Who will lead the Hawkeye Basketball team in scoring?

I'll remember that the next time I hear about Cyclone fans thinking their team is going to the tournament this year.

I'd be right there with you. Unrealistic fans annoy me no matter who they root for.

Good point above about the individual averages not equalling the total.

Gatens is a has been that never was.

Basabe 18.7 ppg
Marble 15.00 ppg
May 13.00 ppg
Brommer 10.00 ppg
Gatens 9 ppg
Cully 8.7 ppg
Cole 6.00 ppg
r u serious west coast hawk? Brommer is going to score more than Gatens wow... Gatens scoring is going to go down from the last two yrs? you need to watch Iowa Basketball somtime bud
I think first will be Gatens then Payne. I'm going to guess that the highest single game comes from Basabe.

Gatens is a has been that never was.

Basabe 18.7 ppg
Marble 15.00 ppg
May 13.00 ppg
Brommer 10.00 ppg
Gatens 9 ppg
Cully 8.7 ppg
Cole 6.00 ppg

Nice. Besides being devoid of logic, great post. Barring injuries, suspensions, and academic eligibility: There is no way in hell Brommer outscores Gatens, Payne, and Cole for the season. In fact, no way he outscores any of the 3. I love watching Marble and Basabe, but what you predict ain't happenin'.
Gatens 15.0
Basabe 11.0
Cole 9.0
May 9.0
Payne 7.5
Marble 6.0
McCabe 5.5
Brommer 5.0
Cartwright 5.0

This assumes a moderate number of injuries. I think the scoring will be pretty evenly distributed through the rotation because the pace will necessitate more substitutions. I would be surprised if anyone but Gatens averages more than 30 mpg.
Very nice ddiction- I would only put a bit more on May and less on Cartwright. But I have not seen Cartwright play.
Very nice ddiction- I would only put a bit more on May and less on Cartwright. But I have not seen Cartwright play.

I think Cartwright and Payne are probably pretty close in ability, so Payne may end up splitting minutes down the middle with him. I also noticed I forgot Archie. Tack on 2-3 ppg for him, I suppose.
I think Cartwright and Payne are probably pretty close in ability, so Payne may end up splitting minutes down the middle with him.

That is the best comments I have heard or read about Cartwright. I hope you are correct about this as I think Cully is damn good. It would be great if Cartwright can back him up without a drop in talent on the court.

This hurt us bad last year because our back-up or lack of caused Cully to play tired/hurt and kept him from playing to his full ability often.
I will take Gatens all day for a few reasons:
1. He will get better looks from the 3 point line in the new system.
2. With his improved conditioning, becoming more lean, he can take people off the dribble.
3. As Matt takes more people off the dribble, he can get to free throw line more often and I think everyone realizes how good a free throw shooter he is.
4. He is the one upperclassman that has proven he can score and has a ton of experience through two seasons.

I like Payne to be number two in scoring, but would rather see him third or even fourth. May has the potential to be 2nd and I would prefer Basabe and/or Cole to be above Payne as well. It would be nice to see balance and Payne checking in at about 10 ppg, 6 apg and less than two turnovers per game he has proven he can rebound well for a guard.
In the end there should be much more balance, but the potential for one guy to score significantly higher than the rest of the roster, I like Gatens for that. 17 ppg would not be out of the question for Matt with more and better shot opportunities.
r u serious west coast hawk? Brommer is going to score more than Gatens wow... Gatens scoring is going to go down from the last two yrs? you need to watch Iowa Basketball somtime bud

UGgghhh... Gatens hasn't impressed me... at ALL.

It has been a mystery to me why people are so up on this guy's nuts.

He's slow and white, can drop a 3 sometimes.

He tried to do WAY too much last year and it was obvious he is not the type of player that can pull a team. If he was on a team with a go to scorer he would be their top role player imo. but that is all.

I totally forgot about Cartwright. Cully isn't going to score a lot but look for this guy's assists stats to be through the roof.
WestCoast: You need to explain your logic to us minions. How in the world do you see Brommer scoring more than Gatens? Will Gatens be the top scorer? Who knows, but he will almost certainly be a starter (again), and I would be very surprised if he's not averaging 12+ ppg.

If Brommer's getting 10 ppg then we might be talking about him being awarded most improved player of the year for the entire NCAA.
I think it will be balanced. I look for Payne, Gatens and May all to average in the 12-14 ppg range. Cole will again be right around 8-9 ppg and I think Basabe will be around 10 ppg
I think you are going to see Cole make a run at it. Throughout his career he has been hampered taking on some of the most athletic inside players in the league. Basabe might (obviously yet to be seen) take some attention away from Cole inside and open things up for him. I could see him in the 12-14 ppg range this season. Especially, (hopefully) with added possesions. He hustles up and down the court. Typically first one back on defense. Ended up in the mix on fast breaks even after rebounds. It is possible for him to have a very good season for us. Jump shot improved last year. If his jump shot takes another step forward he will have a good senior year.

It will be obvious by mid-season that he is the best player on the team.

wow, lots of people on the Basabe bandwagon I guess...one problem, when was the last time that a freshman was solid enough to go nite in nite out and score even double figures in conference. He might have a few good nites where he puts in 15-18 points in the pre-conference, but as soon as he does that he will be marked on the tape and get keyed on by the opposing team and being a freshman, he will be frustrated, foul, and end up playing 12 minutes and scoring 3 points on many nights. It would surprise me if Gatens didn't lead this team in scoring and I think he'll average 14.9 ppg for the season.

It will be obvious by mid-season that he is the best player on the team.

Yeah, not quite sure why everyone is jumping on the Basabe bandwagon, look I know he did well in the PTL, but lets not go overboard, quite yet. I expect Basabe to help out Cole a ton by being able to rotate and help on defense and block shots and give some much needed rebounding help. I would be surprised to see him average above 8 ppg, but that would be a bonus if he does. Expect him to have some good and bad scoring games. Expect him to lead Iowa in shot blocking and possibly rebounding, but I would expect Jarryd Cole to lead in rebounding given the help he should have this season.
I think that Gatens will lead the team in scoring. The extra help inside (Basabe) with Cole, will open it up more for Gatens and Co. Plus, the attacking style of play will get him to the FT line a lot more. I'll take Gatens around 15 ppg. May will be second because his athleticism will benefit the most from the uptempo (if they can rebound defensively) and he will find his way to the rack. May 12 ppg. Cole and Basabe will each average between 8-10 ppg. As I said before, having two capable guys inside will help. Cully will be around 8 ppg. These will come mostly when Cartwright is running the point and Cully is spelling Gatens at SG. Marble, Brommer, Cartwright, Archie, and McCabe will all average between 3-5 ppg.

Look for both Cully to lead the team in assists with Cartwright a close second. I really think Cartwright will play a huge role this year.

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