Who Hates Minnesota?

One of the more bizarre moments I've ever experienced in sports...happened at the Dome.

In the early 90s when the "crowd noise" rule was in force...the home team could be penalized for making too much noise if the visiting offense couldn't call signals and run a play. (a stupid rule...to be sure. It was soon done away with).

The crowd was mostly black and gold that night. At one point in the game, the ref actually warned Iowa...the VISITING team... about too much noise. Everyone looked around and said..."can they do that?!" Realizing what was going on (and that it might be their only hope) the Minnesota fans actually started making noise while their own offense was at the line! ...in hopes they'd get the penalty call and move their offense ahead 5 yards.

You've never seen so many people look around at each other...laughing and shaking their heads in disbelief. It was surreal.
I was there for this game as well. I had never heard the visiting team being penalized for making too much noise. Unreal.
10-27-2011 05:40 PMhawktransplant
I hate everything about Minnesota. As far as I am concerned they should give that state to Canada.

Believe me... We don't want it!! Go Hawks
Born/raised in Iowa...and I've lived in Minnesota for the past 11 years:

If you're talking about Mn people born outside the metro area (which is the 494/694 loop) - they are good people much like Iowa people. The people inside the loop...complete aholes most of the time.

This isn't a "good old fashioned" rivalry. They don't even care enough about Gopher football for it to be. If they win...they rub it in. If they lose...they just say "I don't really care" - which is typical of their passive-aggressive behavior. That is not a good rivalry. Iowa-ISU is a better rivalry. And the Iowa-Nebraska rivalry will soon trump them all.

The "who hates Iowa" cheer lacks any originality and is conceded. Just like its fans.
I actually don't hate Minnesota. I like the state, the university, the people, the lakes, the woods, kicking the crap out of the Golden Gophers in football. The only exceptions would be Minnesota 'skeeters and Tubby Smith.
The only Big 10 programs I truly dislike are Ohio State and Illinois.

Saying that, Wisconsin and Minnesota are Iowa's biggest rivals. Yes, Minnesota has not been very good for many years but I remember when they were. There is SO MUCH rich history with Minnesota and Wisconsin over the past 100 years. Yes I want to beat those two teams as often as we can.

Next would be Michigan St IMO. They have only been in the Big 10 since the 50s but the series between these two teams has been strap on your helmet, slobber knock ferocious.

Illinois would be next on the rivalry list.

For more recent 'rivalries' Penn State would fit the bill as would NW. Iowa's series with Penn St is not long enough to be a classic rivalry like Minn and Wisconsin but if both teams continue to beat one another regulary, that series will become a very nice rivalry. Iowa dominated NW for many many years and the only reason NW would be considered somewhat as a rival is because of their recent success against Iowa.

Iowa State would come next in the rivalry list. They have had some recent success against Iowa the past 10 years. In a rivalry, either team is supposed to win, but Iowa is virtually ALWAYS favored to beat the clowns. Yes ISU beats Iowa on occasion but their wins are still considered upsets. The series overall is very lopsided, which makes it difficult to call the game a rivalry. What doesn't make this game a True rivalry such as B1G teams is that rarely rarely does a loss to the clowns hurt Iowa in any manner or form. Same with Isu except the clowns never challenge for major bowls so this is a pretty insignificant game. We don't like to lose to them but it is a pretty insignificant game for Iowa but probably the major game for ISU every year simply because of ISU's history and lack of success in college football.

Iowa has no rivalry against Michigan and (or) OSU simply because of Iowa's history against both teams and our inability to beat either of those teams regularly, especially OSU. Yes we are a thorn in the side of Michigan on occasion but overall they have dominated Iowa for many many years. Michigan would not consider Iowa a rival. Iowa HAS to be one of OSU's favorite teams to play simply because they can virtually pencil in a win at the beginning of the year and rarely be wrong...perhaps once a decade. In the entire history of playing OSU, Iowa has never won back to back games. The lopsidedness of this series is unbelievable.

Iowa has no rivalry with NE at this point but the makings are there for a grand rivalry, especially if the game remains where it is on the schedule and both teams win regularly. A rivalry truly exists when one team beats the other team during conference play and especially when both are ranked fairly highly. With this series, there is a real possibility of one team keeping the other from playing in the championship game.
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One of the more bizarre moments I've ever experienced in sports...happened at the Dome.

In the early 90s when the "crowd noise" rule was in force...the home team could be penalized for making too much noise if the visiting offense couldn't call signals and run a play. (a stupid rule...to be sure. It was soon done away with).

The crowd was mostly black and gold that night. At one point in the game, the ref actually warned Iowa...the VISITING team... about too much noise. Everyone looked around and said..."can they do that?!" Realizing what was going on (and that it might be their only hope) the Minnesota fans actually started making noise while their own offense was at the line! ...in hopes they'd get the penalty call and move their offense ahead 5 yards.

You've never seen so many people look around at each other...laughing and shaking their heads in disbelief. It was surreal.

A friend and I witnessed that as well. One of the strangest things I've ever seen. Stupid Rule anyway.....It was literally 80% Hawkeye fans as we were still fighting for the Rose Bowl. It was so LOUD on 3rd down situations that their quarterback would try to audible and the other players couldn't hear a darn thing. He finally just looked at the coaches on the sidelines with his shoulders raised, kind of a 'WTF' do I do look. Shortly after that the officials warned that Iowa could be penalized for the excessive crowd noise. I was furious! We ended up losing and I think that bogus warning might have cost us the game. May have been the loudest crowd noise I've been a part of. Right up there with the opening kickoff in the 02' Orange Bowl.
I don't "hate" Minnesota - but I hate losing to them. Shouldn't have happened last year - argh.. That was embarassing.
Hate may be a bit strong but they sure as hell hate us. I don't care how bad they are they could still beat us(see ISU).
Not I. There is not a single thing that I "hate" about the State of Minnesota, the University of Minnesota, or the people of Minnesota.

I actually like Minnesota. Aside from their unusual hatred of all things Iowa, they are, generally speaking, very nice and caring people.

You should drive I-94 during rushhour. Definitely a hate. Other than that, it's not a bad place.
I'm over it. Doesn't mean I appreciate last year's loss though.

Here's to getting Floyd back where he belongs..

I'm with you. That was horrible (and cold). That team had way too much talent to lose to Minny last year.

It will feel good to beat them by a large margin.
I don't hate ISU.


Who could hate Minnesota? It's like hating apple pie.

They're nice people, have a beautiful state and they have sucky teams.
They're nice people, have a beautiful state and they have sucky teams.
Sucky teams is an understatement. Seriously, the Twins were putrid, the Vikings aren't much better, the Wild are 3-3-3 (whatever that means) and second to last in their division, and the Gophers are beyond horrible. The only consolation these poor people have is that the NBA season might get cancelled so they don't have to watch the Timberwolves.

I must also note that all of the above things make me extremely happy.

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