Willies staying?

Yes, unless Jon heard something on the side I don't believe Kirk ever said the door was closed. I've read all of the pressers, and unless I'm recalling things incorrectly Ferentz definitely made it sound like the door was still open from the team's perspective.
I'd be surprised if KF wouldn't take him back. I think this happens a lot more than people realize. Players like Pat Angerer and LTP have both said after the fact that they sat down with KF and said they were quitting. If I remember right he told them both to take a few weeks and really reflect on what they want. Both decided to stay.

For LTP, it was a day or two, not a few weeks. I don't know about Angerer.

But your overall point is correct. This isn't the first guy who wanted to give up, and Kirk as worked with them.
I'd be surprised if KF wouldn't take him back. I think this happens a lot more than people realize. Players like Pat Angerer and LTP have both said after the fact that they sat down with KF and said they were quitting. If I remember right he told them both to take a few weeks and really reflect on what they want. Both decided to stay.

I cant imagine how tough it is for 18-20 year old to put in all that work in the off season weight rooms, on the practice field, and film room and still not be able to see the field. These guys are used to rolling out of bed and being the best players on the field, and some kids just don't know how to deal with adversity.....heck most people these days don't know how to deal with it.

Totally understand that, but at the same time those guys didn't do it mid season. If I'm the coach and a kid quits on me after the season for whatever excuse I don't fault that one bit and would almost always let them come back if they had a good reason or simply had a change of heart. I understand that 18-20 year olds in that situation are very fragile and adjusting to a lot. I guess what I would take issue with is the comments that surfaced afterwards coming from his guardian. I realize that its not coming from the source and isn't fair to Willies, but at the same time IMO its not fair for someone outside the program to come out and throw the coach under the bus.

We don't know what was said behind closed doors, but as demonstrated by this board, nothing good in terms of publicity, as far as program is concerned, came from what was said. His leaving when he did created quite a rift, based on what members of the team indicated to the media, and I'm not sure I'd welcome that back into the locker room. That said, maybe he's a great kid and very popular amongst the team which would make a difference.
Totally understand that, but at the same time those guys didn't do it mid season. If I'm the coach and a kid quits on me after the season for whatever excuse I don't fault that one bit and would almost always let them come back if they had a good reason or simply had a change of heart. I understand that 18-20 year olds in that situation are very fragile and adjusting to a lot. I guess what I would take issue with is the comments that surfaced afterwards coming from his guardian. I realize that its not coming from the source and isn't fair to Willies, but at the same time IMO its not fair for someone outside the program to come out and throw the coach under the bus.

We don't know what was said behind closed doors, but as demonstrated by this board, nothing good in terms of publicity, as far as program is concerned, came from what was said. His leaving when he did created quite a rift, based on what members of the team indicated to the media, and I'm not sure I'd welcome that back into the locker room. That said, maybe he's a great kid and very popular amongst the team which would make a difference.

Agreed, during the season is different, and I said as much during the whole Willies debate. Yet if he was dealing with an ailing father, an injury, and the frustration just built up, I still think you give a kid another chance. Now if he was in trouble all the time, missing classes, not putting in the effort, etc. then you move on. If it is just a "first strike" or something like that, you welcome him back and set down a marker for him to try even harder. If a kid can swallow his pride and admit he made a mistake, the last thing you do is kick him to the curb.
If DW transfers he throws away 1.5 years of practice, his redshirt, and schooling (including this semester). He then has to sit for a year, and learn a new system to go play for only two years (and if some on here are right-and he is the next prodigal son, he'll go pro early- tongue and cheek please).

If he stays he can maintain his schooling/classes/credits, continue to grow in the same system he originally was learning and have 3 years to play.

I don't normally try to tell people what to do with their life, but in this situation someone should tell this guy it could be in his best interest to stay.
A source told me this morning that Derrick is deciding to stay at Iowa. He also told me that he was suffering from a hernia and he wasn't responding really well with the treatments/ therapy.

Side note to this story: KF and Derrick have butted heads several times in the past. Not that it matters but interesting to hear nonetheless

First of all even if Willies is high strung and aggressive I think it poor of him, if it happened, to butt heads with your head coach when you are a freshman or redshirt frosh, especially a coach like KF who has won big, is dean of big 10 coaches, etc.

If willies butted heads and was openly bad mouthing the coach in the locker room that is not good.

Someone mentioned that after Willies left the lockerroom or team chemistry was better.
WOW. This would be awesome if true. I think he could/should be a #1 option for the following 2-3 yrs. We can only DREAM of what a combination of CJB throwing to Willies for the next 2-3 yrs would bring. WOW.
Sigh. Do you understand what "control your own destiny" in sports means? It means you don't need any help from others teams to reach your title game. We need help. That is NOT controlling your own destiny. Also, KF has said in pressers that CJB will play and then that weekend will not and he will respond with "well it didn't really work out". If you think JR gives us the best chance to win then I don't know what to tell you other than bless your heart.

If Nebby beats Minny at 11:00 on Saturday, then we will control our own destiny. Although this is when we typically **** it down our leg.
If he stays, great. if he doesn't, fine. I have moved past this and am no longer interested in conjecture and "sources".

My source is HN and JDM, and they have both said....he gone.
I say let him back on the team. It's not like he was caught riding his moped without a flag or something serious like that. :rolleyes:

He would owe his teammates an apology however for leaving during the middle of the season.
Kirk did say this, but I thought I remember Kirk and Willies having a closed door sit down a few days later and Kirk saying it was a for sure thing...Don't have links, just remember Rob Howe saying something to that affect. Things can change though, especially with a 19 year old. Hard to imagine Kirk not letting someone with his skill set back into the program, but hard to tell not knowing what was said or expressed by Willies.

Correct..that is when he said door was closed.

First of all even if Willies is high strung and aggressive I think it poor of him, if it happened, to butt heads with your head coach when you are a freshman or redshirt frosh, especially a coach like KF who has won big, is dean of big 10 coaches, etc.

If willies butted heads and was openly bad mouthing the coach in the locker room that is not good.

Someone mentioned that after Willies left the lockerroom or team chemistry was better.
The only "someone" that I saw ever mention that were poasters on this board. Hopefully the guy realizes we are losing two of our top receivers next year and he should have a good chance at playing time. But I ain't buying this 'til I see something solid.
First of all even if Willies is high strung and aggressive I think it poor of him, if it happened, to butt heads with your head coach when you are a freshman or redshirt frosh, especially a coach like KF who has won big, is dean of big 10 coaches, etc.

If willies butted heads and was openly bad mouthing the coach in the locker room that is not good.

Someone mentioned that after Willies left the lockerroom or team chemistry was better

If one redshirt freshman wide receiver can single-handedly destroy team chemistry... then team chemistry is pretty fragile.
If one redshirt freshman wide receiver can single-handedly destroy team chemistry... then team chemistry is pretty fragile.

no doubt - lacking some serious leadership - one would think that a freshman 'troublemaker' would get rolled by the upperclassmen for causing problems - these guys on the tail end of their careers wouldn't stand for a 'bad apple' spoiling the bunch.
what i heard him say - i think it was on the wednesday night deal - is that he thought it was closed from Willies perspective, not Iowa's persective. Ferentz said that the door was open on his end, but doubtul on Willies end as he thought he had his mind made up after a couple meetings with Willies.

And I'll buy imported_ankle a Drink if he is right
& Jon is wrong on this topic. Wow, I'd love to see Derrick Willies
back in Hawkeye Black n Gold, where he belongs.
OK, I'll buy both of you a drink if DW is baaaaack.

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