What we can't talk about...

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So Jon are you a journalist, or not a journalist. When you have been pushed about journalistic integrity with respect to your homerism for the program, you claim not to be a journalist. However, now it seems as if you are hiding behind the rules of journalistic ethics as a way to censor information on your site.

Sorry, but you can't have it both ways.

Just come out and say it. You don't like certain stuff posted on your site and you will take it down if you don't like it. Don't hide behind a convenient vail of journalistic integrity, or a completely false fear of libel.

This is your site. Some people will really appreciate that you control the content the way you do, some people will not. That is fine. But you have to own it.

Journalism? Really? Maybe some of us simply think it is absolutely disgusting to see some of the rumors posted about college kids, most without any merit whatsoever.

6 months ago this board was full of people praising Iowa players like they walk on water. Now we have the same players having phony rumors hitting the boards like these guys are the scum of the earth and involved with some pretty serious accusations.

It would be classless and irresponsible to allow these type of posts to remain.
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Again, I don't begrudge Jon for choosing to allow or not allow certain topics on his site. It is his site. He can do what he wants with it. He can even choose not to allow a discussion of a topic that has complete corroboration by countless individuals about a player who is no longer a member of the team and has been released from his scholarship just because he finds the topic innapropriate.

That is his choice. But it is HIS choice.
Everyone has taken their own spin of my OP. But with limited funds I chose whether to go to the bowl or not for my own reasons. As I have already stated and fully believe that the Hawkeyes under Ferentz are bound for greatness, which is why if I do not attend the bowl I will be at a party watching the game with other fanatic hawk fans. For all those that are saying I implied certain players... Please flip thru the posts and see if I have said any actual names (or for that matter anybody else)?
Nevermind, too much sensitivity. Earlier in the thread Edhightower gave me what I was looking for. I just wanted to get some reassurance. (this is me "double-checking" what I had believed to be true from my sources)

Your sources must not be very strong if your looking on a message board to validate them.
I was not seeing any threads for this Topic, so I guess you could say i was testing the waters.... Aparently it was too hot.
Your sources must not be very strong if your looking on a message board to validate them.

Do not arouse the wrath of 'the great & powerful Tex'.
Do you presume to criticize 'the great Tex'? Think yourself lucky that he is giving yourself audience. 'The great Tex' has spoken. . .

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. . .
This is your site.

FINALLY, you and I find some common ground.

No, I dont consider myself a journalist. But I also don't like rumor mongering of this order, stuff that can really, really scar someone if its wrong. This isn't someone saying 'Joe got hurt in practice today and can't play Saturday.'

Some of the stuff I have seen, were I that player's parent and my child was not involved in anything, I'd be beyond furious.

So I'll keep doing what I have been doing for more than the past decade as it relates to message board moderation.
Maybe a press conference tomorrow morning would clear this issue up??

Here's the thing though: for up to 80%, maybe even up to 90% of the fanbase, there IS no issue to clear up. To that 80%/90% - the vast majority of Hawkfandom - DJK got busted for drugs. The 10-20% - the lunatic fringe, those of us belonging to HN.com, etc, etc - are the ones all worked up. The majority of the fanbase is (mercifully) ignorant of all these crazy internet rumors. There won't be a presser. You'll probably get a 15 second soundbite on DJK in KF's next presser, but I'm guessing that's it.
I am not saying Jon is right or wrong about people posting unsubstantiated rumors about legal matters. I am only saying he should be up front and just say he doesn't like it.

I quote the great prophet Andy Dufresne: How can you be so obtuse?

Clearly, I don't like stuff like this. I don't go along with it, and don't allow it. And I also don't think its right based on things I was taught in my Mass Comm learnin, stuff I happen to agree with.
FINALLY, you and I find some common ground.

No, I dont consider myself a journalist. But I also don't like rumor mongering of this order, stuff that can really, really scar someone if its wrong. This isn't someone saying 'Joe got hurt in practice today and can't play Saturday.'

Some of the stuff I have seen, were I that player's parent and my child was not involved in anything, I'd be beyond furious.

So I'll keep doing what I have been doing for more than the past decade as it relates to message board moderation.

so you dont consider yourself an accredited medium?
so you dont consider yourself an accredited medium?

I don't consider MYSELF to be a journalist in the traditional sense of the word. Sometimes I write opinions, sometimes I write straight game stories (rarely) sometimes hybrid. Those lines are not traditionally blurred, until only recently.

I really dont care so much. If someone thinks I am a journalist, whatever. If they don't, no big deal.

It's not something I spend any time thinking about, except when folks bring up specious arguments like CAAR has here
The truth will come out this week. It's going to be a bumpy week for Iowa Football.

I know I'm not paying $800 in airfare/hotels to watch the 2nd string play.
That's not a bandwagon fan....that's called saving money!
The truth will come out this week. It's going to be a bumpy week for Iowa Football.

I know I'm not paying $800 in airfare/hotels to watch the 2nd string play.
That's not a bandwagon fan....that's called saving money!

Jon, is this the kind of stuff you're talking about?

Assuming this thread isn't closed/deleted, this post should be saved for posterity in the event nothing happens.
FINALLY, you and I find some common ground.

No, I dont consider myself a journalist. But I also don't like rumor mongering of this order, stuff that can really, really scar someone if its wrong. This isn't someone saying 'Joe got hurt in practice today and can't play Saturday.'

Some of the stuff I have seen, were I that player's parent and my child was not involved in anything, I'd be beyond furious.

So I'll keep doing what I have been doing for more than the past decade as it relates to message board moderation.

Who's been implicated? I was solely wondering whether something I had heard whilst in Iowa City had any legs (that somebody would have nothing to gain from embellishment or lying to me)
Jon, is this the kind of stuff you're talking about?

Assuming this thread isn't closed/deleted, this post should be saved for posterity in the event nothing happens.
What the hell? Ferentz and Iowa officials know the rumors. They're not going to sit on it. I guarantee during ferentz weekly press conference, he will make it known and clear up all the rumors.
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