winning or losing this game doesn't change reality

We already know what Wieskamp will have around him. After ten years people don’t know? After five years I wanted Alford gone

If true that means we are digressing as a program. That means contract extensions and pay raises in Barta’s world. I think he still thinks he is at the University of Wyoming except with what seems endlessly deep pockets for coaches.

Of course you wanted Alford gone after 5 years. You've wanted Fran gone for as long as I've known your screen name. And judging by your post history, you want every coach fired in every sport, no matter how the team does.
Fair point on the seeding, but I wouldn't say the 25 win season was his best year. Like I said, that was an NIT team. The win total looked good because they went deep into the NIT.

If I had to vote, I'd probably say Uthoff, Woodbury and Gesell's senior year was his best, but with another late year meltdown, it was basically a different dog with the same fleas as this year's team. More talent and experience than this team? IMO, yes.

As for the future - we'll see. It'll depend on what Wieskamp has around him. It's pretty hard to project 2-3 years out.

I really think next year's team might be the best he's ever had. And if Joe T ends up being legit, the year after that will be even better. We will see if it plans out, but I think Fran has us on pretty solid ground right now.
I really think next year's team might be the best he's ever had. And if Joe T ends up being legit, the year after that will be even better. We will see if it plans out, but I think Fran has us on pretty solid ground right now.
Smile til it hurts!
Of course you wanted Alford gone after 5 years. You've wanted Fran gone for as long as I've known your screen name. And judging by your post history, you want every coach fired in every sport, no matter how the team does.

Lol, and you want to keep them regardless of what they do. If your the type of person who is satisfied with mediocrity then you are what you are. Tom was let go, Alford had the door pointed out to him and he got the hint and left. Lick was let go. Why do you suppose these things happened? Because they weren’t getting it done.

Fran is not getting it done. He should be gone already. Barta gambled on Kirk and the results are better in comparison to Fran’s but that’s not saying much. Until Fran lands a premier Big Ten quality point guard, things are not going to change.

The people who want these type of coaches to stick around don’t have the championship spirit in them. Sad but true. Some people are just made up that way. Winning is secondary to them. I mean I understand it if your coming from a CLEAN Program perspective, but that’s is the only perspective I will give you some slack on. If Purdue can build a Big Ten title team then Iowa should be able too.

Well if fans are ok with mediocrity then just go get some high school coach and pay them well below the going rate for a successful college coach. Fran appears at this point to be a mid-major coach and nothing more. Is there even one player that Fran has recruited and coached who is currently playing in the NBA and not just sitting as filler space on the bench? Has he ever coached a player that went on the be very successful in the NBA? I think I heard there was one who played for Siena, but I am not sure even about that.

These coaches are paid millions of dollars to be successful. It should be expected of them and if they can’t get it done then they deserve to be let go. Any AD that doesn’t see it that way needs to be shown the door also. Geesh!!!
The reality is that the Iowa basketball program will continue for some time to come to be a second tier program. If McCaffrey survives you can expect much of the same. Really this year might be the ceiling for Iowa under McCaffrey. Clearly he can't recruit. Carton was very wise to not consider Iowa and players of Fosters caliber ain't coming to Iowa. So the level of talent isn't going to be upgraded. McCaffrey I think has pretty much proven not to be a top coach at this level. Maybe with a mid major he does a better job with the level of competition?
If we make a coaching change (and I have been in that camp for awhile) we would have a multiple year building process with no assurance that at the end of it we would be much better. So the bottom line is that the Iowa basketball program has been down for 15 years? and will continue to be down for quite a few to come. Not to say we wont have a few high points and win a few big games but we wont contend for championships and certainly wont make the tournament on a regular basis

I'm not going to get down on the players. They undoubtedly feel worse than the fans. They just aren't that good and they just aren't that well coached. I think Cook should stay for another year and get his diploma. Not sure if any of the others have decisions to make? Maybe Conner should concentrate on baseball. Moss if he has his degree as a redshirt could transfer to Drake. I think he would have a lot of success at that talent level. Weiskamp I guess could consider taking a year off and transferring to Wisconsin. He would really be good in their system but I doubt he will

Oh well I assume we lose in the first round of the Big Ten tournament and drop to a 9 or 10 seed? maybe even 11. Syracuse was an 11 last year and actually won a couple games. That's as good as it gets
Good post and spot on.
I really see no reason to change at this point as we are stuck like you say. Do not see one thing changing. I like the kids.. hate the effort and results ...groundhog day with no excitement. I am no fan of daddy ball whatsoever and it rarely works..this is a disaster and watching the next version has me sleeping for the 5 year year mark. In fairness to Frances having your boys on the team good or bad should motivate you to win you would think............????
He's had 2 7 seeds. He won't be close to that this year. He needs to win 2 games in both tournaments for this to be his best year.

