Who is leaving who is coming back?

I'd wager that Scherff is gone. I also think Beatherd comes back and Iowa has an open QB competition this spring. While I have been very impressed with Rudock, maybe more so with the command he has of the offense, in addition to his poise and control, Beatherd is going to grow between the ears, too. This spring and summer he should be coming into his own a bit in that regard.

That said, given Kirk's history, I'd be floored that anybody but Jake is the starter come the opener, sans injury.

You are contradicting yourself. You're seeing an "open competition" for QB this spring but you'd be "floored" if Jake isn't the starter based on Kirk's history? Doesn't add up.

I think it's pretty clear Jake WILL be the starter regardless of how the spring and fall camps go ... barring injury, of course.
I am not sure about the Jake and CJ thing. Just seems this year things are a little different. That being said, with the exception of the bootleg, Jake has been a better overall QB. Nonetheless, it does appear as if CJ has a much stronger potential upside.
UNI having the entire off season to prepare will not matter. Iowa does what Iowa does. UNI is an average FCS team. If Iowa has this thing turned around, UNI should not be a problem.

2009 says hi. Along with the 2012 UNI team that took Wiscy to the edge last year.
No my source is not from wig and pen it's from a player. I'm a student so I have classes with a few players. I've been around here long enough to know better than to come on here with hearsay.

Some of you may remember the guy that called the post game show and admitted he was wrong about something (I forget what).. Well I took my year ban and lurked and came back only wanting to contribute positively

Scherff is rated the 7th best o-tackle in the nation.....that is a late 1st rounder at best. I think he returns to be the top 1 or 2 tackle in the next draft, which is top ten. Beathard will compete with Jake for the job in spring and fall, and has a shot at beating him out.....I hope. I like this kid and do not want him to leave. We need at least 2. If Wiegers commits, maybe Shimoneck thinks about leaving.
No my source is not from wig and pen it's from a player. I'm a student so I have classes with a few players. I've been around here long enough to know better than to come on here with hearsay.

Some of you may remember the guy that called the post game show and admitted he was wrong about something (I forget what).. Well I took my year ban and lurked and came back only wanting to contribute positively


Unless the player himself told you, it is hearsay, pal. Read 801 of the Federal Rules of Evidence sometime.

(a) Statement. “Statement” means a person’s oral assertion, written assertion, or nonverbal conduct, if the person intended it as an assertion.
(b) Declarant. “Declarant” means the person who made the statement.
(c) Hearsay. “Hearsay” means a statement that:
(1) the declarant does not make while testifying at the current trial or hearing; and
(2) a party offers in evidence to prove the truth of the matter asserted in the statement.
(d) Statements That Are Not Hearsay. A statement that meets the following conditions is not hearsay:
(1) A Declarant-Witness’s Prior Statement. The declarant testifies and is subject to cross-examination about a prior statement, and the statement:
(A) is inconsistent with the declarant’s testimony and was given under penalty of perjury at a trial, hearing, or other proceeding or in a deposition;
(B) is consistent with the declarant’s testimony and is offered to rebut an express or implied charge that the declarant recently fabricated it or acted from a recent improper influence or motive in so testifying; or
(C) identifies a person as someone the declarant perceived earlier.
(2) An Opposing Party’s Statement. The statement is offered against an opposing party and:
(A) was made by the party in an individual or representative capacity;
(B) is one the party manifested that it adopted or believed to be true;
(C) was made by a person whom the party authorized to make a statement on the subject;
(D) was made by the party’s agent or employee on a matter within the scope of that relationship and while it existed; or
(E) was made by the party’s coconspirator during and in furtherance of the conspiracy.
The statement must be considered but does not by itself establish the declarant’s authority under (C); the existence or scope of the relationship under (D); or the existence of the conspiracy or participation in it under (E).
Well I was specifying that it wasn't "my uncle heard from his nephews girlfriend" type thing. This may only be one step above that bc it's from players that directly interact, but I prefaced it with the grain of salt. I'm not saying it's certain I'm saying it's the opinion of some people.

also, Ruddock isn't just smart. Some people say he's spooky smart. I like that at the helm and I think as the season has progressed he has shown uncanny progress in decision making.
Why you busting his balls Okeefe. The guy is telling us what heard. I enjoy that. I also know players can be wrong. But they all talk to each other. Its interesting info
Why you busting his balls Okeefe. The guy is telling us what heard. I enjoy that. I also know players can be wrong. But they all talk to each other. Its interesting info

If guys are talking like that during the season, they are poisoning the well and I want them removed from the team as soon as they start talking like that. You're either committed to the program or you aren't. Next man in.
Well I was specifying that it wasn't "my uncle heard from his nephews girlfriend" type thing. This may only be one step above that bc it's from players that directly interact, but I prefaced it with the grain of salt. I'm not saying it's certain I'm saying it's the opinion of some people.

also, Ruddock isn't just smart. Some people say he's spooky smart. I like that at the helm and I think as the season has progressed he has shown uncanny progress in decision making.

