Will Bo survive this week? This month? This season?

yeah, if they finish the year with a loss to Iowa, he will be gone. but, i would be shocked if he was fired in-season (unless they all of the sudden get blown out every game)
i can't see them firing him during the season. After the season? Depends on how many W's the program can collect.
No way Pelinis survives this, I am betting he is not the coach for the remainder of the season. All fans, yes, even Nebraska fans, deserve better than this. He is gone, Tom Osbourne will make sure of it. Right about now I am betting they would love to have Frank Solich and his 9 wins per season back.
He makes it through the season. Only way he stays is if they taste roses going 9-0 through the B1G schedule.
i can't see them firing him during the season. After the season? Depends on how many W's the program can collect.

He makes it through the season. Only way he stays is if they taste roses going 9-0 through the B1G schedule.

Agreed with both here. If the players use this as a rally point (in a way, Bo was sticking up for them in his tirade), and come out swinging/winning; then coach can save his job.

If they fold he could be out by end of season (if it even lasts that long).

But either way... this is a huge deal for Nebby.
yeah, i'm sure every coach in the country has said this. very interesting timing though. especially just after the blowout loss and Frazier comments.
yeah, i'm sure every coach in the country has said this. very interesting timing though. especially just after the blowout loss and Frazier comments.

I'm sure they all have rants where they let off steam. But F you...F him....F them.... about nearly everybody associated with the program in the presence of a reporter/broadcaster is just stupidity.

Coaches and players often forget. They don't get paid huge amounts of money because they can coach football or because they can play football. They get paid huge amounts of money because people will PAY to see them coach and play. You can't have it both ways...with the rewards also come the criticism and pressure.
I'm hoping Pelini stays at least another year. We have a good shot to beat them if he's coaching. Even in one of our lowest moments in the last 14 years, we could have beaten Nebraska had our offense had a pulse. I like our chances this year. If Martinez has to beat you with his shot put, we got a chance.
Bo's two main problems are:

1. He can't get real good athletes on D to come to nebbby.

2. He has absolutely no PR skills at all and he's a hot head.

He's a lot like Mike Stoops. Just doesn't got the make up of a Head Coach. Let him be a coordinator.
Nebby's (Bo's) winning tradition has always been outstanding defense, solid offensive line play, and a good running offense... Sound like anyone? Since Nebby's been without an outstanding defense (post Suh), and the fans demand... Will Nebraska's fan base (Eichorst - Tom Osborne clone) 'put up' with another style of Nebraska football?
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Nebby's (Bo's) winning tradition has always been outstanding defenses, solid offensive line play, and a good running offense... Sound like anyone? Since Nebby's been without an outstanding defense (post Suh), and the fans demand... Will Nebraska's fan base (Tom Osborne) 'put up' with another style of Nebraska football?
Difference is Ferentz has BCS hardware to back him up and he has never gotten crushed by Wisconsin as badly as Pelini did. Nebraska should just stick with what worked for them and go back to running the option. No one could stop it.
I'm sure they all have rants where they let off steam. But F you...F him....F them.... about nearly everybody associated with the program in the presence of a reporter/broadcaster is just stupidity.

Coaches and players often forget. They don't get paid huge amounts of money because they can coach football or because they can play football. They get paid huge amounts of money because people will PAY to see them coach and play. You can't have it both ways...with the rewards also come the criticism and pressure.

yeah, when you do that, you're just asking for trouble, even if you think the reporter is on your side.
Dudes, I heard he made a comment replying to Frazier but missed the other stuff as I've been busy. Someone give me the dirty? Hope he is gone and I wish him terrible diarrhea. He is a big ugly headed goon Neanderthal. Couldn't happen to a better humanoid.

I hope he stays because he is not a very good coach. HIm and his brother did not have great defenses overall and especially with new D Coord this year.

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