Why KF needs to move on. Non emotional opinions.

You people are all nuts if you think that ferentz is going anywhere. that would absolutely kill the momentum your program has.

O'Keefe on the other hand... he needs to go! His play calling is terrible. why in the hell would you run with 3 mintues left then huddle back up... something i never really understood.

If kirk were to leave U of I... who REALISTICLY would Iowa Hire?
I think a lot of the fans discontent is the fact that this was to be the rebuilding year. Last year was the year we completely underutilized the talent and made several coaching errors. I think we need to accept this as a rebuilding year and make great strides into next year. I think the coaching phiosophy could certainly use some major changes. I don't think this year or next we have the horses to line up on a talent level with a lot of teams we play.

I agree with that and it would have been the perfect opportunity to shake things up on the coaching staff. There are examples of it working and some where it hasn't, but it should have been a serious topic in the Athletic Office.
Those calling for the ouster of KF needs to slow their roll. He's had this program fighting way above it's weight for some time now. This staff has done a great job in finding and developing talent at the OL, TE, DL, LB, DB positions. Unfortunately they have not been able to consistently develop playmakers. They haven't been able to develop a game changing QB, home run hitter at RB or a go up and get it guy at WR. And when they've had playmakers they've haven't stuck around. Time management has been poor and IMO they seem unwilling to break tendencies to utilize the talent that they have.

So yeah everyone needs to get better, In game coaching, recruiting, development etc. But to suggest that KF needs to go is ridiculous.
Those calling for the ouster of KF needs to slow their roll. He's had this program fighting way above it's weight for some time now. This staff has done a great job in finding and developing talent at the OL, TE, DL, LB, DB positions. Unfortunately they have not been able to consistently develop playmakers. They haven't been able to develop a game changing QB, home run hitter at RB or a go up and get it guy at WR. And when they've had playmakers they've haven't stuck around. Time management has been poor and IMO they seem unwilling to break tendencies to utilize the talent that they have.

So yeah everyone needs to get better, In game coaching, recruiting, development etc. But to suggest that KF needs to go is ridiculous.

He had the program fighting above its weight from 2002 to 2004. Since then, he had one good season. That's one good season since 2004. The Hawks have been overwhelmingly mediocre since then. And if you took out the two to three powder puff victories per season at the beginning of the year, the Hawks would be no better than .500.
You people are all nuts if you think that ferentz is going anywhere. that would absolutely kill the momentum your program has.

O'Keefe on the other hand... he needs to go! His play calling is terrible. why in the hell would you run with 3 mintues left then huddle back up... something i never really understood.

If kirk were to leave U of I... who REALISTICLY would Iowa Hire?

That's what many Iowa fans thought for years. But it's become clear that KOK is just following orders. He's made it pretty clear that he likes to spread it out and come out guns blazing. And when he's allowed to do so, the offense typically flourishes (2002, 2004, 2005, and the first 2/3 of 2010). But he's not allowed to let it fly all that much.
ISUFB.........the momentum you are talking about is downward, if you watched the Hawks much. This program is in a downward slide and next year will likely be even worse. Kirk has a lot of good attributes but he is failing to keep this/his program in the upper half of the Big 10. There have been all kinds of on and off the field problems with his program over the past 5 years and players leaving which has decimated the DL in particular. And nothing has changed to get things back on an even keel.

I personally hope the Chiefs makes a run at Kirk and he accepts. It is time imo.
I said after the 2008 season that the most impressive thing about it was that KF had lost the program and built it back up. Not too many coaches can build a program up, maintain it, lose it and then build it up again. It's a true testament to his talent.

But our program appears to be on the way down in a serious way. It's not about this season right now. It's about last season, and it is about the defensive front 7, and what the defense is going to look like next year. The fact of the matter is that we are not going to have a serious talent issue in the coming years, because we are starting several players who do not appear to be legit B1G players.

I simply do not believe that Kirk will be able to bring the program back for a third time. That isn't a knock against him, few if any coaches would be able to do that.

But he built the program up by playing not to lose and even with superior talent, he's maintained that approach. His strengths are that he is a great face of the program and a great developer of talent.

But I don't think even his most ardent supporters would say he is a great in game coach, great strategist, great marketer of the program or great recruiter. We will need all of this to build the program up again.

