Why KF needs to move on. Non emotional opinions.

Per the usual, I'm far to lazy to read everything so this may have already been said, but...

Interesting to start a thread that is "non-emotional" right after a loss that brought a lot of people down. I feel like any response at this point has to be at least somewhat emotional. I am not saying I disagree with everything you say, I'm just saying.

Also, I think it's just time that people realize we just aren't that good this year. Nothing more, nothing less. If we get to 7 wins and a middle of the road bowl game I think it will be a success. I've thought that since we played our first true "test" if you will against ISU and saw what kind of team they are this year. It's not coaching, not the system, and certainly not one person's fault in general. It's a rebuilding year. We aren't good. It happens. Ask Michigan and others. It happens. The difference with Iowa is they are sticking by the people that have gotten them to the years that aren't down. Other schools have panicked and jumped to the next best thing. Not always a good choice. Again, ask Michigan.
Here's my non emotional opinion. Ferentz is a terrific coach and I'm very glad he is at Iowa. He's a known guy who has respect in the college and nfl communities, which is why some of our better recruits lately want to come to Iowa. As for the Penn State game, McNutt left his hands in Iowa City as did Keenan. Vandy is obviously way too paniced on the road and needs to calm down. Our defense played well enough to win and that's supposed to be the bad portion of our team. Players have to play. Iowa would take a major step back if Ferentz left. He is the face of the program. Recruits wouldn't look at us as a school on the come up getting a new coach. We'd look like we were spiraling downward and nobody would touch us.
Here's my non emotional opinion. Ferentz is a terrific coach and I'm very glad he is at Iowa. He's a known guy who has respect in the college and nfl communities, which is why some of our better recruits lately want to come to Iowa. As for the Penn State game, McNutt left his hands in Iowa City as did Keenan. Vandy is obviously way too paniced on the road and needs to calm down. Our defense played well enough to win and that's supposed to be the bad portion of our team. Players have to play. Iowa would take a major step back if Ferentz left. He is the face of the program. Recruits wouldn't look at us as a school on the come up getting a new coach. We'd look like we were spiraling downward and nobody would touch us.

Exactly. A huge reason Iowa has been able to recruit even as well as they have recently despite having to try to get kids from out of state is the fact that we have established relationships with HS coaches. They mention it when kids commit to Iowa ''Iowa has the same guys coming in for the last decade,and we trust them''....

Starting anew at Iowa is not like at Michigan or OSU...much harder.
All we have going for us is KF and the cred he as built up in recruiting circles. We go get a DickRod and it will start the revolving door of coaches and will kill the continuity that is our only shot.
Exactly. A huge reason Iowa has been able to recruit even as well as they have recently despite having to try to get kids from out of state is the fact that we have established relationships with HS coaches. They mention it when kids commit to Iowa ''Iowa has the same guys coming in for the last decade,and we trust them''....

Starting anew at Iowa is not like at Michigan or OSU...much harder.
All we have going for us is KF and the cred he as built up in recruiting circles. We go get a DickRod and it will start the revolving door of coaches and will kill the continuity that is our only shot.

Great point. Look at Michigan. They're getting national attention and have yet to lose. They'll still have some iffy moments this year, but...

Look at their incoming recruiting class. One service (can't remember if it's scout or rivals) has them listed as NUMBER ONE in the country. First year coach. Nice. It's Michigan, after all.
KF can stay as long as he likes as he is a top tier coach. People can disagree with that all they like, but it is my opinion. This is Iowa, not Alabama and for whatever reason, coaches can't quite seem to get that level of player to come here. That leads me to my next point. I would guess KF will likely be done with coaching int he next 5-10 years. When that happens I believe a top, top notch recruiter needs to be our primary target. We will then have all the facilities needed to attract these kids and need the personality to close the deal. KF is a great coach, but I don't think recruiting is his strong suit. Iowa has alot to offer and they need someone who can package it the right way for the top kids to be interested. Just my 2 cents.
You show your college football ignorance here. The rare thing in college football is a program that has sustained success. If you were to graph out the wins and losses for most teams over a span of years it looks like a rollercoaster (there is a college football mag that does this). With the exception of a very few programs success in college football is cyclical - KF makes a point of stating this to the chicken littles at least once a year.

This seems relavent.

Q. *You talk about being developmental, does that develop into peaks and valleys and results?
​COACH FERENTZ: *You guys make the conclusions on that. *I've said this before, I think if you look at college football, there are a handful of teams that have great population bases, great resources. *Look at stadiums* common sensical things that I think* and it really has not changed much over 30 years, 40 years, probably longer than that, what schools those are.
​So obviously they start on the inside track and there's others that start way on the outside and there's some in the middle, and that stuff fluctuates yeartoyear. *But there are some teams inside that lane each and every year.
I agree with his comment. I would say that Iowa is up there. We have a larger stadium, that is always sold out.

I think recruiting is moreso regional than it is local. Plenty of kids go from Texas to Oklahoma and vice versa.

Plenty of kids from Ohio go to Penn State, plenty of kids from Pennsylvania go to West Virginia etc...

So the idea that we have no talent in Iowa has both shown to be 1) not true and 2) not as relevant as the fact that we have talent in Missouri, Illinois, Minnesota.

I would also ask what happened to our recruiting in New Jersey, Texas, Florida etc...

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