Who was the last Iowa hs grad..


Well-Known Member
That was an actual( go-to-guy) for any program? With all the Iowa recruit vs out of state guys made me think. Looks like Banres is,but was Hinrich Collison(Good players-good program)Fred.?..Any others? or how far back do we have to go.....?
Hinrich and Collison both were go to guys. I'd add Bruner to Haluska and Horner. Also, Nate Funk and Korver at Creighton, Homan at ISU, Ben Jacobsen at UNI, there's been plenty of them.
That was an actual( go-to-guy) for any program? With all the Iowa recruit vs out of state guys made me think. Looks like Banres is,but was Hinrich Collison(Good players-good program)Fred.?..Any others? or how far back do we have to go.....?

Barnes is the latest. Collison and Hinrich, they may not have both been "go-to" guys, but one of them was. They were the two best players for Kansas, one of them was a "go-to" guy.
Doug McDermott led Creighton in scoring as a freshman. If he's not a go-to guy now, I think he'll be one by the end of his career.
"Program Changer" isn't really a fair term. You would have to go back decades to find program changers at places like Kansas, UNC unless you are looking for someone who helped them out of a brief slump.

"Go to guy" ,"game changer"...is probaly a little more fair. Many good ones have been named. Iowa actually puts out some very nice talent for a state with a lower population. It seems like 2 or 3 seasons of each decade there is an abundance of talent in the state and then there are some dry spells.

It would be fun to compare the girls side vs. the boys side some time because I think the girsl would hold their own as well.
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Ya your right, we do get quality talent out of low population,seems we are due for another. I really like that we are getting kids from way outside the pipeline and opening doors. we produce solid role players all the time and go-guys 1 or 2 every tens years, seems like we are due for one soon.(Jok.....?) .
I think we need to continiously expand the pipeline outside of the borders while doing what we can to harvest the best we can here in Iowa, because we do have kids that can play. If Iowa can get back to snatching up most of the top talent in state when it's available, and go outside the borders when it's not, we would be real solid again. We would also have those rare local classes / kids that would be fan favorites and that never hurts.
Haluska was not a "go to guy",he was a pretty good role player.

Role players don't lead the Big Ten in scoring their senior seasons. WTF.

That said, there are definitely good players in the state of Iowa.. We are just not getting them right now because our program has been so down the past several years. That's not going to change IMO until we start winning some games again, and then we can start talking about keeping the guys like Barnes & Paige in-state.

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