With Davis Staying - Who Leaves?

o hai accepters of failure how r u this morning?

Im feeling great, very exciting news yesterday that KF is planning to keep his staff completely intact. Im hoping for big improvements next year.

Still mad Scorpion?

Who gives a **** who leaves? Unless it's Ferentz it doesn't mean a damn thing. Nothing will change. I honestly could not care less who the coordinators are. It makes very little difference.
There will be very little drop in attendance if any. There's more to gameday than just the game. It's a perfect time to spend with good friends and family. Yes the game is not mch fun when they lose, but gameday as a whole can be a lot of fun.

I'd laugh moar, but there's a mod here, so I have to kiss his butt. Because if there's anything Teh Goast is known for, it's being teacher's pet!

In mesasge board loser (Ghost) language......let me know if I do this right...... "Whar kute smiley face teh Ghost??"
Is it possible that no coaching changes will be made until all the recruits sign their respective letters of intent?
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