What we can't talk about...

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Dr. Freud says hi, 'shorty'.

If you feel the need to be funny, then more power to ya. Hiding behind a veil of anonymity has never been my thing. I am all about honesty and transparency. Everyone knows this about me- which is why their word has that much more clout. But just like any person that places trust in others, you must always have a C.Y.A. Plan. This thread was supposed to be just that without having to reveal much about anything.
Personally, I am more than willing to wait for the facts to come out, if and when they come out. Until then, I agree with Jon...100% or nothing.
U guys are missing my point. There are people throwing wild *** guesses and hypothetical crap of a serious magnitude around with nothing to substantiate it, not even remotely.

In the event that things are somewhat isolated, that sort of stuff is potentially damaging on a lot of fronts.

If it turns out things are no somewhat isolated, we'll have months and months and months to talk about the on the record aspects.

Talking about generalities is fine, but the latest posts from what joesmack6 is posting on twitter, those are not.

Jon, "***" is not one of the permitted words. Please ban yourself for a period of one week. I sincerely hope we won't need to have this discussion again.
hawkfanintexas is the VIP, big cheese, big enchilada, big kahuna, big name, celebrity, dignitary, famous person, heavyweight, high muckamuck, luminary, mogul, notable, personality, public figure, star, superstar, top banana, worthy. So for anyone to question his prowess in any category relating to Iowa football and/or life for that matter had better reevaluate who he is.

I mean if the first 4 pages of the 'Coker' thread didn't clue y'all into his ultimate power and standing in the universe. . .well then. . .I guess go ahead and question his supremacy.

Don't say he didn't warn you when the ATF or some other governmental agency with a 3 letter acronym comes knocking down your door
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My connections are former players, & people that lived with those players. I will not share who they are for the same reasons why "Joe Schad" & "Tim Kirchin" do not reveal their sources - because they then will no longer be sources! We can both act within our own ares of influence.

Isn't this where you should have reiterated that your father was (is?) a state senator?
As a former reporter, the only source I would trust as to whether or not further players will be banned from the team has the job title of "Coach" and a last name that rhymes with parents.

Any other source will likely not have the whole story, meaning they're basing their opinion on information that may not be complete.

That's just my opinion of course.
I was wondering how long it would take before a Coker Thread reference was made :D

Yeah. . . just makes me laugh every time this texas cat posts. I mean he is so full of himself he makes David Hasselhoff look like a misanthrope with self-esteem problems.
Nevermind, too much sensitivity. Earlier in the thread Edhightower gave me what I was looking for. I just wanted to get some reassurance. (this is me "double-checking" what I had believed to be true from my sources)

No, it's just that you're "anonymous message board guy." Nobody knows who you are, or whether or not you're credible or not.
If you feel the need to be funny, then more power to ya. Hiding behind a veil of anonymity has never been my thing. I am all about honesty and transparency. Everyone knows this about me- which is why their word has that much more clout. But just like any person that places trust in others, you must always have a C.Y.A. Plan. This thread was supposed to be just that without having to reveal much about anything.

Which is why you're posting on an internet message board, right? What other reason could there be for forums like this to exist? The only person here who posts with any regularity and uses their real name in Jon Miller.
I know what you are alluding to. We already know Iowa will be without at least 1 player for the bowl, probably more. At this point, not a lot would surprise me. I would hope we would have enough players at each position.

I guess what I meant was I would doubt that we would be so decimated that we would be without viable options at each position, hence "not a full 6-pack". There may be a few more defections, but that happens every year, right, this just may bring a few that weren't expected.
I wondered when somebody would ask this question. I have been going to Iowa games since the 60's. Sat through some miserable games.

Fast forward to now. I love football Saturdays. Try to come from Minnesota to take in as many Hawkeye games as I can. I think I am in a minority here but I don't care if Iowa ever wins a national championship. I just want them to be competitive every Saturday with a chance to win. Right now we have that. That is good enough for me.

Our family of 4 will be at the Insight Bowl. Don't care if we play all freshmen. We are Hawkeye fans and will be cheering our loudest for the team. When the game is over the family vacation in Tempe will continue win or lose. And we'll still have a good time!