Hey, chill, bud. I appreciate the post. I'm just trying to clarify what hearsay is so you don't make the mistake again.
Take this with a grain of salt... But I've been told one lineman will come back for his senior season and one QB will be transferring.

think anyone else leaves after this year? What will our team look like next year?

Same source says O will put up 30+ per game next year. Source also was someone who called this season perfectly as far as record goes.

Im in fairly excited

QB- should be locked in with Ruddock.
RB- Weisman, Daniels Jr, Canzeri
WR- this group looks better every game
TE- Hamilton, and who has me most excited, duzey. I was told he was offered at a certain PAC 12 school known for speed.
line- solid returning line
DLine- all coming back
LBs- while this is the vocal concern, I've been told we will be just fine with some absolute beasts ready to step up
secondary- I really like king. Same way I liked Morris early in his career. Should be a shut down corner
safety- I'll say, I haven't been a big fan of miller but the last couple of games he's played exceptionally well making some huge hits, I know nothing of this position.
kicker- Meyers missed a lot of FGs this year, but he will be big shoes to fill and this is what I'm most excited to see replaced positionally

I've been anti Kirk for a long time, but players love the guy, and with expectations versus results this year, I think he should certainly be considered for big 10 COY, mentioned for national

Well first off, we lose Alvis on the Dline. I would comment on your comment of "you liked Morris in his early years" but that's neither here nor there.

Sokol is the only QB that would leave and even that isn't a gimmie. Maybe he likes being at Iowa? Beathard is not transferring, either is Rudock. I doubt Nic would too since next year he'll be a RSFR and one year away from him just going against CJ.

Lastly, Kirk isn't winning COY this here. While I think he did do an impeccable job coming off a 4-8 season, Mark D and Whiskey are the front runners B1G wise with nationally Auburn, Mizz & USC contending with our front runners.
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CJB is going to be the annointed starter in his senior season with four years in the program. He has done absolutely NOTHING to make anyone believe he should replace Jake as the starter.

I think the kid has oodles of potential, but let's stop pretending that Jake was some safe choice and we spurned talent. Kid is a ballplayer, was heavily recruited, and I remember a full meltdown when Miami offered him a scholarship.

Short memories over here.
OK4P, I think it's just an impression, not that beathard said he was leaving. As a matter of fact, I've put out here that this team as a whole, is 100% committed to the Iowa football most on here crave. The only thing I can give as far as specific knowledge, and exact words, is that the players love Ferentz. I know you were here last year before my banning and maybe Jon has the capability to show my posts calling for ferentz's head, but obviously that has done a 180° change, and it's because if the kids who deal with him much more intimately than us the fans love him, then I'm ok with him at the helm.

Its not not the same for the whole staff I'll say that much. :).
Since he's not on the team anymore I'll say, one thing that should say a lot about how much Ferentz is admired by these kids..

i don't know his name, I sit next to him in class every week and didn't even think he was a player until I asked if he ever travels to away games before the Purdue game (that should give you a timeline). He said he was the backup long snapper. He said he was hurt when a highly recruited long snapper was brought in since he's been waiting behind Casey to get his time. But he said KF called him and talked to him for half an hour about all kinds of stuff and said he's welcome to come back to the team (he had quit at this point) any time and compete for the job.

"ladies and gentleman, that's why his players love him.
The kid in the story above said he loved playing for ferentz, btw. I told him to get his *** back on the team or he will regret it for the rest of his life. (I'm an older college student lol, at 31 now)
If we bring back all of our eligible players, we could have a rally fun season! The speculation about CJ starting seems like pretty useless banter to me. Jake is legit, and we are rising. Linebackers will not be as great next year, but I think we improve at every other position. This thread is the first I have heard about Scherff leaving. I will take that as a good sign that there is a good chance he stays.

Thanks HOCKS. I think some people need to chill a bit and just be thankful they are Hawkeyes. :D
QB - Rudock, Beathard
RB - Weisman, Canzeri, Daniels
FB - Cox, Plewa
WR - KMM, Smith, Powell, Hillyer
TE - Hamilton, Duzey, HKC
OT - Scherff, Donnal
OG - Walsh, Ward
C - Blythe

DE - Ott, Hardy
DT - Davis, LTP
LB - Alston, Spearman, Perry, Fisher
CB - King, Lomax, Draper
S - Lowdermilk, Law, Gair

I assumed Scherff comes back and listed a few extras at some positions where the exact depth or starters for next year might be unknown. If we can figure out our identity early in the year, our offense could be pretty good/efficient. Defensively, LB is obviously a concern, but I think we'll find some suitable replacements. I honestly think Spearman is a future stud and remember many times last year when Alston was wanted over Morris at MLB. King might have been the most improved player throughout the year and while Tanner Miller has been a solid team player, I have to think there is something better waiting in our backfield. Whether Lowdermilk moves over to FS and someone like Law takes over at SS or Gair or Lile just take over his spot at FS.
Getting Lomax back should help a lot, too! Really, can you all think of any position (other than the big loss at lb) where we don't improve next year?

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