And his ceiling is all about the players he has. Wieskamp is going to be the best hawkeye in a long time. His junior or senior year will probably be Fran's ceiling.
Weiskamp I love however you are from muscatine if you think hes that good...go thru every game against a ranked team and call me back he doenst match up.
Iowa went on a losing streak when Wieskamp hurt his back and Dolph got suspended for the rest of the season. I don't think Iowa is a very well coached team, but Wieskamps back might of hurt Iowa more than you might think. Its no fun having a bad back.
Weiskamp I love however you are from muscatine if you think hes that good...go thru every game against a ranked team and call me back he doenst match up.
Hmmm. If you don't see both production and potential I think you're being negative. JW has an incredibly bright future regardless of the shitstorm around him.
He's been hurt. He will never have great lateral quickness for guarding an opposing 2. But he has all the other tools and every other team in the conference would love to have him.
Lol, and you want to keep them regardless of what they do. If your the type of person who is satisfied with mediocrity then you are what you are. Tom was let go, Alford had the door pointed out to him and he got the hint and left. Lick was let go. Why do you suppose these things happened? Because they weren’t getting it done.

Fran is not getting it done. He should be gone already. Barta gambled on Kirk and the results are better in comparison to Fran’s but that’s not saying much. Until Fran lands a premier Big Ten quality point guard, things are not going to change.

The people who want these type of coaches to stick around don’t have the championship spirit in them. Sad but true. Some people are just made up that way. Winning is secondary to them. I mean I understand it if your coming from a CLEAN Program perspective, but that’s is the only perspective I will give you some slack on. If Purdue can build a Big Ten title team then Iowa should be able too.

Well if fans are ok with mediocrity then just go get some high school coach and pay them well below the going rate for a successful college coach. Fran appears at this point to be a mid-major coach and nothing more. Is there even one player that Fran has recruited and coached who is currently playing in the NBA and not just sitting as filler space on the bench? Has he ever coached a player that went on the be very successful in the NBA? I think I heard there was one who played for Siena, but I am not sure even about that.

These coaches are paid millions of dollars to be successful. It should be expected of them and if they can’t get it done then they deserve to be let go. Any AD that doesn’t see it that way needs to be shown the door also. Geesh!!!

I am ok with mediocrity in some things. Cooking for example. I'm a mediocre cook at best and I'm completely fine with it. Also things I have no control over like how a team I'm no part of does. I'm ok with it because I have to be. I don't get a say in how the hawks do because again I'M NOT PART OF THE TEAM.

Even if you take away everything I just said. This isn't even about being ok with mediocre. Its about different opinions about where Fran can take the program. I wanted Davis gone because he was slowly bringing the program in the wrong direction. I think Fran is teetering on the edge of minimum expectations and really good. I think the odds of Fran bringing us to where I want to be is better than the odds of some random coach (especially one that Barta hires) doing it. For some reason people think a basketball coach's career goes in a straight line. It's a rollercoaster that has ups and downs.

I think Garza is going to be a beast in 2 years. I think Wieskamp is going to be a top 5 hawkeye ever. I think Nunge is going to be really good. We just got a 4 star point guard who is moving up in the rankings despite being committed to iowa. That is hard to do so it makes me really optimistic that he's the real deal. He's about to have the most talented team he has ever had. I'm excited for it.
Third place twice. In 9 years. At least half of the programs in the conference would have kept him with this same resume if they started where he started. The issue isnt that he's still here. The issue is the buyout insinuating he's doing great.
Fair point on the seeding, but I wouldn't say the 25 win season was his best year. Like I said, that was an NIT team. The win total looked good because they went deep into the NIT.

