Will Bo survive this week? This month? This season?


Well-Known Member
This is quite the dumpster fire that they have over in Lincoln. Bo is no genius when it comes to handling his emotions and crapping all over a fan base that sees and prides itself on being passionate and loyal to the end (that is debatable of course)
is about the worst thing he could do. Dropping a duece at halftime on the big N at midfield might top telling your fans to *&%# off, but that's about it.

Bo has already done the quick apology, but does he survive this? I think Nebby starts a quiet coaching search today.
Bo won't be fired until they have a replacement hired, and if he somehow starts winning all will be forgiven and he keeps his job.
No way Pelinis survives this, I am betting he is not the coach for the remainder of the season. All fans, yes, even Nebraska fans, deserve better than this. He is gone, Tom Osbourne will make sure of it. Right about now I am betting they would love to have Frank Solich and his 9 wins per season back.
Pelini's brother is rumored to have been engaged in some crap that smeared the family name in Eastern Nebraska. Though I liked Alford, he rubbed some folks in IC the wrong way with off the court antics and I've heard anecdotally that Bo makes Alford look like a stand up guy around town. That right there is two strikes. Nebraska fans are upset with recent bowl games and reeling from last year's thrashing at the hands of Wisconsin in the Big Ten Title Game, which are a few foul balls. And then this tape was a belt high fastball that Bo just whiffed on. Three strikes. Dude is done.
You gotta wonder if someone from the university had a hold of this, and leaked it when they wanted to get rid of him. The timing of releasing this is curios, basically 2 years after it happened.
You gotta wonder if someone from the university had a hold of this, and leaked it when they wanted to get rid of him. The timing of releasing this is curios, basically 2 years after it happened.

I heard that someone had held it for years and after the exchange regarding Frazier yesterday the guy got butthurt and dropped it on deadspin.
I think Bo gets suspended this week and one of the assistants assumes head coaching duties on a temporary basis. By next week, he is canned for cause and a permanent interim from the existing staff is named. The new coach will be named right after the bowl season plays out.
I think Bo gets suspended this week and one of the assistants assumes head coaching duties on a temporary basis. By next week, he is canned for cause and a permanent interim from the existing staff is named. The new coach will be named right after the bowl season plays out.

Agreed 100%. Suspended this week while the powers that be meet and the lawyers review the contract and draft the severance agreement. Fired early next week.
Once Pelini and Martinez are gone...everything will return to GLORY.

hee hee

In all seriousness, I don't think he's going anywhere this year. If they win less than 10 games(or don't have a chance for the B1G championship)...they may make a change.
It's a race between Bo and Mack Brown on who gets the axe first.
That said Tommy Frazier needs to shut up. What is his coaching record?

Nebraska used to have a built in advantage. I think years ago there was some state law that 1 scholarship be given from each county to attend the University of Nebraska. Just so happened everyone of these went to a kid that could play football, but technically was not a football scholarship.

Nebraska does have a long standing tradition, but since there have been rules put in place to prevent shenanigans like above, they are not a top 10 program anymore. They are just another northern school, that is challenged to pull kids from warm weather climates to play in places where you freeze your butt off in the winter.

I suspect both Texas and Nebraska will look to Louisville for their replacement.
Though Nebraska fans might be asking for a former Husker to come in and coach. Not sure who that could be really, I mean they wanted Turner Gill, and were fortunate they did not hire him. Kind of hope they do hire a former Husker, because that would further set the program back.
Dudes, I heard he made a comment replying to Frazier but missed the other stuff as I've been busy. Someone give me the dirty? Hope he is gone and I wish him terrible diarrhea. He is a big ugly headed goon Neanderthal. Couldn't happen to a better humanoid.
HawkeyeMHA, check deadspin.com
I work in Omaha, and the local media and people I hear talking about this are more upset over it being leaked than the content of it. In my hometown of Yutan, NE, there is a mural of Bo painted on the diner. It is of him screaming and there is lightning behind him. Hero worship.
I think this time next week Bo will be gone. This is too much fodder to be ignored. It would be a dream to recruit against Bo after this.
Dudes, I heard he made a comment replying to Frazier but missed the other stuff as I've been busy. Someone give me the dirty? Hope he is gone and I wish him terrible diarrhea. He is a big ugly headed goon Neanderthal. Couldn't happen to a better humanoid.

2 years ago, was caught on tape ripping Nebraska fans, it comes to light now, because Bo Pelini is Frankenstein and the press along with fans are coming after him with fire and pitchforks.

Nebraska fan thinks it is still the 1970's and think their program is along the lines of Bama, USC, Oregon Ohio State etc.If you go into a Nebraska fan's house today, you probably would see wood paneling, orange shag carpet, and a kitchen that looks like something from the Brady Bunch.

I think Bo is a jerk, but to bring up something that was said off the record 2 years ago is bush.. If the guy was 3-0 this year and they won in dominating fashion this would not see the light of day.

Its easy to pile on, but I agree with Bo, Nebraska fans are delusional and do need to be called out..
I'm somewhat torn here...

On one hand Bo is kind of a giant doosh nozzle, and deserves the heat he's getting.

However, on the other hand his tirade came after an emotional game that had many ups and downs. He was sticking up for his players and coaches to the fans that booed/left at halftime during a huge game (which they came back and won). And he did so in what, he thought, was a private-ish setting with trusted people.

I'm gonna let my dislike for Nebby take over here and say... He gone. (Although this incident and his firing will do nothing to temper your typical husker fan).
I would think the fan base would put their foot down on this. But they have the longest sellout streak going and fan support will be there almost regardless. Even if they raise a ruckus publicly they'll still spend their money. So it depends on the administration. If they want him gone as bad as the fans should then he won't coach another game. This is such a black eye that no program should want this guy leading them. You can't apologize and say in the "heat of the battle" type of excuse for this. That was after a win for crying out loud. Can't imagine him saying anything worse then after some of the loss's he's had since then.

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