Wisconsin going for 2 up 41-16 in the 4th

Once again, this has nothing to do with "running it up" as it's a difference of only 1 point.

There was NO REASON to go for two (being up 27 is no different than 26 as 4 tds still beats you). The only reason you do is if you want to be a complete pr!ck and have no class. Sports, for all the money involved, is still about class and respect for your opponent. BB has no clue about either of those and, apparently, neither do you.

If you are a "coach" and can't see the difference, then that's a you problem.

I am not saying it is likely, but I would say with being ahead 3 scores (3 TDs, 2-2 pt conversions) with almost 7 minutes left in the game, it is not out of the question the Gophers couldn't have mounted a comeback. He didn't need 4 TDs, he needed 3 to tie to get into OT. Again, there is a difference in running up the score and putting it out of reach. There is a difference in being up 26 vs. 27 pts. It means an extra 2 pt conversion the Gophers had to convert. Again, not saying it is likely, but crazier things have happened. Were the Gophers out of it in TB's mind? Did he want his men to stop trying to win the game? If so, that is a bigger problem IMO. I think our difference is in our thinking of what it means to "respect" your opponent.
I am not saying it is likely, but I would say with being ahead 3 scores (3 TDs, 2-2 pt conversions) with almost 7 minutes left in the game, it is not out of the question the Gophers couldn't have mounted a comeback. He didn't need 4 TDs, he needed 3 to tie to get into OT. Again, there is a difference in running up the score and putting it out of reach. There is a difference in being up 26 vs. 27 pts. It means an extra 2 pt conversion the Gophers had to convert. Again, not saying it is likely, but crazier things have happened. Were the Gophers out of it in TB's mind? Did he want his men to stop trying to win the game? If so, that is a bigger problem IMO. I think our difference is in our thinking of what it means to "respect" your opponent.

In the immortal words of Cousin Eddie, "You serious, Clark?"

Not sure what school you went to, but the one I went to says 8+8+8=24. Therefore, not sure how 3 tds (even if all had 2 pt conversions) gets you to a tie when you're 26 down.

Going by your line of thinking, then you should go for 2 after every touchdown because they other team is trying to win the game. Bottom line is that your explanation makes no sense.

Now, if you just said, "Hey, I enjoy rubbing the other team's nose in it every chance I get", then I could go along with that. I wouldn't agree with it, but I could respect it.
In the immortal words of Cousin Eddie, "You serious, Clark?"

Not sure what school you went to, but the one I went to says 8+8+8=24. Therefore, not sure how 3 tds (even if all had 2 pt conversions) gets you to a tie when you're 26 down.

Going by your line of thinking, then you should go for 2 after every touchdown because they other team is trying to win the game. Bottom line is that your explanation makes no sense.

Now, if you just said, "Hey, I enjoy rubbing the other team's nose in it every chance I get", then I could go along with that. I wouldn't agree with it, but I could respect it.

Holy, Jesus! I don't know when I lost the ability to add. That said I still do think its as bad as everyone is making it out to be on its own accord. I think some of his past is coming back to bite him on this.
A D-bag in badger clothing is still a D-Bag.

You mean Bret (the Tiger-Hawk Tat toting) Bielema isn't a classy guy? Who knew? I remember his farewell handshake comment to Walden or Criner (whichever loser ISU coach it was) his senior year,"I've enjoyed kicking your A** for the last 4 years." That's not classy? :rolleyes:
jon..if you have no problem with "BIELS" after that than either the big ten network thing has gone to your head and you have some fear of ******* off a coach you may have to do a face to face with later....or you don't deserve the "football" respect that people seem to give u here.. that was a classless move. "BIELS" is a tool and it showed on national tv..embarassing for the big ten.....the whole scene being played on sportscenter......Espn is garbage outside of herbstreet....I hope you don't let the big ten network thing put blinders on you......but looks like it already has. next you will be saying that "BIELS" sends a tingle up your leg when he speaks.....

exactly. and for him to use a 'nick name' or a shortened version of his name is telling. sophomoric.
The fact that you don't have a problem with "Biels" leads me to believe that you either A) enjoy loudmouth, immature, frat-boy-like coaches or B) are too afraid to call a coach out for a complete bush-league, d-bag move because of your affiliation with the "mothership of the Big Ten".