My advice to you hawkfaninTX, with your "connections", is don't go. You probably won't enjoy the game and the rest of us Iowa fans at the game won't miss you.
That's good, and in a perfect world every screen name would be someone's real name.

Still, you have no idea if what your friends have told you is close to being accurate, 70% accurate, 80% accurate, or what.

Anything less than 100% accuracy just isnt going to fly, here, with the subject matter being speculated upon.

So Jon are you a journalist, or not a journalist. When you have been pushed about journalistic integrity with respect to your homerism for the program, you claim not to be a journalist. However, now it seems as if you are hiding behind the rules of journalistic ethics as a way to censor information on your site.

Sorry, but you can't have it both ways.

Just come out and say it. You don't like certain stuff posted on your site and you will take it down if you don't like it. Don't hide behind a convenient vail of journalistic integrity, or a completely false fear of libel.

This is your site. Some people will really appreciate that you control the content the way you do, some people will not. That is fine. But you have to own it.
So Jon are you a journalist, or not a journalist. When you have been pushed about journalistic integrity with respect to your homerism for the program, you claim not to be a journalist. However, now it seems as if you are hiding behind the rules of journalistic ethics as a way to censor information on your site.

Sorry, but you can't have it both ways.

Just come out and say it. You don't like certain stuff posted on your site and you will take it down if you don't like it. Don't hide behind a convenient vail of journalistic integrity, or a completely false fear of libel.

This is your site. Some people will really appreciate that you control the content t about legal situations without it being public record.he way you do, some people will not. That is fine. But you have to own it.

I think this is a cheap shot. I havent always agreed with Jon--but I cant blame him for not allowing people to post stuff in regards to legal matters that arent public record.

If you are a Hawk fan you should give the players the benefit of the doubt.

this whole deal has made me rethink a lot of stuff about our fan base. Kiss the players ***** when they are doing well, pour gas on them when they fall.
I will side with Jon on this topic. I don't know for sure what is fact and what is not. But, if there is one false accusation about any person, then the whole topic is wrong and those accusations can't be taken back. If they are true, then eventually the facts will come out and we can have a big ol' debate then. To that end, I would say let's sit back and watch the story unfold and then judge the people involved with facts and not inuendos.
So the OP has these great inside sources that have given him secret information yet he starts a thread to confirm this info from people posting on a message board, most of whom are anonymous and many who have proven themselves to be rumormongers, to determine if he should buy a ticket to the bowl game? My advice to the OP is don't buy a ticket, you are a fairweather fan.
I am not saying Jon is right or wrong about people posting unsubstantiated rumors about legal matters. I am only saying he should be up front and just say he doesn't like it. Not that he is doing because of journalistic integrity.
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Confirmed...I just saw an unnamed player...riding an unnamed vehicle (which may or may not be a moped)...and I'm 60% certain that there is a 33.5% chance the unnamed player will be off the team by the bowl game...(and certainly before 2011 midseason)....
So Jon are you a journalist, or not a journalist. When you have been pushed about journalistic integrity with respect to your homerism for the program, you claim not to be a journalist. However, now it seems as if you are hiding behind the rules of journalistic ethics as a way to censor information on your site.

Sorry, but you can't have it both ways.

Just come out and say it. You don't like certain stuff posted on your site and you will take it down if you don't like it. Don't hide behind a convenient vail of journalistic integrity, or a completely false fear of libel.

This is your site. Some people will really appreciate that you control the content the way you do, some people will not. That is fine. But you have to own it.

I suppose one way to look at it would be that he frames the facts he's given in a certain way (homerism), but draws a line at possible libel (censorship).

It seems like it's fine at this point to wonder if we're going to be missing more players, and if so, how many. We just can't get specific as far as who, because if we were to be wrong, and said that so and so was at the bars enjoying some nose candy....well, that wouldn't be an accusation that I'd want to be wrong about, and I can't blame Jon for wanting that kind of thing off of his site.
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