If I had to vote, I'd probably say Uthoff, Woodbury and Gesell's senior year was his best, but with another late year meltdown, it was basically a different dog with the same fleas as this year's team. More talent and experience than this team? IMO, yes.

As for the future - we'll see. It'll depend on what Wieskamp has around him. It's pretty hard to project 2-3 years out.
I am ok with mediocrity in some things. Cooking for example. I'm a mediocre cook at best and I'm completely fine with it. Also things I have no control over like how a team I'm no part of does. I'm ok with it because I have to be. I don't get a say in how the hawks do because again I'M NOT PART OF THE TEAM.

Even if you take away everything I just said. This isn't even about being ok with mediocre. Its about different opinions about where Fran can take the program. I wanted Davis gone because he was slowly bringing the program in the wrong direction. I think Fran is teetering on the edge of minimum expectations and really good. I think the odds of Fran bringing us to where I want to be is better than the odds of some random coach (especially one that Barta hires) doing it. For some reason people think a basketball coach's career goes in a straight line. It's a rollercoaster that has ups and downs.

I think Garza is going to be a beast in 2 years. I think Wieskamp is going to be a top 5 hawkeye ever. I think Nunge is going to be really good. We just got a 4 star point guard who is moving up in the rankings despite being committed to iowa. That is hard to do so it makes me really optimistic that he's the real deal. He's about to have the most talented team he has ever had. I'm excited for it.

Thanks for the reply. It was well stated and thought out. Your explanation seems reasonable and sensible.

I was disappointed in Nunge’s first season based on all the hype Jon was giving him. Would be great to see him mature into what Jon thought he would be. I see we are both on the same page with Garza. He may finally be getting back to full strength. I had said at the end of his freshmen season that I could see him being one of the more dominant B1Gs in the conference. If he can keep improving and do what he did against Nebraska on a consistent basis then I think our expectations of him will be met.

Four star recruit? I thought who are you talking about? Then I realized you are talking about Fran’s son. I really hope he lives up to his billing as this is the piece that has been missing. So as of right now it appears that all roads are pointing toward what will be Garza’s senior year. Wiezy will be a junior as should McCaffrey. His brother will be a sophomore. That would also put Nunge in his Junior year. This should without a doubt be Fran’s best squad of his tenure.

The question then comes down to coaching. I would like to see him make some changes with his assistants. Certain fundamentals like boxing out on rebounds apparently aren’t being instilled for some reason along with consistent defesnsive effort. Also basic feed passes into the post seems to be lacking. It seems our opponents have it down to a science while we struggle and find ourselves taking long shots from the perimeter when the clock is running down. Let’s hope Our four star freshman can come in and play immediately and let Bo play his more natural position at the two spot his senior year.

I didn’t mention Cook since so many don’t expect him to return. Lately he is playing like he is disinterested. It’s like Elvis has already left the building. He is in no way ready for the NBA. They will have his lunch under the basket. He has shown he is ineffective against bigger taller post players and every NBA teams has those types of players at the post positions. He did not develope an outside shot and now he is clanging his free throw shots off the rim. He would be suited best to play out his senior year but that may not be what’s best for the team. Garza actually does better when he has space to operate and at times it appears Cook hurts him when their both on the floor at the same time. We will see what Cook decides to do. Like I said I think in his heart he has already checked out. It won’t be the end of the world if he leaves because he has been a non- factor from ten feet or more away from the basket. That is where Nunge may come in. Nunge could help tremendously as he can score from all positions on the floor.
I really think next year's team might be the best he's ever had. And if Joe T ends up being legit, the year after that will be even better. We will see if it plans out, but I think Fran has us on pretty solid ground right now.

Might be? Going by recruiting rankings it will be. Joe and his son both are 4-stars according to ESPN. He will have the most talented (on paper) during his tenure and he will have a veteran team and most on here think he won't make it past the first weekend.
One other thing. We now know that the same fans who say we can only win something significant in football every 5 years cuz we are a developmental program are going to apply that logic in basketball with their incessant "next year" proclamations. Over 20 straight seasons of "next year" promises gets you a fan base that feels suckered, and for good reason.
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Might be? Going by recruiting rankings it will be. Joe and his son both are 4-stars according to ESPN. He will have the most talented (on paper) during his tenure and he will have a veteran team and most on here think he won't make it past the first weekend.
One other thing. We now know that the same fans who say we can only win something significant in football every 5 years cuz we are a developmental program are going to apply that logic in basketball with their incessant "next year" logic. Over 20 straight seasons of "next year" promises gets you a fan base that feels suckered, and for good reason.

