Will Bo survive this week? This month? This season?

Originally Posted by fsanford
INebraska used to have a built in advantage. I think years ago there was some state law that 1 scholarship be given from each county to attend the University of Nebraska. Just so happened everyone of these went to a kid that could play football, but technically was not a football scholarship.

Urban myth. Not true. I get hating on Nebraska, but let's try to stick with the facts, shall we?

Not entirely an urban myth, what Nebby had were booster groups that paid for walk-ons tuition (not scholarshisp) and back in the day when there werent limits on squad size Nebby and Bama would have tons of walk-ons just waiting their turn to even start for one year. This is how Nebby had all those great off and def lines for so many years.
Only if he had Clayborn completely taking away one side of the field and was dealing with subpar athletes like Nesbitt and Dwyer on the other side along with a coach who was too dumb to throw it to Demariyus.

Jonathan Dwyer is on the Pittsburgh Steelers. Not too many subpar athletes that I know of make it as running backs in the NFL.

Not getting the ball in Demaryius Thomas' hands is indeed the great mystery. An even greater mystery still is how GT has had Demaryius Thomas in the first place. Add Calvin Johnson, and Stephen Hill to that question (CJ was recruited before they had Paul Johnson, but even the previous O led by Reggie Ball was hardly ideal for him.) Unbelievable.

Meanwhile, Iowa struggles to recruit the position more than any other.
I think Bo is safe through this season but he'll be coaching somewhere else next year, possibly girls high school basketball.
Jonathan Dwyer is on the Pittsburgh Steelers. Not too many subpar athletes that I know of make it as running backs in the NFL.

Not getting the ball in Demaryius Thomas' hands is indeed the great mystery. An even greater mystery still is how GT has had Demaryius Thomas in the first place. Add Calvin Johnson, and Stephen Hill to that question (CJ was recruited before they had Paul Johnson, but even the previous O led by Reggie Ball was hardly ideal for him.) Unbelievable.

Meanwhile, Iowa struggles to recruit the position more than any other.

Atlanta or Iowa City???
For some kids, that would make all the difference..Especially if the kid is from the South.
I have three thoughts on this:

1. This is a huge overreaction. Somebody has a grudge against Pellllini and released this "gotcha" tape.

2. They should fire him ASAP. They probably won't, but they should. Pellllini is not the right coach for Nebraska. He's not bringing them back to a top 5 national program. He's not winning conference championships. He's an idiot. Keeping him around just hurts recruiting.

3. Iowa needs Pellllini at Nebraska. Pellllini gives us the best chance to beat Nebraska.
Only if he had Clayborn completely taking away one side of the field and was dealing with subpar athletes like Nesbitt and Dwyer on the other side along with a coach who was too dumb to throw it to Demariyus.
Norm's D philosophy was to 'zone defend' the line of scrimmage - have a player assigned and stay in every lane of the line of scrimmage. Norm's D was always good against option teams that went east to west along the line of scrimmage. That's why his defense handled Georgia Tech's offense so easily in the Orange Bowl. And why his D would've handled Nebby's option offense of yore. Even with 'scrubbly' players - players that weren't pro-bound. <P> Too bad offenses of college football evolved..
You gotta wonder if someone from the university had a hold of this, and leaked it when they wanted to get rid of him. The timing of releasing this is curios, basically 2 years after it happened.

You really gotta wonder about that?

Pelini is toast, and it's because his defense is offensive.
It's definitely in Lincoln, I can confirm. I can tell by the HuskerVision scoreboard and the US Bank logo behind her.

If anyone cares, it looks like Bo is not going anywhere anytime soon.

Perlman, Eichorst call comments 'deeply concerning,' but won't punish Pelini - Omaha.com

Now, if the team tanks, that's a different can of worms.

You wonder if allowing him to stay is a greater punishment, I think Pelini would get relief in getting fired.
It is only going to get worse through the season unless they run the table and that is not going to happen.

Dude just seems so angry all the time, like he does not enjoy coaching at all.
You wonder if allowing him to stay is a greater punishment, I think Pelini would get relief in getting fired.
It is only going to get worse through the season unless they run the table and that is not going to happen.

Dude just seems so angry all the time, like he does not enjoy coaching at all.

Do you guys think he's head coaching material?
You wonder if allowing him to stay is a greater punishment, I think Pelini would get relief in getting fired.
It is only going to get worse through the season unless they run the table and that is not going to happen.

Dude just seems so angry all the time, like he does not enjoy coaching at all.

I can't say I disagree with any of this.

Do you guys think he's head coaching material?

Personally, I don't know. He has done some good things, but the program has stagnated. If he can't make the proper adjustments and get moving forward he may not be around much longer. I think that most Husker fans are not sold on him being he guy to lead us to the top. Still a wait and see.
Do you guys think he's head coaching material?

I think he would do well at a school with less expectations or at a place where football is not the only entertainment in town.

Nebraska has got to be one of the toughest jobs in the country. People assume what you have done in the past will dictate your future. Not realizing that football by enlarge is now dominated by warm weather schools ( Oregon being the exception). And not saying there is anything wrong with Husker fan's expectations, its just not like the old days, where Nebraska was it as far as football goes.

Bo does not have the personality to deal with it. Put him in a place like Cal, or Georgia Tech, I think he does fine.

Not sure who the Husker's get, they have tried the former NFL coach route and that was a disaster. I would take a shot with Kirby Smart, its a risk, but the reward could be huge.
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Bo does not have the personality to deal with it. Put him in a place like Cal, or Georgia Tech, I think he does fine.

I think this is true. I also think Bo and Rhoads are similar in that regard. I don't view either of them as big time head coaches. They're both good football guys, just not FBS head coaches.

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