Willies staying?

And I'll buy imported_ankle a Drink if he is right
& Jon is wrong on this topic. Wow, I'd love to see Derrick Willies
back in Hawkeye Black n Gold, where he belongs.
OK, I'll buy both of you a drink if DW is baaaaack.

here's the deal. Jon doesn't drink - so i'll take his, and mine! :)

Unless Ferentz was taking the 'high road', the door being closed was him saying that he didn't think that Willies was coming back to Iowa after that second meeting - that his mind was made up to leave. A caller called in and asked the question and that is what came out of Ferentz' mouth. He definitely did not say that Iowa wouldn't have him back. He was all positive about Willies - good kid, good grades, etc.
Agreed, during the season is different, and I said as much during the whole Willies debate. Yet if he was dealing with an ailing father, an injury, and the frustration just built up, I still think you give a kid another chance. Now if he was in trouble all the time, missing classes, not putting in the effort, etc. then you move on. If it is just a "first strike" or something like that, you welcome him back and set down a marker for him to try even harder. If a kid can swallow his pride and admit he made a mistake, the last thing you do is kick him to the curb.

That positive mentoring is one of the main key attributes of KF. If everything is on up and up, most coaches, KF included, are going to work out a solution.
Also, in regards to guardian that flamed the whole situation, it is very possible that those closed door talks led to something like DW to his guardian...."Guardian, I told coach I need to take some time away due to my ill father, besides, it sucks, 'cause I'm not playing much anyhow"....and KF said, "it's the middle of the season, if that is what you feel, then you have to do what you have to do, it may jepordize your spot on the team if you leave indefinitely". Derek's response was, "so I told him I have to do this. I'm gone".

Door closed by DW, door open but vague by KF, Bummed guardian incorrectly interpret's and stupidly sends out msg with personal agenda. Hawkeye fans left appropriately in the dark reading tea leaves.
OF course the door might not be locked from the inside. Not even sure if the door was closed from the inside or from the outside or if it was slammed shut by either someone on the inside or outside of it. This may even be a screen door too you know and they maybe talking to each other face to face through the door. Maybe one of them opened the door just to say hi and closed it again without the press knowing about it.
OF course the door might not be locked from the inside. Not even sure if the door was closed from the inside or from the outside or if it was slammed shut by either someone on the inside or outside of it. This may even be a screen door too you know and they maybe talking to each other face to face through the door. Maybe one of them opened the door just to say hi and closed it again without the press knowing about it.

Nominated: Post of the day
OF course the door might not be locked from the inside. Not even sure if the door was closed from the inside or from the outside or if it was slammed shut by either someone on the inside or outside of it. This may even be a screen door too you know and they maybe talking to each other face to face through the door. Maybe one of them opened the door just to say hi and closed it again without the press knowing about it.

OF course the door might not be locked from the inside. Not even sure if the door was closed from the inside or from the outside or if it was slammed shut by either someone on the inside or outside of it. This may even be a screen door too you know and they maybe talking to each other face to face through the door. Maybe one of them opened the door just to say hi and closed it again without the press knowing about it.

it could be a revolving door that is never truly open or closed. Poof! mind blown! :cool:
It is a hard decision but as a father and grandfather, if I was ill I would still want my kids/grandkids out striving to be their best doing what they love. I would hope my kids would think of me, visit me, plus google hangout with me when they get the chance.

I am older so maybe that changes my way of thinking as my kids are around 30 and have their own kids to provide for.
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Please, please be true! Just curious, is your source pretty credible? Not calling you a liar, just curious if it's someone within the program or very close to it.

whar IOWAHocks?

He's in Omaha at the moment, trying to entice folks on Craigslist to buy his iPhone 6 by throwing in Wisconsin tickets.

I got nothin here, but would love for it to be true, if I had to guess though, it's not... considering he's friends with CJB who stayed on promises of more playing time.
Trap door? Bear trap? Escape hatch? Weird metaphysical hole and tunnel that leads to the place where you started?
Well, I am very glad that my rationale on this was wrong...to the OP, well done

I think we are all very surprised, but happy with this development.....welcome back, Derrick!! Now, get to class and maintain your academic standing, and tend to your family business....rumor is that his Dad will be moving back to Iowa so DW can remain in school.....well done, DAD! Go Hawks, beat those nasty Badgers!
I think we are all very surprised, but happy with this development.....welcome back, Derrick!! Now, get to class and maintain your academic standing, and tend to your family business....rumor is that his Dad will be moving back to Iowa so DW can remain in school.....well done, DAD! Go Hawks, beat those nasty Badgers!

Very surprised. It isn't often a player comes back. We are going to need him, especially next year and it's a smart move on his part. It would have been a wasted year for him.

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