Sickening isn’t it?

There maybe a reason why the majority of Iowa fans are placid, indifferent, dopey, over tolerant, lacking drive, due to being over dosed with chemicals in the water.

Especially note the part under fluoride.

So if people are going to keep drinking the Kool Aid may I suggest using purified water in the mixture of your kool aid. If you do before long we will have a new AD and two new head coaches. :D
Thanks for the reply. It was well stated and thought out. Your explanation seems reasonable and sensible.

I was disappointed in Nunge’s first season based on all the hype Jon was giving him. Would be great to see him mature into what Jon thought he would be. I see we are both on the same page with Garza. He may finally be getting back to full strength. I had said at the end of his freshmen season that I could see him being one of the more dominant B1Gs in the conference. If he can keep improving and do what he did against Nebraska on a consistent basis then I think our expectations of him will be met.

Four star recruit? I thought who are you talking about? Then I realized you are talking about Fran’s son. I really hope he lives up to his billing as this is the piece that has been missing. So as of right now it appears that all roads are pointing toward what will be Garza’s senior year. Wiezy will be a junior as should McCaffrey. His brother will be a sophomore. That would also put Nunge in his Junior year. This should without a doubt be Fran’s best squad of his tenure.

The question then comes down to coaching. I would like to see him make some changes with his assistants. Certain fundamentals like boxing out on rebounds apparently aren’t being instilled for some reason along with consistent defesnsive effort. Also basic feed passes into the post seems to be lacking. It seems our opponents have it down to a science while we struggle and find ourselves taking long shots from the perimeter when the clock is running down. Let’s hope Our four star freshman can come in and play immediately and let Bo play his more natural position at the two spot his senior year.

I didn’t mention Cook since so many don’t expect him to return. Lately he is playing like he is disinterested. It’s like Elvis has already left the building. He is in no way ready for the NBA. They will have his lunch under the basket. He has shown he is ineffective against bigger taller post players and every NBA teams has those types of players at the post positions. He did not develope an outside shot and now he is clanging his free throw shots off the rim. He would be suited best to play out his senior year but that may not be what’s best for the team. Garza actually does better when he has space to operate and at times it appears Cook hurts him when their both on the floor at the same time. We will see what Cook decides to do. Like I said I think in his heart he has already checked out. It won’t be the end of the world if he leaves because he has been a non- factor from ten feet or more away from the basket. That is where Nunge may come in. Nunge could help tremendously as he can score from all positions on the floor.

I was referring to Joe T, not Patrick. His ranking is going up, which is rare for a commit after he chooses iowa. If a player's ranking goes up after choosing Iowa, it means good things. That's no guarantee or anything. I'm just playing the odds with that statement. There is a world of difference between a high 3 star/low 4 star whose ranking moved up late in his high school career, and one with that same ranking who achieved those stars early in his high school career and either maintained or dropped. He is receiving all sorts of honors in his state and he was pretty much a nobody last year. That's another good sign. If he becomes the best point guard Fran has ever had (not that hard), Wieskamp is the best player he's ever had (arguably) and Garza is the best center he's ever had (more than likely) that's a great starting point to the best team he's ever had. His best team before this one was a couple baskets from a conference championship. So improve the talent just a little and who knows. Also he will have his highest ranked recruit on that team.

As far as the coaching goes, I agree Fran isn't the greatest. He's a coach that preps his players during practice then trusts them to play. We could do better than Fran in that regard. But overall coaching, I'm not sure we can. Or I guess I know we could, but would need to get kinda lucky to find him.
Might be? Going by recruiting rankings it will be. Joe and his son both are 4-stars according to ESPN. He will have the most talented (on paper) during his tenure and he will have a veteran team and most on here think he won't make it past the first weekend.
One other thing. We now know that the same fans who say we can only win something significant in football every 5 years cuz we are a developmental program are going to apply that logic in basketball with their incessant "next year" logic. Over 20 straight seasons of "next year" promises gets you a fan base that feels suckered, and for good reason.

