Willies staying?

If this is true we will once again have an exciting group of skill talent for next season, if not better if willies actually plays. It remains to be seen if we actually use them, however.

I could see Kirk limiting his playing time as a punishment for walking out on the team this year.
Someone said he had a hernia. If true maybe that's why he wasn't playing much.

Brain hernia are especially hard to come back from...but I know our coaching staff has experience with this type of thing. Timeout...no wait...no we don't want one...if we get a timeout, can we get it 20 seconds ago?
Not sure we will need him with the proliferation of Matt Vandenberg. When you got a guy that fast, with stickey hands and super tall what more do we need? Think about a goalline fade to kirks new pet cat Matt Vandenberg....
I am not sure I want Willies back for his sake. I do not want to continue to sit through games knowing another great talent is sitting on the bench while we struggle mightily to score points against some of the worst teams in college football.
Seems like the door is open. Since I am a betting man, I'd be willing to bet that Willies is playing WR at Iowa next fall.


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