You also have to question his judgement. Burning a shirt in garbage time last week to not play the same player this week. Putting up huge offensive numbers in a hurry up offense and then calling a no huddle where we still take 30 seconds to run the play.

This isn't to say that I want the anti KF to come in, just that I don't believe we will enjoy the success we've become accustomed to again anytime soon and that new blood is inevitable.

That being said, KF is also one of the most well respected coaches in all of football. To fire him would be suicide by firing. Who could go work for someone that fired Kirk Ferentz? No one.

Kirk needs to look himself in the mirror and determine what his appetite is for another rebuilding project because at this point it's not this season or next season that is on the line, it is his legacy at Iowa. He has not earned the right to leave on his own terms. He is not yet beyond reproach.

He can leave at this point knowing that he has left the program in better shape than he found it. I am not optimistic that will be the case in three years.

How long did it take you to formulate and type that post? It's time you can never get back.

You have no idea what the rest of THIS season holds, let alone speculating on NEXT season and beyond.

If you watched yesterday's game and can come up with a post/thread like this, I suggest one thing: don't bother watching football. You obviously don't understand anything about the game.

To clue you in, what you saw yesterday was a WR corps that performed well below expectation, a QB who, arguably, played worse than Jake Christensen did against PSU in 2007, a PSU team that had pretty much EVERYthing bounce their way and a defense that, in spite of its shortcomings, still only gave up 13 points. To clarify, the offense that was supposed to be carrying the defense this season...didn't carry the defense yesterday.
+100. What were they saying when we beat Georgia Tech? LSU? South Carolina? Florida? WHen we started 9-0 two years ago? When were beating Penn State year in and year out?

The problem with this is that you act as though things haven't changed since then. Which is the EXACT same problem that KF seems to have right now.

How long did it take you to formulate and type that post? It's time you can never get back.

You have no idea what the rest of THIS season holds, let alone speculating on NEXT season and beyond.

If you watched yesterday's game and can come up with a post/thread like this, I suggest one thing: don't bother watching football. You obviously don't understand anything about the game.

To clue you in, what you saw yesterday was a WR corps that performed well below expectation, a QB who, arguably, played worse than Jake Christensen did against PSU in 2007, a PSU team that had pretty much EVERYthing bounce their way and a defense that, in spite of its shortcomings, still only gave up 13 points. To clarify, the offense that was supposed to be carrying the defense this season...didn't carry the defense yesterday.

The talent just isn't there right now on defense. And a large chunk of the talent that we DO have is going to be gone next year. No Daniels. No Prater. No Bernstine. No Nielsen.

The offense didn't execute well, but they weren't helped much by the conservative nature of the gameplan. It's tough to complete the short/checkdown throws once you establish that that's all you're going to throw, because defenders can jump those routes. We barely even TRIED to go downfield.

The no-huddle was working on the first possession, then once we crossed the 50 it just disappeared. Why on earth go away from something that's working so well?
You have no idea what the rest of THIS season holds, let alone speculating on NEXT season and beyond.

If you watched yesterday's game and can come up with a post/thread like this, I suggest one thing: don't bother watching football. You obviously don't understand anything about the game.

To clue you in, what you saw yesterday was a WR corps that performed well below expectation, a QB who, arguably, played worse than Jake Christensen did against PSU in 2007, a PSU team that had pretty much EVERYthing bounce their way and a defense that, in spite of its shortcomings, still only gave up 13 points. To clarify, the offense that was supposed to be carrying the defense this season...didn't carry the defense yesterday.

Well no **** sherlock.

Of course I may be wrong, I hope I am. I like KF.

But what reason do you see for optimism? And then when you consider that our starting DL is seniors, what reason do you believe that the defense will be better next year? Because we lose Prater and Bernstein too.

If you watched the game yesterday, you didn't see the bullies of the Big Ten. You didn't see a line on either side that out muscled their opponent.

Sure the bounces could have gone the other way, and maybe that changes the outcome of the game. You could say the same thing about the Pitt game.

That's the thing about football. Sometimes the bounces go your way, sometimes they don't.

But the great teams don't rely on the bounces. They put their foot on the throats of their opponents, intimidate them, out work them, out muscle them and win. I didn't see any of that yesterday. Part of that is attitude, some of that is lack of ability.