Anything short of a National Championship and all fans from every team are going to talk about "next year". Why wouldn't you? And if you're agreeing that our future team will be the most talented, I'd say that's a pretty damn good reason to be optimistic.
I was referring to Joe T, not Patrick. His ranking is going up, which is rare for a commit after he chooses iowa. If a player's ranking goes up after choosing Iowa, it means good things. That's no guarantee or anything. I'm just playing the odds with that statement. There is a world of difference between a high 3 star/low 4 star whose ranking moved up late in his high school career, and one with that same ranking who achieved those stars early in his high school career and either maintained or dropped. He is receiving all sorts of honors in his state and he was pretty much a nobody last year. That's another good sign. If he becomes the best point guard Fran has ever had (not that hard), Wieskamp is the best player he's ever had (arguably) and Garza is the best center he's ever had (more than likely) that's a great starting point to the best team he's ever had. His best team before this one was a couple baskets from a conference championship. So improve the talent just a little and who knows. Also he will have his highest ranked recruit on that team.

As far as the coaching goes, I agree Fran isn't the greatest. He's a coach that preps his players during practice then trusts them to play. We could do better than Fran in that regard. But overall coaching, I'm not sure we can. Or I guess I know we could, but would need to get kinda lucky to find him.

Fair analysis and yes I forgot about Joe T. He likely skipped my mind because he started out at the three star level.

Look I want the program to be successful because I watch every game and I have a lot of clothing wth a Hawkeye logo. It’s fun when your out and about in a non-Hawkeye community and people come up and talk about a great game Iowa has against Ohio State (football) or the miracle touchdown pass against LSU. Not so much the basketball program. I would like to see that change as far as basketball goes. I guess we will know for sure within two more years. If it doesn’t then Fran and Barta need to be made to feel so uncomfortable in public that they will leave the state on their own.
Sickening isn’t it?

There maybe a reason why the majority of Iowa fans are placid, indifferent, dopey, over tolerant, lacking drive, due to being over dosed with chemicals in the water.

Especially note the part under fluoride.

So if people are going to keep drinking the Kool Aid may I suggest using purified water in the mixture of your kool aid. If you do before long we will have a new AD and two new head coaches. :D

The only difference between a fan who looks forward to next year with optimism and one who doesnt is happiness. I can all but promise you I care more about winning games than you do. I go absolutely bat shit crazy from opening tip until buzzer every game, to the point where I need to choose who it's ok to be around when watching games. Its downright pathetic how much I care. That's the only reason I post here. Because I absolutely love watching the games and I love talking about it. I would never post on a subject that I only wished I liked. I have the best of both worlds. I can enjoy the games AND I dont get overly negative about them no matter what happens. People around here act like being positive is some flawed personality trait.
The reality is that the Iowa basketball program will continue for some time to come to be a second tier program. If McCaffrey survives you can expect much of the same. Really this year might be the ceiling for Iowa under McCaffrey. Clearly he can't recruit. Carton was very wise to not consider Iowa and players of Fosters caliber ain't coming to Iowa. So the level of talent isn't going to be upgraded. McCaffrey I think has pretty much proven not to be a top coach at this level. Maybe with a mid major he does a better job with the level of competition?
If we make a coaching change (and I have been in that camp for awhile) we would have a multiple year building process with no assurance that at the end of it we would be much better. So the bottom line is that the Iowa basketball program has been down for 15 years? and will continue to be down for quite a few to come. Not to say we wont have a few high points and win a few big games but we wont contend for championships and certainly wont make the tournament on a regular basis

I'm not going to get down on the players. They undoubtedly feel worse than the fans. They just aren't that good and they just aren't that well coached. I think Cook should stay for another year and get his diploma. Not sure if any of the others have decisions to make? Maybe Conner should concentrate on baseball. Moss if he has his degree as a redshirt could transfer to Drake. I think he would have a lot of success at that talent level. Weiskamp I guess could consider taking a year off and transferring to Wisconsin. He would really be good in their system but I doubt he will

Oh well I assume we lose in the first round of the Big Ten tournament and drop to a 9 or 10 seed? maybe even 11. Syracuse was an 11 last year and actually won a couple games. That's as good as it gets

In addition, when you start making a NCAA basketball team a "family affair" it usually doesn't turn out that well. Patrick will be coming next year.

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