This isn't about "stop the other team if you don't want them to score again". This is about the coach of a team, who up 25, does something completely unnecessary and unconventional by going for a two-point conversion just to rub the other team and it's head coach's nose in sh!t. It's NOT the same thing as allowing your 3rd team QB to throw some passes up 25. He's put in the work and deserves to operate like the starting QB. This is completely different.

I'm embarassed this guy was ever a Hawkeye. I'm just as disappointed that you wouldn't call him out.

Brett might be wearing out his welcome in Madison if he doesn't shape up. You would think he would get the hint when they insisted he move to the suburbs that his past actions wouldn't be tolerated in Badger town.

Now you've got me curious. What's the story behind this?
Once again, this has nothing to do with "running it up" as it's a difference of only 1 point.

There was NO REASON to go for two (being up 27 is no different than 26 as 4 tds still beats you). The only reason you do is if you want to be a complete pr!ck and have no class. Sports, for all the money involved, is still about class and respect for your opponent. BB has no clue about either of those and, apparently, neither do you.

If you are a "coach" and can't see the difference, then that's a you problem.

Don't forget there was only 6 minutes left in the game! I'm not even sure Oregon could put up 27pts in 6 minutes against Iowa State's D. There was no need for the call, period. Bielema is a classless bum.
A guy told me last night that when Iowa went up there to play the first time againest Brewster, that he made every thing Iowa did as big as a inconveience as possible. Such as making them park the bus a long ways away. He said The Captain was not happy about the situation. I don't know if this is true story or not. I personally think they are both a couple of donkeys.
An objective philosophical observer might reflect upon this conflict between the classless and the weak, and feel good about the fact that he is neither, but it would be classless of him to do so. Such would be his weakness.

Thankfully, I am not capable of such objective philosophical observation.

Whoa.....I think I must've blacked out there! ;)
I think "Mills" has sold out to the big ten....afraid to be critical of "Beals".....actually "Mills" calling him "Beals" like 4 times was pretty annoying...very larry cotlarish...you know "Cots" of course...........he used to be the name dropper guy on kxno..
I think "Mills" has sold out to the big ten....afraid to be critical of "Beals".....actually "Mills" calling him "Beals" like 4 times was pretty annoying...very larry cotlarish...you know "Cots" of course...........he used to be the name dropper guy on kxno..

You mean "the Cotman?!" Haha. That guys SUCKS!!!

And I agree about "Mills."

"Biels?" Really, Jon? Are you guys boys or what? Anyone can see that your boy "Biels" is a complete donkey! Ask the other coaches in the Big Ten, specifically KF, if this is accepted and if their "Card" says to "go for 2 when up 25."

What a D-bag

rationalize anyway you want, it was a dick move on Bielema's part. i also agree that he was coward for not admitting it in the postgame interview. if you're going to be a dick, follow through with it.
There certainly is no love lost between the Gophers and Badgers. Some of Bret's hatred might still be from his playing days with Iowa..Look I'm not going to defend Bret.
What he did was wrong, but Tim Brewster is not well liked amongst the coaches of the BT. It certainly adds a bit of fun to an off weekend for Iowa. Bret certainly may have gotten in the last word on the field.
Tim needs to do a better job as a coordinator at his next stop wherever that maybe.
Maybe he can come to ISU and be a coach on Rhodes's staff.
Cant wait till we give "Biels" a beatdown in Iowa City...as someone else put it, he is a donkey. Hopefully he is down 25 and has to go for two
Don't forget there was only 6 minutes left in the game! I'm not even sure Oregon could put up 27pts in 6 minutes against Iowa State's D. There was no need for the call, period. Bielema is a classless bum.

You might want to watch tape of the Utah game. :D

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