I hope we finish 10-2 and play in the Rose Bowl. But I don't see it. If you do, I hope you see better than I do. .
I don't believe we'll ever have another 10-2 season under KF. College football has left him in the dust. His overly conservative and easily predictable style of play will not excite the top recruits in future years. They will seek out the teams with high scoring offenses and leave KF as they left Lick in bb.
And just who do you think will replace KF? Iowa is hardly a dream job for coaches. So you fire the coach that has taken the team to bowl games almost every year for a new coach to do what? Take Iowa to a NC?
KF does more with less. Its hard to get away from a conservative philosophy when the execution isn't there.
And just who do you think will replace KF? Iowa is hardly a dream job for coaches. So you fire the coach that has taken the team to bowl games almost every year for a new coach to do what? Take Iowa to a NC?
KF does more with less. Its hard to get away from a conservative philosophy when the execution isn't there.

When you pay top 10 money, you can get somebody. If you think you can't buy a good head coach, you're very naive and foolish. That said, how about Bobby Diaco? I'd prefer he come aboard when KF's tenure has run out in a few more (successful) seasons, but he's been a DC for 3-4 seasons now, both under Al Groh at UVA and Brian Kelly, and he runs a 3-4 at ND and is transforming that D into something formidable. I'm sure there are 20 other OC's and DC's that would like their shot as a head coach, and a number other of mid-major or even major conference coaches that would be willing to see what they could do given the money they recognize IA will pay.

Also, recognize that conservative philosophy can make execution more challenging. IMO that argument is akin to the chicken and the egg.
I never, ever, ever want to see Iowa run a base 3-4 defense. To make that work you have to recruit at least one elite pass rusher at the OLB position and you need big beefy d-lineman with length. Those are few and far between in our traditional recruiting areas.
I never, ever, ever want to see Iowa run a base 3-4 defense. To make that work you have to recruit at least one elite pass rusher at the OLB position and you need big beefy d-lineman with length. Those are few and far between in our traditional recruiting areas.

I'm not buying your recruiting excuse. Hayden ran a 5-2 for a number of years, and a 3-4 is essentially the same, but w/ slightly more athletic and versatile OLB's. We want to incessantly brag about the development this coaching staff does, how different would it be developing players for a 3-4 instead of a 4-3? They're still going to recruit undersized players and mold them into what they want. Also, the past 2 seasons IA has had zero elite pass rushers - changing to a 3-4 isn't going to change that aspect, at least it can't hurt it. What's the difference between your 4-3 DE's playing a soft contain versus an average 3-4 OLB coming off the edge and trying to get to the QB? Not much. I also think the conversion to a 3-4 wouldn't be nearly as challenging as some would think, as IA already recruits a number of undersized DE types, such as what they're starting this season in Binns, Alvis and Daniel - may as well stand them up and see what they can do, as yesterday (and against ISU) they often had trouble at the point of attack on running plays. Instead of putting them into the cookie cutter type DE's Ferentz often uses, put some at OLB and let them come off the edge and maybe Norm could get creative. The bigger concern for me would be a getting a NT w/ bulk that could play. The staff has started recruiting more physically ready DT's, and I think many of the current DT's would make good 3-4 DE's. I don't know that a 3-4 wouldn't be a good move anyway, as I think it provides more versatility against spread teams. I just know after yesterday, I'm glad the power running teams IA has to face are less and less in the B10, b/c the 4-3 they sat in yesterday got simply overpowered.
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KF needs to move on??? Lets not lose our heads.

Every team has down years. Fans don't like it but it happens. Teams that have a stable program are typically rewarded with success. Teams that chase the flavor of the month tend to struggle. Have you learned nothing from Iowa parting ways with Tom Davis?

And spare me the Stoops nonsense. Take the silliness to CF where it belongs.
Iowa hasn't had the same lines since that fellow (I can't remember his name) left for Green Bay around 2003 or 04.

I think O'Keefe is probably a good coordinator if he were allowed to turn the offense loose.

OSU could get away with being ultra conservative; Iowa cannot. Iowa will do no more than 50-50 playing ultra conservative in the Big 10. AND it has shown by his record the past 5 years in the Big 10.

But he isn't about to change and he will take the program down before he would even consider changing.

And Barta gave him a what 10-year exentsion. So KF calls all the shot, not Barta. Iowa could never afford to buy him out, even if KF destroys the program he built.

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