Offensive coordinator talks offense

Biggest concern with Lester should be him leaving for a HC or better paying OC gig after this year. Not sure why people are arguing about BF, need to stop living in the past.
They are employees of the State of Iowa. The fact that athletic department revenues fund their salaries doesn't change that - because the revenue would otherwise be income to the University of Iowa - a subdivision of the State of Iowa. It's still State of Iowa money whether its from football operations or from taxpayers - and that makes it taxpayer money. However, I'm not arguing that this makes them beholden to citizens of the state, just saying that they are employees of the State.
Everyone knows football is not paid by the tax payer. Soo keep rambling on if you want.
This is a dumb debate. I don't care who pays the salaries. I care about good coaching.
If Brian was not a public employee, how is it that Beth, a public employee, was able to fire him?
They are employees of the State of Iowa. The fact that athletic department revenues fund their salaries doesn't change that - because the revenue would otherwise be income to the University of Iowa - a subdivision of the State of Iowa. It's still State of Iowa money whether its from football operations or from taxpayers - and that makes it taxpayer money. However, I'm not arguing that this makes them beholden to citizens of the state, just saying that they are employees of the State.
100% agree it's a dumb debate.

But dumb debate or not, @rschneider posted it because he thinks football coaches should be (to use the term @Flamingo1 used) beholden to the public. They are not, and until they're paid with public tax revenue that's not the case.

Do I as a fan want great performance? Absolutely. But the tiny sliver of their salaries they receive from me in the form of ticket sales and Diet Coke are totally by my choice as a consumer. I don't have that choice when it comes to teachers, DOT engineers, or politicians. Super dumb debate, but also a super dumb argument being made about them being "public employees" as well. I've heard that argument a million times over the decades I've been a fan and all it does is show people's ignorance regarding how P5 football works.

This is nothing but a business and anyone who thinks it isn't has his or her head buried in the sand.

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